Episode 7: The Woogyman/Nexus Possession! Chapter 4: Facing it Head On!

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In the conservatory. Scott, Stiles, and Derek are there.

Scott: "All right, the answer is in the Woogyman/Nexus story."
Stiles: "Which neither one of us remembers."
Scott: "Well, we have to keep trying."

Cut to the attic. Syrus wakes up. He goes downstairs. He stops halfway when he hears Scott, Stiles, and Derek talking.

Stiles: "There has to be a way out of here."
Scott: "We have tried everything, guys. Besides the only way to help Syrus is from inside."

Syrus smiles and walks towards the basement.

Derek: "Help him kill us maybe!"
Scott: "Yeah, well we have to keep trying."
Syrus (from the basement): "Scott! Stiles! Help me!"
Scott: "Do you think..."
Syrus: "Please, you gotta help me. Down in the basement."
Derek: "Trap!"
Scott: "Yeah, well, what else can we do?"
Stiles: "We could not go to the basement. I vote for that."
Derek: "I second that!"
Scott: "Aunt Piper knew that this evil might come back so that's why she told us the story."
Stiles: "Well, how do we remember the words? I never even believed in the Woogyman part and never understood the Nexus part."
Scott: "No, but Syrus did. Remember him telling us that because of where we would have to fight it at, he would make sure to know the story by heart."
Stiles: "Something tells me he's not in the mood to share it."
Scott: "All right, we know that the source of his power is in the basement. So, if we can weaken him, maybe we can weaken his hold on Syrus, at least long enough for him to tell us the spell."
Stiles: "How do we do that? We don't even know what it is or how to fight it."

Syrus: "Help! Please, I need you."
Stiles (to Derek): "You stay in the living room! I mean it! We don't need an alpha werewolf possessed by this thing!"
Derek: "Fine! But be careful!"
Scott and Stiles (in unison): "We will!"

Scott and Stiles walk in the kitchen.

Scott: "Okay. We have no choice. So, we're gonna need a..."
Stiles: "Light. (Scott gets a torch out of a drawer.) No! Not a light! The light! Aunt Piper's story, remember? She said something about using it to guide you through the shadow. Or was it to the shadow?"
Scott: "But wait, that doesn't make any sense. Using a light to find the shadows? Shadows retreat from the light...and they thrive in the darkness. Kinda like this."
Stiles: "Or in the basement. Maybe that's what we're fighting, Scott, a shadow."
Scott: "Okay, let's fight it!"

They walk down the stairs!

Stiles: "Syrus?"
Scott: "Oh, there, see that?"

He sees the Woogyman/Nexus!

Syrus (From the top of the basement stairs): "What took you so long?"

Scott closes the door with his ice blasting part of his ice power.

Scott: "One evil at a time. Come on, we don't have a lot of time!"
Stiles: "Okay, uh, freeze it."

Scott tries to freeze it but it won't.

Scott: "It's not working. Can't you, uh...orb away with it?"

Stiles tries to orb out with it but he was thrown off of it.

Stiles: "No my power's not working on it either. Let's try to freeze it with ice!"
Scott: "OK!!!"

Scott and Stiles grab hands and shot ice, out of their other hands, towards the Woogyman/Nexus but nothing worked!

Stiles: "Nothing's working!"
Scott: "I know!"

Syrus pushes the door open.

Scott: "Syrus, you've got to listen to us."
Syrus: "You're in no position to tell me what to do."

He holds up a knife that he conjured.

Scott: "Remember Aunt Piper's story? The one about the Woogyman/Nexus? About the light?"

Stiles (loudly): "Come on, Syrus, try!"

Syrus started to slip through the possession!

Syrus: "I can't. Don't make me. You know I don't like basements."

Woogyman/Nexus: "It's no use. Your brother's evil now."

Scott: "Wanna bet? Come on, Syrus, you've got to fight it. You are good!"

Syrus starts to take two steps back away from the basement!

Scott: "Syrus, please, remember the story. What did Aunt Piper say?"

Stiles (loudly): "Hurry, Syrus, please!"

Syrus: "OK! 'I am light, I am one too strong to fight, return to dark where shadows dwell, you can not have this Halliwell.'"
Scott: "Keep it going, Syrus!"
Syrus: "OK! 'Go away and leave my sight, and take with you this endless night.'"

Woogyman/Nexus: "What are you doing? You can't fight me! Syrus!"

The Woogyman/Nexus disappears back in the crack in the floor. Scott and Stiles hug Syrus.

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