Chapter Nine

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She could have been bothered by a number of things being kidnapped, locked up, and the minimal efforts to keep her alive. It was the boredom that got to Kate the most. The only way to pass time was to fall into a forced sleep or be with her thoughts like she was now.

Kate rested her head against the cold stone wall. Awhile ago, actually it was what felt like hours ago, she had crawled helplessly to the corner of the cell, dragging her injured foot behind her. The wall wasn't any better, but it took the effort of sitting up away.

Her thoughts came back to that night that felt like forever ago but she knew it couldn't be more than a few days. Kate was still trying to sort out her feelings about what happened. Not about her being taken, but the... sort Night out with Castle? Not a date. Ugh, she didn't even know if she agreed to a date or not. It was more like a date without calling it a date. Probably doesn't matter since it ended horribly anyway. A swell of budding hurt filled her.

I was just another girl in his line of conquests.

Tears formed on the brim of her eyes and she blinked them away. It was her mistake knowing he slept with a string of women, to think that she was different. And look where it got her. If she got out of here alive, she swore she would never make that mistake again.

Richard Castle loving her.

She chuckled with dry humor at the thought and buried her face in her hands. It wasn't something she could picture even if she wanted to.

"What's so funny?"

Kate's head came up startled. Castro was standing against the bars of the cell. Her eyes fleeted towards the closed door. It usually made a loud creak whenever someone opened it, but she didn't hear it that time.

Was I that deep in thought?

She ran her hands up and down her arms to keep off the sudden chill. Castro only came in here to give her food and water or take her to the bathroom which was just outside the cell. He didn't have a plastic tray in his hand so she assumed it was for the bathroom. She waited for him to open up the door and help her up, but he just stood there staring at her.

"You're not going to answer me." It was a statement not a question and a very true one. Kate hasn't talked to him since she first got here. She wanted to keep it that way.

"You're so... I don't know. It's just-," he took a shuddering breath. "Never mind. Someone wants to see you." Castro finally opened the door and walked towards her. She wanted to sink back into the corner and disappear. Unless it was the NYPD she didn't want to see anybody. Then again how will she find out anything about why she's here or how to escape if she's in this stupid cell all the time.

Castro held out his hand to her. He looked so trusting. The way he looked at her sometimes, like right now, it was if his eyes were pleading for her to trust him. Well that would never happen.

Kate pushed herself off the floor and tried to stand up almost falling over in the process. Castro's arms caught her and they were suddenly uncomfortably close. His hands gripped her waist tightly and while her hands were on his shoulders to steady herself. He stared at her and Kate saw something flash through his face. A look of awe, though it was gone in an instant and his features became neutral. It was as if he was trying too hard to hide something.

"Kate." Her body stiffened when he said her name.

"How do you know my name?" She almost squealed as she fought to control her voice.

"He said it, I mean that's what I heard. I guessed it was you."

"Oh." Questions racked her mind but she stayed silent and softly pushed him away so there was a few more inches between them. She should have been sick to be pressed up against someone involved in kidnapping her. The smell of minty soap and husky cologne make her want to back up instantly, but it was sort of calming in a way.

Something's wrong with me.

Slowly, Castro moved his hands and wrapped one arm around her waist. Kate could feel his bulging arm through her dress that felt more like tattered rags the an the beautiful dress she originally put on. With a sigh she limped along side him out of the cell to the door. The hallway was frosty, the sharp air hard to breath.

" Why is it so cold out here?"

"We're in storage. They keep freezers down here and I probably said too much. Come on." He led her through the twisting hallway till they were at another door.

"I hope you didn't try to memorize the way we went. This place is locked down. In fact I would be impressed if you made it out of your cell."

" What kind of desperate victim would I be if I didn't try?"

He smirked. A light went through his eyes which were hazel with green flecks when she got a better look. But when he opened the door his face became a hard mask. This room was warmer considering it was an interrogation room complete with a see-through mirror, a metal table and two chairs. Castro pulled one out for Kate to sit down. It took only a little while for her eyes to adjust to the sudden bright light. She sat facing the mirror and before she could ask Castro why she was here he disappeared back out the door. She became less and less sure that her kidnapping was random. If she was right, someone was watching her, right now through that mirror. She steeled herself, her eyes roaming the mirror carefully.

After a short while, someone walked in. It was someone Kate swore she never seen before but there was something about him that was familiar at first glance. He wore a black suit with a red silk tie and shining loafers. In Kate's opinion, he was a bit skinny for a man, but had some admiral features. His hair was a soft brown that matched his eyes and also framed his face perfectly. He strode in with confidence and control. She made a note that he must have a big ego.

His eyes skimped over her as he sat down and grinned, flashing pearly white teeth.

"Hello Kate. Pleasure to finally meet you. How's your stay so far?" He had a twang of a southern accent, probably whittled down by living in the city.

"Why the hell am I here?" Kate growled. He leaned forward across the table and stared intently at her, almost dominating.

" You were with Richard Castle when you were taken. Is that correct?" His bluntness shocked her.

"You know him?" A slow smirk spread across his face. Kate's breathing became quick. She didn't want to admit it but he was successful with intimidation.

"Of course I do. We're related."

Ohhhhhh snap! So who do you think he is? His brother? His father? His SON??? A crazy psychopathic fan?? Well you'll just have to see. I'm going to try deadlines. Maybe they will work for me. So like every Friday you guys should get a chapter. I really do hope I can stick to that!

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