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"This is a mistake," Taehyung says once he enters the dorm. He sees Sana in the kitchen, gulping down water. "Slow down," He frowns at the sight.

Sana puts the water bottle down sighing in relief, "What were you saying?" She asks the Alpha.

Taehyung sits on the couch in the living room, spreading his legs out of habit. "You can't stay in this dorm." He says getting straight to the point.

Sana tries not to roll her eyes at the Alpha's words, keyword tried. He really thinks I would listen to him. "Why not?"

"Because I don't want to have a roommate." Taehyung shrugs.

"Cut the crap," Sana grumbles, "Tell me the real reason."

"I'm the strongest Alpha out there, I don't think anyone would want to be around when I go into rut." Taehyung explains.

Sana raises her eyebrows, "What is this? You car about someone who is not you?"

Taehyung rolls his eyes, "Don't start now, Sana."

Sana just gazes at him with big eyes, feigning innocence, "I'm just telling the truth."

When Taehyung doesn't respond, she continues. "Alphas ruts last for 3 days and comes every 3 months. I can just stay over at Momo's or Nayeon's when your rut comes." She tries to convince him to let her stay.

Why? This dorm is the best Sana has seen yet. It has two rooms which means that Sana will get her own instead of having to sleep on one bed with another student. It has a large kitchen, two sofas in the living room along with a LED right in front of one. There must be a balcony too.

It's not surprising Taehyung gets the biggest dorm and on top of that, all to himself. He is the Headmistress' son after all.

"Can't you just find another dorm?" Taehyung speaks bringing Sana out of her thoughts. He is getting annoyed by the second and Sana knows better than to make him mad but as much as they fight but Taehyung has never truly gotten angry at her, always just glaring at her and walking away.

The omega will never admit it out aloud but she is thankful for that, she would never want to be at the receiving end of the Alpha's wrath. Taehyung is very scary when he gets mad.

So, instead of shutting up and ignoring the Alpha because she knows he's just upset for not being able to do anything about her being his dorm mate, she replies back, "If I had the choice, I would never be a dorm mate with an asshole like you!" She lies.

Even if she had the choice she won't exchange this dorm for anything else. This dorm is the best Sana has seen yet. Everything just matches perfectly with her taste.

Taehyung whips his head up so fast, Sana thinks, he must have broken a bone or two. "What did you just call me?" He asks, voice dangerously low making the omega inside Sana afraid but Sana doesn't give up, "I called you an asshole, so what?" She says bravely despite the fact she's suddenly scared to death. Taehyung is unpredictable. Although he never gets really mad at her, who knows if Sana pushed his buttons right now?

He stands up from the couch and starts to walk towards the omega, an intense look in his eyes which makes Sana feel hot all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry, okay!" She apologizes, making the Alpha halt in his steps. She immediately regrets apologizing when she sees the Alpha's smug face as he raises a brow. Oh if only she could punch that smirk away, if only.


"I am here!" Sana says as she enters Nayeon and Momo's dorm seeing them sitting on the bed with different nail paints scattered on the bed and their nails colored with the most random shades.

Nayeon and Momo look up at her from where they are sitting on the bed, completely dressed up. "So, how is it? Sharing a dorm with the hottest Alpha in SNU?" Nayeon asks, a mischievous glint in her eyes making Sana glare at her.

"Absolutely shit," Sana curses. Her mother has always told her to be soft spoken because to be a perfect omega material for Alphas, she needs to be graceful with both her actions and words. Sana can confidently say that she had plenty of grace before she entered SNU. She was the dream girl of every male. But all of that changed when she entered the gates of SNU and met Kim Taehyung. That man has his ways of brining out the worst side of Sana. Because of him, Sana who had never cursed, swears regularly now.

Nayeon and Momo laugh, "Didn't expect anything better," Momo says.

"Honestly though, why are you not changing your dorm?" Nayeon asks and gestures with her hands, "Because according to you, you two can't stand each other."

"All other dorms are full and occupied already. I have no other choice but to share a dorm with him," Sana sighs, "But on the bright side, his dorm is so big and I get my own separate room!" Sana beams.

"What? Really?"

"Yup," Sana nods, "There is a huge kitchen with an LED in the living room,"

"All this because he is the Madam's son," Momo shakes her head.

"Anyways, why are you guys dressed up?" Sana asks, looking between the two.

"Oh we were planning to go clubbing," Nayeon answers casually. "You wanna come?"

"I'm thinking, one side of me just wants to go to sleep but the other wants to go. It has been so long since I went clubbing,"

"Well then, it's decided! You're coming with us," Nayeon says as she grabs Sana's arm and drags her over to the dressing table. "Let's doll you up, yeah?"


Sana feels like her head is gonna split open in two. It's dark, the music is loud and the smell of alcohol and sweat make her want to throw up.

She looks around to see Nayeon and Momo no longer around her but on the dance floor, dancing and having the time of their lives.

At times like this, Sana wishes she was not an omega. Maybe then she wouldn't be so shy and insecure. It's not that anyone has ever made her feel about her rank but being an omega just naturally makes you so submissive and weak. She wishes she could be an Alpha like Nayeon or even a Beta like Momo would work.

Head throbbing uncontrollably, Sana decides to rest at the bar until those two are done. She has only taken a step when her head collides with a hard chest, "Ah," Sana groans and rubs her forehead with her hand. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Sana hears a man say and the first thing that comes to her mind is why is the man apologizing? It's not his fault that the place is so packed that she bumped into him.

But the biggest thing that shocks her is his scent, he's an Alpha. A goddamn Alpha and he apologizes to her even though it's not his fault. Unlike someone else Sana knows.

"It's not your fault..." She says as she looks up at the Alpha and smiles a little.

"Jungkook," The Alpha says, a small smile on his face and Sana thinks she has just developed a crush on this man.  

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