Chapter Fourteen

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Midterms are finally over! Here's another chapter for my fellow Casketters. May this ship sail on!

Darren's P.O.V

As Castle sunk out of view, Darren turned towards the precinct elevators, dropping the disposable phone into his pocket. His back was straight and his stride confident like a real police officer. And he knew that's what people saw while he was in a officer suit. To know that trained detectives couldn't see the threat in their own territory made him wonder, for a brief moment, how much chaos he could create right under their little noses. It didn't have to be necessary, just having fun. Darren didn't get to dwell long on it though. As soon as he stepped into the elevator his phone starred to ring. He didn't even need to check caller I.D. The only people who had the number to his actual cell was his most loyal henchman.

"What," He spoke into the phone as if he was annoyed though he could care less.

"Sir we have a problem," Darren identified the voice to be Willies.

"There's only a problem if I say there is. What happened?"

"The woman escaped." Darren's jaw clenched tightly and his eyes became slits. He didn't have to ask who. There was only one woman.

"Out of the building?"

"No sir, we don't think she made it that far," But he didn't sound so sure. Darren hung up and opened an app that he made specifically for something like this. A minute later his breathing slowed down and he calmly redialed Willie.

"She's in the upper hallways. Once you find her bring her back to her cell and guard it well. I'm on my way. Do not lose her again or it will be your life. Do we understand each other?"

"Yes Sir." The elevator doors dinged and opened to the lobby. He slipped his sun glasses over his eyes and coolly walked out. Underneath though, his temper was on fire. I'll just have to teach her a lesson, he thought simply.

Kate's P.O.V

I should have known I'd be back in this stupid cell, Kate mumbled silently to no one in particular. The only fault in her plan was she didn't know how huge and confusing this place was. Or more importantly where the exits were. They caught her before she had time to figure it out. Heavy boots stalked back and forth in front in front of the cell. Kate retreated further into the shadows, not daring to look at the squad of men that appeared out of nowhere to guard her. Castro wasn't one of them. Instead she stared at her foot. It was purple and swollen. She couldn't even bare to move it or the pain would become intense. She heard the door burst open and looked up in time to see Darren part through the men to her cell. He wore a different suit and a black tie. His posture was nonchalant but his eyes were tense.

"Leave," he commanded and everyone left immediately till it was just her and Darren. "Did you have a nice stroll around the place?" Kate gulped placed her palms flat against the floor, and pushed herself up to sit straighter. She refused to be intimidated by that jerk. Until she saw what was hanging from his hand. A long sleek whip. He saw her staring at it and smiled, bringing it in front of him. "I would be lying if I said I never used this on a woman." He brought a key out of his pocket and carefully placed it in the lock. "I also would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it." The cell door creaked open.

Kate's voice was stuck in her throat, her body frozen in place, but her mind was hyperactive.

What the hell! He's not really going to. Tell me he is not serious. He left the cell open. Maybe I could make a run for it.

She shifted a little which sent a burning fire up her right leg unexpectedly, and she gasped. Darren stood directly in front of her.

"Turn around." Kate had to tilt her head all the way up to look at him.

"No." She was surprised by how forceful she said it despite the tremors running through her. It didn't phase Darren though.

"I'm not going to ask again."

"Are you afraid to look me in the eye?" He stared daggers at her but she returned the glare easily. "If you can't look me in the eye while hurting me then you are nothing but a coward."

"I'd like to see how much you talk when I'm through with you!" She didn't even see it coming. Only felt the pain as the whip sliced apart the skin on her legs like a knife. Kate yelped then clenched her teeth as he relentlessly continued to hit her. She tried to back into the corner but her foot only added to the torture and she screamed. Through the lashes she forced her head up and tried to keep her eyes trained on his face. She mentally willed him to look at her, but he kept his head down, focused on one task. Tears threatened to pour out of her eyes and when she couldn't take it anymore, Kate collapsed flat on the grimy floor. She must have passed out because when she opened her eyes she was alone. And more broken then ever.

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