chapter 25

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*(this picture makes me cry so damn hard, so suffer with me)*

zuko's POV

as i open the heavy doors of the highschool for the first time in 2 weeks, i can already feel anxiety running through my veins. my entire body stiffens under the stares of all the students wandering around in the hallways.

i think sokka notices how tense i am, because he slides his hand into mine and interwines our fingers together, squeezing lightly. i instantly ease up, knowing that i can face basically anything head on, as long as he's by my side.

spirits, i feel like i'm an outcast, and by associating himself with me, sokka is too, because everybody steps out of our way like i'm going to set them on fire if they come near me, which is fucking stupid.

"it's ok, baby, just ignore everybody, alright?" sokka says to me and i nod, because the lump in my throat doesn't allow me to form any words.

we stop by my locker so i can get some books that i need, and when i close it, i see suki staring at us from a considerable distance. i'm sure sokka spotted her too, because he stopped talking in the middle of the sentence.

"sokka, don't-" i press my hand against his chest, but it's too late, because he's already walking towards her.

i have no other option than to follow him. when suki sees us getting close to her, she turns around in attempt to walk away, but sokka grabs her by the arm before she can get lost in the crowd.

"uhm- hey... sokka" she mumbles, scratching her forearm. "how's your leg?"

sokka ignores her question completely and gets straight to the point.

"did you ask the basketball team to beat zuko up? and do not lie, because i'm this close" - he draws his index near his thumb, leaving an extremely small space between them - "to snapping right now"

the girl presses her back against the nearest locker and covers her face with her palms, then she... starts sobbing?

"i'm so sorry-" she sniffles. "i had no idea they were gonna go so far with it... i thought they only wanted to scare him off a bit, i swear!"

her eyes are filled with tears and her voice is cracking. she seems pretty honest to me, and sokka must see it too, because he sighs deeply and lightens up a bit.

"ok, ok stop crying please, i believe you" he pats her shoulder awkwardly.

she wipes her nose and eyes with the back of her palm, then she turns to face me, fixing me with her huge eyes.

"please forgive me, zuko! both of you actually..." she looks at sokka as well. "i was such an asshole this whole time, but- but i was hurting... and i know that's not an excuse for my behaviour. however, i hope you can both forgive me one day"

my heart stings, as if i am transferring her pain to myself and i realise i never really stopped to consider how she was feeling. it must have sucked really bad to drift apart from her boyfriend so suddenly and see him go on with his life with... a boy that came randomly in their life.

"of course, suki, you're already forgiven. and i'm also sorry that i wasn't considerate of your feelings at all" i say to her.

she seems surprised by how quickly i accepted her apology, and so does sokka, but he soon nods in agreement with me.

"for real?" she smiles, unable to believe my words. "wow, i'm so relieved! so... friends?"

she shrugs and extends both of her fists, encouraging me and sokka to bump ours into hers, which we do, and then we all chuckle together.

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