Episode 9: Halliwell-Trudeaus meet Winchesters! Chapter 5: A Change of Heart!

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Everybody was in the foyer as Dean and Sam were getting ready to leave! Piper had just walked out of the kitchen carrying something!

Piper: Ooh! Wait! Wait! Wait! I thought that you guys would be hungry being on the road, so I made a few things, four home baked pies, and four home cooked meals! To get you through the first two days!"
Sam: "Well thanks for these two meals for me Piper!"
Piper: "Oh two of those pies are for you!"
Sam: "By the time it's midnight, the pies will all be gone because of this one right here!"
Dean: "You know it, so don't touch 'em! But seriously thanks for the food!"
Syrus: "Well it's the least that we can do!"
Piper: "We???"
Syrus: "Fine! That you can do!"
Scott: "Yeah, I mean without you two and that supernatural poison, we might have not been able to vanquish Jeremy!"
Stiles: "And then we'd all be joining our family members up there!"
Sam: "It was nothing! Just like you we have a family legacy to kill all supernatural evil! But ours is as monster hunters, whereas y'alls is as Witch-Whitelighter hybrids, and the middle child being a true alpha werewolf too! How the Hell did I remember all of that?"
Dean: "Well we better hit the road!"
Syrus: "Hey! Dean! Sam! If you ever end up back in California on a case, give us a call and we'll see if we can help, alright?"
Dean: "You know, I'd like that! I definitely will if we end up back in California again! Thanks! Bye guys!
Sam: "Bye guys!"
Syrus, Scott, and Stiles (in unison): "Bye guys!"
Derek: "Bye!"
Piper: "Bye! Take care!"

Piper, Derek, and the brothers watched Dean and Sam drive away in their Impala!


At Halliwell's, the gang were all sitting at their usual table as Cayla came and got ready to take their orders!

Cayla: "Hey guys! Y'all want your usuals?"
Syrus: "Yeeeeessss ma'am!"

As Syrus realised what he had just said; Scott, Stiles, Derek, and Piper all looked at him with a shocked face!

Syrus: "I mean...it's not that you're old enough to be a ma'am, in fact you look sexy and hot, like every night! I mean...it's not that I make sure to get a good look at you every night, or even a glimpse!"
Cayla (kind of confused): "Riiggghhhhttttt!!!!!! Anyways I'll be back with your drinks! Be right back!"

Cayla walks back to the kitchen!

Syrus just layed his head down onto the table in defeat and embarrassment!

Syrus: "Can some supernatural evil please just kill me now? Please?"

Scott, Stiles, and Derek start to quietly laugh! Syrus picks his head up!

Syrus: "OK Derek, watch it! And Scott and Stiles it's not funny guys. There's something about her that I can literally just reveal our supernatural secrets to right now, and I'd know that she'd eventually understand and still be my true love! That's how crazy I'm in love with her! I mean we've had great dates, except for the part where I'm so nervous that I make a fool out of myself! And now I'm embarrassing me and, more importantly, her in public now!?! What do I do?"
Scott: "Hey don't ask me I keep ending up single!"
Stiles: "And I date Derek now!"
Syrus: "Great so I'm hopeless in the romance department!"
Piper: "Honey! You have nothing to be nervous about! You're smart, athletic, cute, nice, loyal, respectful to every person you meet who also respects you. Just be yourself and don't sweat the small things!"
Syrus: "Kind of like how Dean and I did this morning when we were still pissed at each other. Thanks Aunt Piper!"
Piper: "Anytime!"

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