Chapter Five

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His heart hammered at the sight of Kate running through an abandoned street towards him.

Something wasn't right.

Immediately the two men chasing after her came into view. Castle sped towards her, narrowly missing a car going down the street.

When she tripped and screamed he yelled her name. The adrenaline running through Castle, mixed with terror was all to much to have him racing towards her. But even though she was in view , the two men were closer.

Before Castle could even turn the corner one of the guys in the black clothing picked up her body and threw Kate into the open van.

All of a sudden, Castle was on one, wrestling him to the ground. The kidnapper grunted in pain when Castle slammed his head into the gravel, then laid still.

Before he could even look up, something hard slammed into his temple with an exploding crack that echoed through the night.

Castle woke up to a massive headache and blurry vision, but could make out the flashing police cars around him just barely. He tried to turn over on his back, but someone grabbed his shoulders gently but firmly preventing him from moving.

"I wouldn't do that sir, if I were you. You were hit in the head pretty bad. Just stay calm, we're here to help," the man said to him. Castle couldn't see him though. His vision was filled with flashing lights, his ears aching with sirens, and his head overflowed with bursting pain and blood. He passed out again, content on one word.


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