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Saturday rolls around a lot sooner than Sana had expected and in no time, she finds herself standing in front of the mirror in her room, cladded in a white dress. It's simple yet elegant.

She decides to go with light make up and curls her hair lightly so they form waves.

At first, she had panicked that she was overdressed but then she remembered that Taehyung belongs to a rich family and rich families in South Korea loved to flex. So deciding that her white dress was alright for the occasion, she came out of her room to see Taehyung sitting on the couch, one leg over the other as he scrolls on his phone.

He is wearing an all black suit and before she can stop them the words are out of her mouth, "You look handsome." She says.

Taehyung glances up at her, a smile coming over his face instantly, "Thank you." He says and then gives her a look over, "You look beautiful."

Sana smiles as he offers her his hand and leads her out of the hotel room. They had came there for lunch but Sana insisted they stay until it's time for dinner and get ready here because she didn't want any more gossips surrounding them if they had left for his house from college. She can already imagine Momo bombarding her with questions and Nayeon acting like Sana had committed a sin if she didn't tell them.

It's when they settle in the car that the anxiety kicks in. Sana rarely feels nervous but when she does, she's a mess. "How much longer until we reach?" She questions and takes a deep breath right after to balance her breathing.

Taehyung passes her a concerned look, "We just got in the car, babe" He says making Sana sigh in relief. And yes, you saw(read) it right. He called her babe.

"Why are you nervous?" Taehyung questions, "It's just a dinner."

Sana rolls her eyes, "Yeah, a dinner." She mimicks him, "With your parents!"

It's Taehyung who roll his eyes this time, "What's the big deal?"

Sana tsks, "You wouldn't understand." She says, "You were so confident and comfortable talking to my Mom."

"If you're worried about them not liking you, then don't fret." He tells her when a green light comes. "You're my choice." He says as he grabs her hand.

"Thank you." Sana says as she intertwines their fingers, "I really needed to hear that."

It's only when the signal turns red that Taehyung does look away but the smile on his lips never falters.


"Okay, we're here." Taehyung mumbles as he parks the car. He walks over to the other side, opening the door for Sana. He takes her hand and leads them to the gates of his house.

Sana lets out a nervous sigh as she stands before the house. Taehyung squeezes her hand, reassuringly as they enter.

She is immediately awestruck by the interior of the house. There is a chandelier hanging on the ceiling and the whole house, or should I say, mansion screams wealth! Sana, herself, belongs to a rich family but her mother doesn't prefer to live lavishly.

Taehyung leads her to the garden, where his parents are sitting. "Mom, Dad, this is Sana." Taehyung says as he places a hand on her back.

Mrs. Kim is quick to her feet, "Welcome! Taehyung has told us so much about you," She exclaims and hugs Sana.

Sana hugs back, feeling relief washing over her. She seems nice, she thinks to herself.

Her gaze shits to Mr. Kim and she bows to him in respect. He gives her a curt nod, a small smile on his lips.

"So, you also attend SNU?" Mr. Kim asks Sana once they have settled in the living room.

Sana nods, "Yes, I am a fashion major."

"Really? How come I never saw you?" Mrs. Kim asks.

Sana shrugs, "Well, I am not that known in college except for my fights with him." She points towards Taehyung who sends her a playful glare.

"Oh, so you're the omega who Taehyung always fought with?" Mrs. Kim laughs.

"I am sure that your son bullied her first." Mr. Kim defends Sana.

Taehyung sends his Dad a disbelieving look. "Wow, look at you already taking her side." He remarks.

"Based on your accent, are you Japanese?" Mr. Kim asks, ignoring Taehyung.

"Yes, I actually came here to study."

Mrs. Kim nods, "Any particular reason?"

Sana shifts in her seat, "No, I just wanted to." She feels her body relax when she feels Taehyung holding her hand.

"Mom can we have dinner already? I am starving." Taehyung asks, changing the topic. He glances at Sana and slightly raises his eyebrows, silently asking if she was fine.

Sana smiles as she mind-links him, I am fine.

Mrs. Kim nods as she looks at the both of them, "Of course." She says and stands up and leads them to the dining table.

The dinner goes smoothly and soon, Sana finds herself back in the car. "Your parents are nice." She comments. The dinner had gone unexpectedly well except for that one thing but Sana appreciates Taehyung intervening. She doesn't know if she would be able to answer properly if he hadn't been there. "Not what I expected."

Taehyung chuckles, "Did you take them for the stereotypical rich parents?" He asks.

Sana laughs, "To be honest, I did. I mean, look at you." She says, "You're that typical rich brat."

Taehyung shrugs, "Well you're not any better. You're quite bratty yourself."

Sana gapes at him, "Excuse me? I am not!" She defends herself.

"You are." Taehyung says.

Sana scoffs as she crossed her arms over her chest and looks out the window, "I am not."

"Whatever you say." Taehyung shrugs. "Anyways, tomorrow we will be going to the movies. Is there any genre you particularly like?" He asks.

Sana frowns, "Why?"

Taehyung glances at her a crease forming between his brows. "Am I not allowed to take my girlfriend out ona date?"

Sana blushes. It has been a few weeks since they started dating but she still isn't quite used to it. But she likes it. She likes how her life has taken a turn for the better. A couple of years earlier, she can't even imagine having a boyfriend let alone a mate. But now, she has found both in one man.

"So what genre do you like?" Taehyung asks again.

Sana's answer is immediate, "Horror!" She beams at him.

The ravenette smiles back, "Alright then, horror it is."


Only 2 chapters left.

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