Chapter Eight

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I'm soooo sorry for the wait. School has started (I know we've all heard that before) and every time I try to write I can't concentrate. But I will ALWAYS update! So don't think that I'm abandoning this story if it takes me awhile to update. By the way how do you guys like my new cover and title? Now I just have to think up a good description...

Castle's POV

He was there again. La Bella's rich decor surrounded him and he was seated in the same spot. But it was deserted. Not even Kate sat across from him which made Castle panic. And then he heard her.

"Castle! Castle help!" She sounded helpless almost sobbing. It broke him more than anything. He jumped up and followed her voice. He thought he did. How else did he suddenly end up outside across from the abandoned street where the white van was parked. But instead of the two masked men chasing Kate, it was Melissa grasping Kate from under her shoulders and dragging her into the van. He wanted to move, to save Kate, but his body wouldn't obey his mind. Castle stood frozen on the spot. He could only watch silently as Melissa slammed the door shut, turned around, and stared straight at him with a wide grin...

Castle sat up quick, his heart racing faster then his thoughts as he took everything in. He was in bed, in his bedroom where he has been for the past two days. With a groan he reached up to rub his throbbing head. The doctor said he had a concussion and headaches would be frequent. He prescribed the pain killers that sat on Castle's night stand.

But, instead of reaching for the pain killers, Castle grabbed his iPhone off the bedside table. He needed to know what the boys found, if they got any leads. The phone rang in his ear vibrating throughout his head. With a groan, he set it on speaker and and held it in his palm.

Click. The line went dead. Puzzled he tried again and the same thing happened. Immediately, Castle got out of bed. He was going to the precinct.

As Castle, walked out of the elevator Ryan and Esposito, looked up from Espo's desk. They were both bent over the computer watching something very intently.

"Hey guys!" Castle called when he was closer. "What's going-"

"Keep it down," Ryan hissed. He looked like he hasn't slept since Castle saw him last. In fact everyone there looked tense, bustling around, picking up phone after phone. 

"Castle, come with us to the break room," Espo then said. He obeyed and once inside sat down nervously. The boys stood in front of him, concern written over their faces.

"Okay," Ryan started. "We think we know who took Beckett."

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