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Sana decides to go shopping the next morning, skipping her classes, when she sees her body wash and shampoo is are finished. She needs to buy some new clothes and perfumes as well.

She thinks if should invite Nayeon or Momo to go with her but decides against it, she wants to go alone. She arrives at the mall and heads straight to the luxury stores.

Sana was born in a rich family and although her father left her and her mother, they didn't face any struggles financially. Why? Sana's mother owns her own line of perfumes and other accessories like necklaces, bracelets and earrings. They were more than loaded in the money department. But mentally, Sana's teenage years back in Japan were hell.

After her father's affair, her mother had completely lost herself. She started drinking, smoking and whatnot. Sana couldn't bear to see her mother like that and when the opportunity came, she seized it. She applied for a scholarship in SNU and luckily she got in.

Now here she is, with broken trust in Alphas and mates, fixed on the goal to always steer away from Alphas for the rest of her life.

But what if we found our mate? Sana's omega wolf says. Sana just smiles, That would be impossible, you know why.

She stretches her hand to grab the shining violet colored bottle of her favorite perfume but a hand beats her to it. Sana hisses slightly as she looks to her left, gasping at the sight.


The said male just smiles sheepishly as he rubs his nape, "Can I take this instead?" He asks.

Sana crosses her arms on her chest. Back at the club he was acting like a gentleman and now, he is taking her favorite perfume even though she saw it first? Not gonna happen, Sana tells herself and was about to say no but stops when she sees the Alpha looking at her with big eyes.

She sighs as she nods lightly and that was enough for the Alpha to break into a big smile. She turns around and starts walking observing other perfumes. "Noona!" Jungkook yells from behind as he walks and then stops beside Sana.

"What?" Sana asks without looking at him.

"Let's go for dinner," He says casually and Sana swears she choked.


"So?" Sana tuts, "Why did you take me out for dinner?" She asks once they have settled in a restaurant near the mall.

"You see," Jungkook starts, his once cool demeanor falling as a light blush coats his cheeks. "There's this girl," and Sana holds back the urge to roll her eyes. One decent Alpha in her life and even he likes another woman. She just concludes this is God's way of telling her that she is just bound to be alone for her entire life.

"And? What's that got to do with me?"

"You know her," He looks up at Sana, "I have seen you once with her. You two seemed close."

Eh? So it's one of her friends and even that who she's close with? That's got to be Nayeon and Momo but they already are mated.

Sana shoots Jungkook a confused look, "She's tall and tan." He quickly says seeing Sana doesn't quite understand him.

Tall and tan?


"She's my mate as well but I am actually too shy to make a move."

Okay, Sana's now sure that the girl Jungkook is talking about Tzuyu. She sighs internally, her mood turning bad. It wasn't like she was serious about Jungkook but after their encounter in the club and their little exchange in the cafeteria, Sana thought that maybe, just maybe, there could be an Alpha who could mend her broken trust in Alphas and mates but guess what? She's wrong.

"So you want me to help you with her?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Yeah if it's not too much trouble." Jungkook nods, "Like her likes and dislikes, her age, major in college and things like that." He shrugs.

"Let's see, Tzuyu's favorite food is bread and her nickname is Yoda. She likes tall and well built guys," Sana rakes her eyes over Jungkook, "Not that it would be a problem for you."

"She is Taiwanese, 18 and majoring in medicine. Her family is back in Taiwan. She likes to sleep early. She likes dogs and owns one. His name is Gucci but he is back in Taiwan." Sana says, "The University doesn't allow us to have pets."

Jungkook listens carefully to all the things Sana says, taking note of every little detail.

"Well that's it, I guess?" Sana tilts her head, a habit of hers. "Good luck in courting her," She says as she gathers her things ready to leave. "She can be quite difficult sometimes but most of the time she is a sweetheart." She smiles.

Jungkook smiles back as he stands up as well, "Thank you, Noona."

Sana shakes her head, "It's no big deal." She was about to go out when a hand catches her wrist and she turns around, raising her brows, "Can I have your number? For any future references?"

Sana looks at him and nods lightly, "Yeah sure," She watches as he saves his number in her phone. He hands it back to her, "Well then, see you around." He waves.

"Bye," Sana waves back as she also gets in her car going back to the dorm. She reaches her dorm after 10 minutes or so.

Upon entering, Sana thinks that the light is out but that turns out not to be the case as the living room lits up when she switches the lights on.

She frowns.

Is Taehyung not back yet?

Sana hasn't seen him since two days after their small talk in the balcony. It was the first time the two had conversed without throwing any insults on each other. At least, on Taehyung's part. Sana is not lying when she says that she was taken aback when Taehyung asked her if she was alright.

In response, she lashed out on him. Sana doesn't feel guilty but she doesn't feel right too. No matter how unbelievable it sounded, if he was taking an initiative to be nice the why can't she?

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