Episode 1 The Hidden Halliwells! Chapter 5: Will The Boys Accept Their Destiny?

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Inside the living room of the Halliwell Manor, Stiles is unconscious after crashing into the big cabinet that has see through doors that Andy crashed into when he died!)

Scott (shaking Stiles' body violently): "Stiles! Stiles!

Derek (now shaking Stiles violently and yelling): "STILES!!! STILES!!!"

Syrus: "This is all my fault! Maybe he was right! Maybe we shouldn't become this!"

Stiles starts to wake up to himself with Piper standing over him, while his brothers and boyfriend are sitting on the floor beside of him!

Stiles: "What happened?"

Scott: "Well, Stiles, the truth is that..."

Syrus: "You got thrown across the room and crashed into this giant see through cabinet that holds valuables!"

Syrus, Scott, and Derek then stand up and help Stiles back onto his feet!

Stiles: "OK!? But how did that happ..."

Stiles suddenly remembers how it happened! Stiles suddenly stares down Syrus!

Stiles (in a pissed off tone): "You Son of A BITCH!!!"

Stiles then does a front and forward round house kick and kicks Syrus' face!

Syrus: "OWW! OK! Never mind! You Know What!? THAT IS IT!!!"

Scott immediately jumps into action of being the peace maker!

Scott: "OH NO, No, no, No, NO!!!"

Scott stops the two from fighting again!

Scott: "We are NOT, I REPEAT NOT, going through this, Again! Now, you two need to make up, apologize for both of you going way too far, and then just relax and be best friends, and practically like brothers already, like you use to be towards each other, and to me, again! GOT IT???"

Syrus and Stiles look at each other, then at Scott, and then at everybody else in the room!

Stiles (in a pissed off/annoyed tone): "I'm out of here!"

Stiles walks to the front door!

Syrus (in a disappointed tone): "Same!"

Syrus then walks to the front door, as well!"

Stiles (in a pissed off tone): "Oh! Well, Don't Follow Me!"

Stiles continues to walk to the front door!

Syrus (in an annoyed tone): "Wasn't Planning To and STILL Don't Plan To!"

Stiles opens the door while Syrus is right behind him!

Stiles then walks out and slams the door right in Syrus' face!

This pisses Syrus off even more!

Syrus (in a very, very loud, almost yelling tone): "UGGHHH!!!"

Syrus then opens the door back up and leaves and slams the door shut!

Derek: "STILES!!! Wait!"

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