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It has been a few days since Sana was discharged from the hospital and so far, things are going well. Her relationship with Taehyung has been the best yet and her studies are going well too but one thing that still bothers Sana is her growing feelings towards Taehyung.

Sana doesn't know when and how it started but after the kiss, Sana wasn't, against her wishes, able to get him out of her mind. And what irks her more is, Taehyung's indifference towards it. Sana often sees him with different girls and, for so reason, her wolf has been acting as if he committed a huge crime.

Before, Taehyung used to hangout with women too. Mainly Irene. And Sana didn't mind. Infact, she was relieved as the Alpha would leave her alone but now it bothers her to no end and Sana is worried.

Because she has a feeling where she is heading and she doesn't want to admit it. And neither does she want to have anything to do with it.

She is not blind and neither is she dumb. She has a hunch that Taehyung likes her. And she is certain she is heading in the same direction as the Alpha but she... She is still damaged by what happened to her mother.

Taehyung is not even her mate. The chances of him being just infatuated with her and then leaving her after all the fun are over the roof.

So, in order to protect herself from a possible heartbreak, Sana has put up a wall. She has made it her mission to not be too close with Taehyung because that brings nothing but unwanted butterflies.

However, the Alpha is a persistent guy. He won't leave her alone. Just like right now.

He has dragged her to a cafe just because he wanted to do some work there and according to him, he needs some company. Sana being the 'company'.

"What are you doing?"

Sana darts her eyes upwards to see Taehyung leaning over, trying to sneak a peek at her sketchbook.

Sana immediately shuts it close, turning crimson. "Nothing!" She blurts out, shrugging.

Taehyung looks at her with narrowed eyes, his way of saying that he doesn't believe her.

Sana bobs her head eagerly and thus, the Alpha sighs and returns to his work. He told her that he has a presentation soon and he is also starting an internship at his father's company to get more familiar with the atmosphere there as he is in his last year and has to take over the company right after he graduates.

Sana glances down at her sketchbook, the reason of her sudden shyness displayed in front of her. She can't believe she drew Taehyung just now.

"Here are your drinks." The waitress said as she placed their drinks in front of them.

Sana glanced upwards and was about to pass the woman a polite smile when she saw the waitress staring at Taehyung, who paid her zero attention and instead has his gaze on Sana.

She coughed a little, a small smirk dancing on her lips as she glanced back at the waitress, seeing her sport a pissed off expression and stomping away from their table.

"What are you smiling about?" Taehyung asked as he took a sip of his drink.

Sana raised her eyebrows and shook her head, "Nothing." She replied.

"It's good." Taehyung mumbled.

"The service is terrible though." Sana muttered and rolled her eyes slightly.

"Tae, what's you star?" She asked, trying to change the subject.

"Capricorn. Yours?"

Sana grinned, "Same."

"So you watch animes?" Taehyung asked this time.

"Of course. My favorite is Attack On Titan." Sana gushed, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "What about you?"

"AOT for me too." Taehyung smiled, "Let me guess though, you like AOT because of Levi?"

Sana gasped, hitting his arm, "Hey! I like it for it's story, okay!" She pouted, "It's so different from other animes. And for your information, I like Erwin the most."

"Erwin?" Taehyung raised his brows, "Doesn't he die?"

Sana nods as she slumps in her seat, "He shouldn't have! He was literally the best character in the anime."

Taehyung nodded, drumming his fingers at the table. "Have you watched Code Geass?"

"Yup. It's one of my favorites."

"Who do you like the most?" Taehyung questioned.

Sana puts her index finger on her chin as she looks up at the ceiling, "Let me think." She says, "Lelouch maybe?"

Taehyung leans back in his chair, "Ehh, I prefer Schneizel."

"He is good too, yeah but Lelouch is love."

"Would you like to order something else?" Sana looked up, seeing the same waitress again. She gave her a tight-lipped smile, "No, we will be leaving now." She said.

She glanced at Taehyung, gesturing for him to get up as she grabbed her things.

Soon, the two were outside of the cafe and heading back to the dorm.

"You seemed on the edge back there." Taehyung spoke after a while.

Sana stopped in her tracks for a moment before she started walking again, "Was I?"

"Yeah," Taehyung nodded, "Felt like you and that waitress were about to break into a fight." He said.

Sana scoffed, "And why would that happen?" She asked and crossed her arms on her chest.

Taehyung shrugged and fished a piece of paper from his jeans pocket, "Maybe because of this?" He said, dangling the paper in front of Sana.

Sana squinted. She can't believe the audacity of that waitress. She snatched he paper from Taehyung's hand, "She gave you her number?" She asked.

"Seems so."

"And you took it?"

"I mean, she dropped it in my lap. What could I have done?"

"You could have given it back to her!"

Taehyung smirked, "Why? Are you jealous?"

Sana gasped, "What? No!" .

She tucked her hair behind her ears, "Why would I be?" She held out her hand for Taehyung, "Here."

"You are." Taehyung said and started walking.


"Stop lying."

"You stop jumping to conclusions!"

"I am not."

"No, really." Sana said when they reached the dorm. "I'm not jealous."

Taehyung laughed, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."


Code Geass and Attack On Titan best animes. I said what I said. Also stan Lelouch aka loml.

A Lot Like Love | taesanaWhere stories live. Discover now