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"Sana? Earth to Sana?" Jeongyeon waves her hand infront of the omega successfully bringing her out of her trance.

"Yeah?" Sana flinches before answering. Jeongyeon points towards the rest of the girls who are looking at her in worry. "We are going to grab something to eat. You wanna come?"

Sana contemplates for a while. To be completely honest, she is in no way on the mood to socialize right now but if going out means that she won't have the time to think about her family then hell yes, she's in. "Sure,"

Sometime later, the seven girls with the exception of Nayeon and Tzuyu are seated in a restaurant near their college. The youngest Tzuyu, arrives a few minutes later.

"Finally, you're here," Sana hears Jihyo say, a fond look in her eyes as she gazes at the youngest.

"Why are you even studying so early?" Chaeyoung says, "The semester has just started. Take it easy bro." She and Dahyun high five in agreement.

Tzuyu just shakes her head, "Stupid people like you two won't understand."

Chaeyoung and Dahyun act hurt while the rest of the girls burst out laughing.

"By the way, Tzuyu have you found your mate?" Sana can practically feel the air shift. It's been a few weeks since Tzuyu announced in their G.C. that she has turned 18. Nobody said anything about it until now but Sana knew this matter was to come up one day or another.

For other girls, no, literally everyone, talking about mates was a normal thing but for Sana? Not at all. The girl' dreams about mates and Alphas were destroyed when her father left.


"What? Why?" Jeongyeon exclaimed, "I just hope you don't end up alone like your Sana unnie!" She says mindlessly.

The air becomes more tense as everyone glares at Jeongyeon. "That was unnecessary." Mina spoke, her voice icy.

Sana was pleasantly surprised. Mina rarely spoke but when when she did, she took a stand for Sana.

"I didn't mean it like that," Jeongyeon defends herself. "But still, I'm sorry Sana."

"It's alright." Sana smiles. She doesn't even care about mates. It doesn't feel offensive to her if someone comments on her still being mateless.

"Well, if you still haven't found your mate yet why don't you hit up the hot waiter?" Momo wiggles her eyebrows, "I have seen him look at you several times." 

"Not my type," Tzuyu says not even bothering to look at him.

"But you didn't even look at him!" Jihyo says but Tzuyu just shrugs in response.


"Where is Jin hyung?" Taehyung asks, seeing the elder is not in the locker room.

"He left early with his girlfriend." Namjoon answers as he takes off his shirt.

Taehyung nods as he goes to take a shower. There are a total of 8 shower rooms each separated with a curtain in between. He comes out with a towel wrapped around his waist, seeing some of his teammates already done.

He was gonna wear his shirt when someone whistles from behind, "Got laid?" Hoseok asks teasingly, looking at the mark on Taehyung's chest.

Taehyung had completely forgotten about it. Actually, Irene hadn't even crossed his mind since their last meeting.

"Not really," Taehyung shrugs as he turns around, his back facing Hoseok now and everyone who is close with Taehyung knows that this his indirect way of saying to not pry further.

He goes back to his dorm, tired. His arms and back muscles are aching. All he wants is to lay on his soft bed and then maybe, just maybe call a girl over? Just recently, an omega gave him her number.

But all of his fantasies get ruined when the face of a certain brunette omega pops up in his head.

Why the hell am I thinking of her?

Taehyung shakes his head profusely as if his thoughts would go away with this. He enters the dorm to find Sana in the balcony, her hands on the railing and her back facing him.

He walks to the balcony and leans on the door, arms crossed as he watches her. She has a faraway look in her eyes as she stares at nothing in particular. And if Taehyung moved closer he would see her eyes are misty too. He wonders how she still hasn't noticed that he has come back to the dorm and is standing a few steps away from her.

He stands there for a few moments before he starts to feel oddly anxious. It is the first time he has seen the omega like this, it just doesn't feel right.

Words come out of his mouth before he can stop them, "Are you alright?" He asks, surprising himself. Why should he care if the omega is okay or not?

Sana looks at him like a deer caught in headlights.

"When did you get here?" She asks instead, her eyes big and vulnerable. It makes Taehyung feel weird.

"Just got here," Taehyung answers truthfully. He uncrosses his arms and stands straight, "Now tell me, what's wrong with you?"

Sana gives him a look, "Nothing is wrong," She says, "And even if there was, I don't see how it concerns you."

Taehyung opens his mouth to say something like, 'You look like you are gonna cry' or 'You look sad and you never look sad' but nothing comes out of his mouth because why should he care if something's wrong or not? This is the girl he used to bully. This is the girl who he hates. He shouldn't and doesn't care.

So instead of replying back he goes back to his room, throwing himself on the soft mattress of his bed and lets sleep engulf him.

A Lot Like Love | taesanaWhere stories live. Discover now