chapter 34

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sokka's POV

"so this is the place, huh?" i ask mai as we're standing in front of a black door covered in half ripped posters and some weird scribbling.

"yeah" she replies. "i'll wait for you here, but if things go south, just yell or something"

she seems unbothered, but i guess that's how she appears to be most of the time. despite that, she didn't hesitate even a second before accepting to help me make that asshole, luke, get what he deserves, so i'm grateful for that.

i nod in agreement, then press on the doorknob and get in. at first, my eyes have to adjust to the obscure light in the chamber, contradictory to the bright light coming from the sun. the place isn't especially big, and all i can see are five people about my age, and a few pool tables spread around the room, as well as some arcade games.

two boys are circling one table, clearly being involved in a game of eight ball, calculating their moves, while another three are sitting at a bar, chatting. the air in here reeks of alcohool and cigarettes and it turns my stomach upside down.

"ha! take that, asshole!" one of the guys playing pool shouts, throwing his hands up.

i can only assume he just scored, because his opponent is clearly upset. i don't have time for formalities, so i get straight to the point.

"which one of you is luke?" i ask and everyone stops what they are doing, just to look my way.

it seems like they didn't even notice me coming in, so they look pissed that i interrupted them.

"who's asking?" a guy with blonde hair brings his arms to his chest, lifting one eyebrow.

the rest of the guys glare at me interested and i can only assume they aren't used to getting uninvited guests to their little gatherings.

"just answer the damn question" i spit out, already sick of this place.

i'm starting to get really impatient, and my fists are more than eager to smash the face of the cunt that made zuko have a mental breakdown earlier today.

"he's a tough one, boys" the same guy says with a smirk and they all start laughing. "i'm luke, what the hell do you want?"

suddenly, his face is the only one i can see, and everyone else just vanishes. he's the one that hurt zuko. he made my baby boy suffer and he's gonna pay for it. before i know it, my feet gain a life of their own and i find myself rushing over to him.

he doesn't get to process what's going on, because i grab the collar of his shirt and smash his back against the pool table. his friends immediately want to intervene, but he gestures something with one of his hands, making them stop.

"it's ok, i can handle this" he says with a smirk plastered all over his face. "you can go outside"

the other dudes take a while to walk away, but they eventually exit the building. as i watch them leave, luke gets the chance to push me off him and straightens up, dusting off his shirt.

"it took me a second, but i think i recognise you" he remarks, still smiling like an idiot. "you're the boyfriend of that cute, pale guy with the scar, right?"

as soon as he mentions zuko, i feel disgust filling up my body and all i can see is zuko laying on the floor, crying and struggling to breathe.

"you piece of shit" i swing a punch at him, but he ducks and his fist meets my stomach instead.

a sharp pain takes over the area he hit, but i ignore it, thinking of zuko's suffering in order to fuel my anger and set aside anything else.

"what are you so mad about? i just had a little fun with him, that's all" he mocks me.

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