Chapter Thirteen

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IMPORTANT PLEASE READ! So you guys know about the show Selfie? Well it turns out it has been canceled for lack of ratings. I LOVED that show, I still do and I am doing everything I can to support it and help bring it back. It could be a lost cause, but I am certainly not going to accept one of my favorite shows being canceled because half the world isn't watching it. If you haven't seen this show or think it's a waste of time, believe me when I say this is possibly one of the most funniest shows you have seen in awhile and I encourage you to check out the episodes online. Selfie will continue out its season on Hulu and The first few episodes will be harder to find but you will find them somewhere online. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I love you guys!! #saveSelfie Oh and sign the petition at

Dedicated to MelissaChapman4, thanks for reading my story!

Castle's POV

Back at the precinct, Castle stood silently in the observatory watching Rio through the glass. Rio leaned back seemingly calm but his eyes darted back and forth and there was a slight tremor in his hand as he ran his fingers through his dark hair that hung limp across his forehead. Castle tightened his own hands into fists and clenched his jaw. He would give anything to go in there and pound the truth out of that guy about Beckett's whereabouts. The longer he stood there, the angrier he got. The glass fogged at his rapid breath.

"Whoa cool down Castle," Ryan exclaimed as he entered the small room.

"It's just... that's the guy, one of the guys, that took Beckett. Aren't you mad as hell?" Ryan exhaled softly, then spoke.

"Of course I am Castle, but I've got to keep a level head. Being angry won't save Beckett." Ryan reminded Castle once again that he wasn't a real cop.

"Where is Esposito? Isn't he interrogating him?"

"Esposito is in worse shape than he let on. A mild concussion."

"So you're going in there?"

"No, I thought it would be better if you did." Castle didn't think he heard him right.


" Yes. I don't know what's been going through your mind about Beckett and watching those guys just take her... well I think you should be the one they answer to." 

"I-I'm not a cop," he stuttered.

"You're Beckett's partner. Now go in there and give him hell," Ryan pushed a manila folder against Castle's chest. Immediately, Castle strode out the door but paused before stepping into the interrogation room. He wasn't nervous, on the contrary, he was ecstatic. This man was in his hands, his eager to crush hands, and he was determined to make him talk. Upon entering, Rio's head snapped up and his eyes widened with recognition. Castle hoped Rio could see the fire in his eyes even though the rest of his face was hard and vacant.

"You a cop?" Rio asked as Castle pulled out the chair across from him.

" You would prefer a cop to bullshit right? You can't bullshit someone who saw you commit a crime" He slammed his palms flat against the the table, which succeed in making Rio jump.  "In this folder is evidence, " Castle opened it," of pictures from a surveillance camera showing you and your partner Daniels kidnapping a woman." He laid the pictures out across the table facing Rio, who only glanced at them then stared elsewhere. "You already know what you did and so do I because I was there." He took out another photo. "This is the woman you took. her name is Katherine Beckett. Where is she?"

Rio's eyes flickered towards Castle's, but kept silent. Castle could feel what little patience he had left subside into oblivion every second Rio didn't speak.

"This is a dangerous game you are playing. Especially because she is missing and I will stop at nothing to find her," Castle said, his voice low and threatening. To his surprise Rio leaned towards Castle, his eyes dark and venomous.

"No. I'm not the one playing the game. You are." Castle's squinted in confusion.

"In ten minutes you will get a call. It will be the man you really want. The man who has your precious girlfriend's life in his claws and you will have to play his game by his rules to get her back. One false move and she dies." A chill ran down Castle's spine and he sat back into his chair speechless.

"I want a lawyer."

"Tell me what this man wants with her. What's his name?"

"I said I want a goddamn lawyer," Rio hissed.

"You won't need one for where you're going." With that Castle got up and punched Rio square in his jaw. His head flew back and he fell onto the floor his chair clattered beside him. By the time Rio looked up angrily, Castle had walked out of the room, door slamming shut behind him.

Ryan was already waiting for Castle along with Captain Montgomery.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked. Castle shook out his cramped fist and gave a half smile.

"Just peachy,"he answered, though he was anything but."This doesn't sound like a random kidnapping. This guy, whoever he is, wants her for something."

"I guess we will find out why when he calls."

"Castle can I speak to you for a second?" Montgomery asked in his deep voice.

"Yes Sir," Castle answered. Ryan took that as a dismissal and walked away.

"You're worried. I can see that. But Beckett is head-strong and fearless. She will fight, I guarantee you. They won't do anything to her that she won't allow."

" That doesn't make me any less worried. She still isn't safe." Castle's phone vibrated in his pocket. Castle gulped and pulled it out.

Blocked Number 

" You could put it on speaker phone," Montgomery stated. He too also looked uncomfortable. Castle pressed the button and waited. The line clicked off immediately. He gave Montgomery a perplexed glance then pressed the call button. The phone kept ringing but nobody picked up. Castle ended the call when he came to a conclusion.

"He knows it's on speaker phone. Or he knows where I am." Castle looked around but didn't see anyone out of the ordinary. His phone vibrated again, the screen lighting up with Blocked Number scrawled across the small screen. "I'm sorry Sir but I am going to have to take this in private." Montgomery nodded.

" But let me know what that bastard says when you are done." Castle nodded back in agreement and walked in the opposite direction. When he lifted the phone to his ear a low voice spoke. 

" Think again about telling the police anything. This is between you and me Castle. "

"Then let Beckett go."

" I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Then what do you want?" Castle's gaze was darting through the precinct, almost positive he was there watching him.

" Not just yet. First you need to know the rules. Involve the police, she dies. Disobey my directions, she dies. Try to find me, she dies. Basically stay in my good graces or she dies and it won't be quick either.  When she's bleeding out slowly wondering what she did to deserve such a horrible death, I'll let her know it was because of you."

"Alright enough! Tell me what I have to do and I'll do it. "

"I know you will." After he told him what he had to do and hung up, Castle sunk to the floor in despair. How was he going to do this?

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