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Two weeks pass by in a flash. To say Sana is surprised is an understatement. She wasn't expecting the Alpha to act on her words.

What she was expecting was that -- The Alpha hired someone to clean the dorm or just told Sana to do it. I mean, you don't see Alphas obeying your orders unless you're their mate or their family.

She also had gotten a lot closer to Jungkook but the Alpha was still to afraid to meet Tzuyu. Sana remembers teasing him about it.

"What are you so shy about? Just mark her already." She had said the night when she went out with Alpha for drinks. She normally wasn't so carefree around Alphas but Jungkook was an exception, he was the mate of Tzuyu, her friend and had proved multiple times that he wasn't like a stereotypical Alpha.

Jungkook had looked at her as if she had grown another head, "What do you mean by mark her?" He shrieked.

Sana gave him a blank expression,"No need to act innocent. All Alphas want to mark the moment they see their mates."

"That's true but I'm gonna take things slow." He stated with determined eyes. And, Sana is once again awestruck by the Alpha. He is just ao different. Granted, she doesn't like him anymore, she can still appreciate him. Tzuyu is really lucky, she can't help but think.

"I have been thinking this for a while. Where did you see her?"

"I saw her in a restaurant. You were also there along with your entire group." Jungkook said. "I figured you two were friends so I approached you because of our encounter at the club."
The Alpha said making Sana's mouth form an 'O' at the realization.

"Your coffee has probably gone cold," A voice brings Sana out of her thoughts. She glances at Taehyung who looks at her and then at the coffee.

Taehyung, speaking of Taehyung, Sana sees him a lot more lately. It's almost like the Alpha doesn't leave the dorm anymore for anything other than classes. It is kinda getting annoying for Sana. She doesn't want to see the Alpha at all but he keeps popping up here and there out of nowhere.

"So?" Sana asks back when she knows very well she shouldn't have. The two have reached the point when even if  one doesn't say anything remotely offensive, they would still be offended. Just like Sana right now. She is unnecessarily looking for a fight.

"What so? I'm just telling you," Taehyung said as he passes by Sana and goes into the kitchen.

"And I don't remember asking you to tell me if my coffee is going cold or not." Sana turns around to look at the Alpha.

Taehyung tsks, "Geez woman, do you ever talk nicely?"

Sana takes a sip of her coffee, realizing that it has really gone cold and tastes terrible and now Sana doesn't want to drink it but will she ever show it infront of Taehyung? No. So, she drinks it as if it's the tastiest coffee ever.

"Of course, I do." Sana nods, "Just not to you." She smiles.

"And why's that?" Taehyung asks as he pulls out a chair under the dining table in the kitchen and sits on it facing Sana, his chin resting in the palm of his hand.

Sana looks at him with a bewildered look. She is sure that the Alpha had some memory loss or something. There is no logical explanation as to why he has forgotten that he used to bully her and the two used to have this feud going on between them.


The Alpha hums in response and takes a bite of his apple.
Sana takes a deep breath and yes, she is gonna ask him the same question again. "Do you have amnesia?"

Taehyung coughs, "What do you mean?" He gives her a puzzled look.

"I mean you must had some sort of memory loss to be acting this way towards me!" Sana says exasperatedly. The Alpha's words and action from the past and now contrast so much, they are  giving her a whiplash.

Taehyung continues to give her a confused look but Sana knows he knows what she is talking about. "Can you be a bit more direct?" He asks and Sana rolls her eyes.

Okay whatever, he wants her to be direct, she is gonna be. "Why would you even want me to talk with you? I mean, the past 2 weeks went perfectly fine with you minding your own business."

Taehyung shrugs.

"I just want us to put our past behind us," He says and Sana chokes on her coffee, spitting the drink everywhere. Taehyung tries not to make a disgusted face as he pulls a tissue from the tissue box and hands it to Sana.

He continues, "Look, I know I was an asshole to you and many other people but I'm sorry for it and trying to be better. I have my own reasons for my behaviour and whether you think it justifies them, they are there."

Sana doesn't know how to digest the words. The first thing that comes to her mind is that this is not the Taehyung she knows. Not at all. She can't even imagine the Taehyung from 3 years ago, back to her freshman days, and the one that is sitting in front of her right now are the same. She just can't fathom it but it's real. The Kim Taehyung, the strongest, richest and most popular Alpha of SNU is apologizing to her. The omega wolf of Sana purrs in satisfaction. It isn't everyday an Alpha apologizes to you.

Secondly, why is he telling this to her? There is no reason for him to do so. Sana, frankly, wasn't expecting an apology or anything of that sort from the Alpha at all. She doesn't know if it's a pleasant surprise or not.

"I'm gonna be completely honest to you, I still have some animosity against Omegas for their rank," He says and Sana tries not to wince. It isn't nice to hear that your rank isn't the best one. Sana knows but he doesn't have to rub it in her face.

Taehyung goes quiet for a moment before speaking again, "But, I don't know what's gotten into me," The Alpha says as he leans back and runs a hand through his hair.

Sana frowns, "What do you mean?"

Taehyung tongues the right side of his cheek, "There's this omega," He looks at Sana.

Sana clicks her tongue and also leans back in her chair, crossing her arms. So this is it. She tries not to scoff, even an Alpha like Taehyung can fall for someone.

But Sana's main concern is:
Why is he telling me this? What does he take me for? A cupid? Who even is that girl? Numerous questions run through her mind.

"I never liked her, for some reason." He says not thinking that Sana might not want to listen to him telling her about how he likes an omega. But Sana being the kind hearted omega she is let him babble about his crush.

It will pass eventually, she says to herself.

"But, something's changed. It's almost like I'm only noticing her now?" Taehyung chuckles. "I'm not even making sense," and Sana's quick to disagree although she doesn't understand a word he is saying and neither is she interested.

"So you wanna be better for her?" Sana says and cringes right after. She can't do this. Sana, a single since birth is very bad at giving advices regarding people's personal lives.

Taehyung tilts his head to the left a little bit, "I think so? Anyways, I know my apology isn't even that sincere." He says and Sana wants to nod vigorously because yes it wasn't. How could it be when the reason behind his self reflection is someone else and he is apologizing to another?

"But I still hope you have it in you to forgive me," He stands up and grabs his backpack from the sofa. "Bye, Sana!" He yells as he leaves the room leaving the omega to think about yet another problem.


I am oddly unsatisfied with this chapter. Do you guys think that Taehyung's apology was too sudden and early? Constructive criticism is appreciated so if y'all have anything you want me to improve regarding the story please tell! And thank you so much for 1k reads!

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