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Sana stared at Taehyung's retreating figure until it was out of the dorm and out of her sight. She sighed as she faced forward again and rested her head on the table.

Taehyung's words echoed in her head. The omega is confused as to what the Alpha meant by "putting our past behind us". Sana is, by no means, a person to hold grudges but can you really expect her to forgive the Alpha and be all friendly with him just because he apologized once even though they had a big fight just two weeks ago? The Alpha didn't even apologize for it or seem guilty at all.

Sana doesn't understand why Taehyung keeps on trying to be more friendly with her. She remembers his words from the morning. Sana wonders if his words are true and if he really does like an omega, who is she? Is she from SNU? Does Sana know her? Is that why he wants to get close to her so he would make a place for himself in the omega's good book or something?

She is lost in her thoughts until the bell rings and Sana jolts in surprise. " Minatozaki Sana! Open up!" The person behind the door shouts.

"Why are you shouting so early in the morning, Nay?" Sana opens the door for the female Alpha.

Nayeon takes in her appearance, the omega has her hair tied up in a bun and she is cladded in an oversized grey sweater. "Are you gonna attend the fashion show like that?" Nayeon asks.

Sana's jaw drops. She was completely aware of the show but Taehyung took most of her time this morning and as a result, she forgot about the show. "Ughh, I'm gonna kill him!" Sana groans as she runs to her room and goes straight to the bathroom.

"Kill who? Kim Taehyung?" Nayeon jokingly asks as she follows the omega to her room. "Who else?" Sana replies while showering.

"Why? Did he did something?"

"It's not like he needs to do anything to aggravate me. His presence is enough." Sana says.

"I thought you two were getting along now. I mean, the whole university is wondering when a fight between you two is gonna break out." Nayeon sits on the bed, "They will probably flip if they found out you two are sharing a dorm."

Getting along? Are they getting along? Sana doesn't know. "We aren't getting along," She says as she comes out of the bathroom.

"It's just that the Kim Taehyung has fallen for someone!" She laughs, finding the situation hilarious.

Nayeon's eyes widen in shock, "What?!" She shouts, "Really?"

Sana nods, a smirk on her face, "Really. Moreover, it's an omega."

"An omega?!" Nayeon yells. You can't blame her though, everyone would be shocked.

Sana nods. "Now, do you have any idea who she could be?" The brunette asks.

"No," Nayeon looks at her as if she had grown another head, "How would I know?"

Sana grabs her dress which she has prepared for the show and puts it carefully in a bag. "I just thought you would know." She shrugs.

Nayeon rolls her eyes, "For whatever reason?" She asks.

Sana grins, "For no reason."


Sana bites her nail in nervousness. The result is gonna be announced soon. "Calm down." Nayeon says to Sana when she is as equally nervous.

(A/N: I literally have zero knowledge about fashion and I don't know if colleges even hold shows like this. Remember this is a fanfic and all of the stuff is made up.)

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