Episode 17: P is for Powerless...and Powerful! Chapter 2: What's up with Piper?

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A possessed Piper came downstairs and walked into the living room to see only Derek and Stiles, Derek was about to leave.

Derek: "Bye baby!"
Stiles: "Bye Sourwolf!"

They kiss and hug goodbye!

Derek: "Bye Piper!"
Piper (possessed): "Bye! Have fun!"

Derek got into his camaro and drove off and left the manor. Stiles: shut the front door and turned to face a possessed Piper.

Stiles: "So, I guess it's just you and me for the day!"
Piper (possessed): "Good!"
Stiles: "Excuse me?"
Piper (possessed): "I mean, that's good! It means that we can have some extra bonding time together."
Stiles: "Oh! Yeah, ok, I guess! Hey, why don't we go into the kitchen and make some brownies, that'll be fun."
Piper (possessed): "Really? Cooking and baking? Sounds hard!"
Stiles: "You're kidding me, right? Piper, you and I love to cook and bake. That's one of the main things you and I bond over. You own a restaurant, for God's sake! Also, you're always saying that you're glad that one of us three boys inherited your love and skill for cooking and baking."
Piper (possessed): "Right! Sorry, I guess I must've hit my head when that demon showed up."

Stiles and a possessed Piper walk to the kitchen and start getting ready to bake brownies.


Meanwhile at work, Syrus has had this chill feeling ever since he left the house. He tried to surpass it but it wasn't going away! Suddenly, in his office working on the case, Cole appears out of nowhere. Syrus immediately stood up and got ready to attack!

Syrus: "Who the hell are you?"
Cole: "Woah, woah, woah! Easy, I'm not here to hurt you. Listen, you need to be careful, a demon is after you, the elders sent me down to help you, your brothers, and your aunt! I don't know what kind of demon, but once we figure that out, the elders say that I'll be able to tell you how to vanquish it!"

Syrus suddenly squinted his eyes and telekinetically threw Cole across his office!

Syrus: "I don't trust demons now get out or I'll vanquish you myself!"

Cole: "Fine! You know you're just like your mother and your aunts, all stubborn!"

Suddenly he fades out of Syrus' office and disappears!

Syrus (out loud): "He knewbmy family?"

Suddenly, Syrus' chill got stronger and kept making him shiver, since he wasn't cold he knew this wasn't a normal chill! He suddenly organized his office, grabbed his keys, phone, and jacket, and walked out of his office. As he's walking pass all the cubby offices his boss notices him leaving.

Syrus' boss: "Syrus, you finished with that case?"
Syrus: "Almost! I'll have it done by tomorrow!"
Syrus' boss: "Well, where are you going?"
Syrus: "The Vet Clinic!"

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