Chapter Sixteen

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I am so sorry for how long I took to update and for the 15th chapter being littered with mistakes. Even if you haven't noticed them, the chapter still could have been much better. And I noticed a lack of comments and votes. Don't worry I'm not going to black mail you into voting or commenting more. It's entirely my fault for updating months at a time. Well not anymore. I will update regularly. Not everyday but certainly not once a month either. Or once every three months...

Kate's P.O.V

Her body was stained with ribbons of blood that were slowly drying into crusty flakes. Kate hugged her knee to her chest and rubbed a sore spot on the back of her arm. She felt completely numb inside. After everything that has happened to her she couldn't feel any other way.Her head lolled back against the hard wall and she focused on the ceiling, not in the mood to think but thinks anyway.

She thought about her mom first. Her soft black hair, her joyous eyes, and beautiful smile. The way she held Kate after her Nana died, or her first breakup. Whenever she was upset her mother was there to comfort her, to run her fingers through her hair, rub her back, and whisper "It's okay Katie. You're going to be alright." Kate was desperate for her mother's comfort.There was nothing she wanted more thanto feel her mother's embrace. It was the only way she knew she'd be okay.

Tears gathered in her eyes, but Kate blinked them away before they fell. Castle tried to guess why Kate became a detective and came really close, a little too close, to the right answer, her mother's murder. She was shocked at how he just watched her for a few hours and already was getting inside her head.

"Don't think that you know me." She told him while he sat smuggly across the table. But really, she was scared. Scared of how much he could actually know about her if he tried.

And the books he wrote about her. They were entertaining enough to people who liked to read mysteries, but Kate felt like she was reading her life in his books. Of course the female progenist Nikki Heat was based off of her, so she was going to be just like Kate, but the similarities were astounding. It was a bit annoying, but also flattering. Change the name Nikki Heat into Kate Beckett and Jameson Rook into Richard Castle flip a bit of the background story around and there you have it. A biography that is more or less true to Kate's everyday life. Not that she ever had sex with Castle much less bring him into her bedroom. Maybe it would have happened if he didn't turn out to be as much of a player as he was the first day she met him.

She heard the door open and creek shut. Kate looked out between the bars but couldn't see anyone. They must have been still standing by the door.

"You little bitch," a raspy voice spoke. Willie walked out in front of her cell. "Do you know how much trouble you almost got me in?" He was seething, his eyes bulged to the size of grape fruit amd his cubby cheeks were turning red. Willie was really ugly. Kate couldn't help but laugh at him. Maybe she was going crazy but it felt good. He clenthed his fists while death staring her down, and she just laughed even harder. She certainly felt weird for doing it considering the life or death situation but hey, she was already dying and nobody was going to find her. Castle wasn't going make a deal with Darren to save her.

"You think it's funny?! Well you know what I think is funny? You on your back with your legs spread open for me." Willie dug a set of keys out of his pants pocket with a sick smirk on his face, when Kate's laughter stopped abruptly.

Her eyes grew wide in horror then disgust. She wouldn't let him touch her, no matter what. The thought of him on her was enough to snap her out of it and look around for something, anything to help her. But her cell was completely empty. She closed her eyes, listening to the clinking of the keys while they unlocked the cell door. She gathered up every bit of strength she had in those few seconds before his hand roughly pushed her down onto the concrete.

"Not laughing anymore huh?" He chuckled. You won't be either.

Before he could pin her arms down, Kate elbowed him in the ribs momentarily knocking him off, but he responded quickly with a back hand slap to her face that snapped her head sideways and endless stars faded in and out of her vision.

Before she could recover he pressed all his weight on top of her body, curshing her on purpose. Kate gasped in effort to breath, trying to push Willie off of her but there was no use. She was weak and he was too heavy. He cursed her out all the while grinding against her hips where her dress was riding up. She couldn't believe this was really happening to her.

His face was so close to hers, she almost gagged from his hot ranched ragged breath and dark beady eyes staring straight into hers. He had one hand holding both her arms over her head and the other inching up her thigh. The more she struggled the tighter his grip got on her. Kate could feel the front of his pants grow bigger against her, and she chocked out a pitiful sob.

He smiled at her helplessness before leaning in to kiss her. Kate head snapped head butting him in a last ditch effort to get him to stop. Her head exploded in pain that almost knocked her out. Willie grunted, bring his hand to his forehead letting her hands go for a brief moment before realizing his mistake and bringing it back down.

"You, you... fucking piece of shit," he roared. Using one hand he started to remove his belt.

"Stop!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "Stop it, please!" She couldn't struggle anymore. She was weary and out of breath, and there was no where to escape, no way to stop him from getting what he wanted. She closed her eyes hoping the darkness would make it tolerable but he smacked her face and her eyes snapped open.

"Sorry sweetheart, but I want to see your eyes when I fuck you hard."

I'm sorry.

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