Chapter Four

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Alright, so I'm thinking about resuming CASTLE: A Fangirl Series. Its merciless just to not finish what could be an awesome book. But you guys have to promise to read it! Okay here we go!

Kate felt her heart crumble and anger rise all at the same time. She thought all this meant that she was different, important to him. Now she finds out Castle was with a different girl last week.

Before Castle could speak, Kate got up from her chair. She didn't even want to look at him anymore.

Castle got up immediately to stop her. It wasn't what it looked like; he needed to explain. He was trembling with fear. He really didn't want to lose her. Before he could follow her out the door, Melissa stepped in front of him. Her perfume was strong and sickening Castle's stomach. Every fiber of his being wanted to push her out of his way but he waited impatiently for her to move.

Finally, after a short while, Melissa opened her ruby lips to speak.

"You know, you don't deserve either one of us. Maybe her being gone is a good thing and you should leave her alone. Take my word for it. Don't interfere." And with a tiny smile she walked away while taking out her cell phone.

Castle went after Kate. This was the woman he loved. He wouldn't let her get away.

Kate pranced down the marble steps into the warm night. The sounds of horns honking and people talking on the side walk were a strange  relief to her. Her chest was still filled with pain and it was hard to breath through. She turned left towards the sidewalk. Kate would catch a cab but it wouldn't be at that place. Slowly, her feet trudged along. She was miserable and felt embarrassed that people who walked past her could see it.

Headlights from a car shone on her back. It seemed to be near her like it was following behind. Kate took a few more cautious steps and turned the corner right into a deserted street. Sure enough it turned the corner too. She sighed and turned around prepared to tell Castle that she'd get her own ride home and tell him off a bit more, but it wasn't Castle's car that was following her. He didn't drive a white van.

Kate realized she was in trouble. She turned away from the blinding lights and ran down the street. All she had to do was reach the end and see which way it led to. Her heels clicked with every running step and she swallowed her fear when she heard the doors of the van open and a pair of feet chasing after her. She was farther ahead though. She could make it.

When she reached the corner and turned Kate opened her mouth to scream for help then stopped. A lonely street lamp some feet ahead illuminated the dead end. She was trapped. Kate turned around to face the oncoming guys.

I'm not going down without a fight.

Kate cleared away her weak emotions and stood her ground when two men turned the corner.

They wore white macks over their faces and dark jeans and hoodies. The only difference Kate could see before they attacked her was that the one on her right was shorter than the guy on her left who was a bit taller than her.

They circled around her and lunged at her at the same time. A mistake. Kate jumped backwards and ran around them.

So they don't kidnap for a living.

She ran for her life down the road she came from when suddenly her heel strap loosened and Kate fell, twisting her ankle with an angry pop.

She screamed in agony. Far off she heard someone say her name but her vision became blurry and black around the edges. Slowly Kate blacked out into darkness, the last thing she saw before she passed out was the leather boot of one of the kidnappers.

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