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"Are you excited?"

Nayeon shifts on her feet, her excitement poorly concealed.

"What's there to be excited about?" Sana asks, "We go there every year."

"Still! It's the first time you two are not fighting," Nayeon says, referring to her and Taehyung.

"And why does that matter?" Sana couldn't help but ask.

"I mean, are you forgetting you two ruin the picnic every year?" Nayeon huffs, "It's really a miracle you two are getting along now."

Sana glances at Taehyung who is standing with his friends, a little far from where she is standing. She sees Seokjin say something that makes the Alpha laugh, his mouth forming a rectangular shape.

"What are you smiling for?" Someone nudges her, bringing her out of her trance.

Sana darts her eyes to the left seeing Momo standing there, a smirk on her face as she wiggles her eyebrows. "Nothing." She replies and turns away.

"Didn't know Taehyung changed his name," Momo snickers making Sana glare at her.

"Alright students, Her professor said clapping his hands, "We will be sitting in Alphabetical order so A-L gather in one bus," He explained. "And M-Z in the other."

A few groans were heard probably from the couples who didn't want to be separated from their mates. Sana finds this behavior of them cringey and it doesn't help that she can't relate to them at all.

Would I also be like them when I like someone? She thinks.

Maybe Taehyung?

Sana gasps, "What are you thinking, Minatozaki Sana?"

"No falling in love. You saw how that turned out like." She says to herself, knowing fully well it is too late.

She steps in the bus with Momo and Nayeon following behind. They settled in the backseat, with Sana taking the window seat.

She took out her earphones and plugged them in her ears and closed her eyes as she leaned against the window, trying to catch some sleep. She had woken up early due to Taehyung. The Alpha just like Nayeon was overly excited as well. So much he had skipped breakfast.

Not even a minute later, Sana feels someone sit beside her. She shrugs it off thinking it was some student. But the person pulls her left earphone, making her annoyed.

"Hey!" Sana starts, probably to give the stranger a piece of her mind but as soon as her eyes fall on the person, she stops and the frown disappears off her face.

"What are you doing here?" She asks

"The other bus is full." Taehyung answers as he wears the left one and blankly stares ahead.

Sana rolls her eyes before she is looking away and gazes out the window.

"Your music taste sucks," Taehyung comments after a while. When the omega doesn't retaliate, he glances to his left and sees her leaning against the window, asleep.

A smile tugs on his lips as he puts her head on his shoulder and turns off the music.


"Man, I am tired!" Sana groans as she stretches her arms. Her whole body had been aching because of sitting in the same place for so long. Only now, they have reached the beach house where they will be staying.

She was about to grab her luggage when a large and veiny hand came into her view, smoothly whisking away her suitcase. Sana's gaze follows the hand and she finds Taehyung carrying both his and her suitcase.

"Thanks," She mutters when they reached their room.

At first, Sana had been a bit weirded out by the fact that dorm mates were roomed together considering there was a possibility that there wouldn't be two beds. But now, she is more than relieved to see that there are two beds.

Taehyung shrugs. "Are you gonna swim?" He asks. Sana rolls on the bed to face him. "Are you?"

"Taehyung gives her a blank look, "Of course, I am." He says, "You come to a beach and don't take a dip in the water?" He snorts, indirectly shading Sana.

Sana chucks a pillow at him before she is stomping away to the bathroom. "Cute," Taehyung mumbles as he stares at her retreating figure.

After a few minutes, she comes out in her swimsuit. Taehyung's eyes involuntarily linger on her exposed waist. He looks away just in time when Sana twirls around, "What are you waiting for? Go change." She says and takes out her phone to check Instagram while she waits for Taehyung.

"Wow, you were fast," Sana comments when Taehyung stepped out. Her gaze lands on Taehyung's toned chest. Sana can feel her cheeks heating up.

Why the hell is he not wearing a shirt?! She groans internally.

"Like what you see?"

Sana snaps her eyes upwards to Taehyung who is smirking at her. She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms on her chest, "You wish."

"Then, why is your face so red?" Taehyung says as he takes a step towards her making her step back.

"It's not." Sana says as she continues to step back.

"It is to me." Taehyung says, his tone playful as he takes another step forward.

Sana steps back, her feet colliding with her shoes that she had carelessly taken off. "Oh!" She squeaks when she feels herself losing balance.

Just then, an arm circles around her waist and she is pulled upwards. Sana's hands fly up to Taehyung's shoulders to balance herself.

She slowly looks up, seeing Taehyung already staring at her. Her cheeks heat up for no reason and Sana is suddenly reminded of the position in which they are.

She tries to take a step back but Taehyung pulls her closer again. A shiver runs down her spine at the feeling of Taehyung's arm curled around her waist possessively.

His breath hovers over her lips as Sana's hands move from his shoulders to his biceps, "May I?" He whispers.

Sana's eyes widen as she looks up at him again. She doesn't know what took over her but one look into the Alpha's eyes had Sana wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulls him closer and presses her lips onto his.

Taehyung's eyes widen slightly. He wasn't expecting her to initiate it. The kiss starts out sweet and light but soon gets messy, both of them fighting for dominance. Sana runs her fingers through Taehyung's hair. Something that she wanted to do for a long time.

Taehyung tilts his head as he roams his hand over the omega's body. His hand travel upto her right breast and squeezes it making Sana moan.

"OH MY GOSH!" Someone shrieks making the two jump away from each other.

"Nayeon, what the hell?" Taehyung says exasperatedly and glares at the Alpha standing by the door.

"What the hell is going on here?" She retaliates, "Can't believe I came to ask you to hangout and you're having the time of your life with this guy!" She points at Taehyung.

"Excuse me?"

"You, come with me." Nayeon turns to Sana, "You've got alot of explaining to do." She drags her out of the room leaving a scowling Taehyung behind.

A Lot Like Love | taesanaWhere stories live. Discover now