Episode 15: Someone in the Past! Chapter 3: At the Warehouse!

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Syrus, Scott, and Derek had followed Piper to the attic!

Syrus: "Ok I'm not one to question you a lot but why are we up here when our enemy this time is a mortal psycho ex boyfriend of Stiles?"
Piper: "Because we don't know where Stiles is!"
Scott: "Which is why we have to leave as soon as possible and go look for clues!"
Piper: "I have a faster way to find him. Scrying!"
Syrus: "We don't have time to get something of Stiles and scry for him. It could take too long!"
Piper:" Actually, I think the connection between you three and Stiles might be strong enough!"

Piper grabs a map and unfolds it onto a table! Then she gets a crystal and hands it to Syrus!

Piper: "Syrus, you and Scott both grab it and let it spin while thinking about finding Stiles! It will spin and spin until you find him!"
Syrus: "Are you sure that this will work?"
Piper: "Will you two just do it?"
Syrus: "Ok! Ok!"

Syrus picked up the crystal's string and held it above the map, and Scott grabbed Syrus' hand and they started to think of finding Stiles! The crystal started to spin on it's own, starting off slowly and sped up until it shot down and out of the boys' hands.

Piper: "You found him!"
Derek: "Quick! Where is he?"

They look down at the map!

Syrus: "Must be some unknown road because it's not labeled on the map!"
Piper: "I think I've seen that road before I there's an old and large empty warehouse. Come on, I'll drive!"

Piper, Syrus, Scott, and Derek head to Piper's Jeep!


Back with Stiles and Marcus, Marcus pulls out a huge towel out from his backpack.

Marcus: "I brought a towel so when I lay you down on the floor, you won't have to feel the cold, dirty, and hard floor!"
Stiles (sarcastically): "Oh and here I thought you were some uninsightful monster!"
Marcus (annoyed): "Shut up!"

Marcus had already untied Stiles from the chair but still had Stiles' hands tied behind his back and his ankles tied together! Stiles wants to orb away so bad but he can't expose magic! He can't run away because Marcus stole Stiles gun! He's really scared but tries to not throw himself into a panic attack!

Marcus: "Alright stand up!"

Stiles didn't want to but with Marcus having his gun he knew he had to! So Stiles stood up and let Marcus guide him to the towel!

Marcus: "Ok, now fall forward! I'll catch you!"

Stiles hesitated!

Marcus (while grabbing the gun): *Points the gun at Stiles* "Do it now!"

When Stiles was forcefully ready, Marcus dropped the gun. Stiles started to fall forward and Marcus caught him by his shoulders and laid him on his stomach while he had Stiles hands still tied behind his back and still had his ankles tied together! Stiles also started to hate himself too, because not only is he having to let this happen to him, but he was also, even though it's actually rape, letting another man, other than Derek, stick there dick inside of him! He also hated how he's a cop and couldn't do anything, it made him feel like a failure to both his biological dad and his dad in Beacon Hills! Then he suddenly felt Marcus roll his hips into him! He felt so helpless and violated, and couldn't do anything. Then he heard what he dreaded to hear from Marcus.

Marcus: "Now it's time for the real fun to begin!"

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