Episode 1 The Hidden Halliwells! Chapter 2: The Meeting!

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The next day at 10 AM, just outside the Halliwell Manor is a black and sky blue Jeep with three guys in their early twenties, and another guy in his late twenties, inside of it!

Scott (sitting in the back seat): "Are we seriously going to do this? I mean, seriously, we're actually doing this?"

Syrus (sitting in the other back seat): "This is the one chance that we got! We have to do it!"

Stiles (sitting in the driver's seat): " Yeah for once in a while, I agree with him, dude! But like I said, for once I agree!"

Syrus: "Dude, don't be an asshole!"

Stiles: "Oh, shut up, bitch!"
Derek (sitting in the passenger seat): "Guys don't do this now! And babe, calling him a name was unnecessary and a little out of line!"

Syrus: "You better watch it!"

Stiles: "Don't piss me off dude!"

Scott: "Both of you, Knock It OFF! God, for the past five months you guys have been more like bitches to each other than best friends! Can you guys just calm down and get along like how y'all used to up until six months ago? Please?"

Syrus: "He's right, you know!"

Stiles: "Yeah, I know!"
Syrus: "I'm sorry, dude!"

Stiles: "I'm sorry, too!"

Scott: "Thank you! Alright, you two ready to do this? Because, I am!"

Stiles: "Yep, I am! You?"
Syrus: "Yep!"

Stiles: "OK then! Let's go!"

All four boys got out of the Jeep and walked towards the front door!

Piper had woken up actually quickly sober! She was wanting to get out of meeting her long lost nephews!
Just then she heard a knock on the door but didn't answer it! That's when Andy orbed in and reminded her that she was doing this for him and PRUE!
That was just enough to annoyingly motivate her to do this! Then, as Piper walked out of the kitchen Andy orbed out

Piper went and opened the door and saw four guys standing there!

Piper: "Hi!"

Syrus: "Hi!"

Syrus: "Um... I'm Syrus and these are my two best friends, Scott!"

Scott: "Hey!"

Syrus: "And Stiles!"
Stiles: "Sup! And this is my boyfriend Derek!"

Derek: "Hey!"

Piper: "Oh your boyfriend!?! So, Gay or Bisexual? One of each?"
Stiles: "He's bi and I'm gay!"
Piper: "Oh! Well, it's nice to meet you all, I guess! Uh, I'm Pipe..."

Stiles: "Piper Halliwell! Right? I'm right, aren't I?!"

Syrus and Scott: "STILES!"

Stiles: "Sorry!"

Piper: "Uh, yeah I am! Alright let's get this over with! Is there a reason that you four are here or...?"

Syrus: "Um, yes actually you see...us three just found out about eight months ago that all three of us are actually biological brothers!"(while pointing at Scott and Stiles)"...And that your older sister and her ex boyfriend from high school who apparently died six and eight years before I was born, are our biological parents!"

Piper: "Um... Why don't you guys come on in and... I guess, unfortunately let ME explain everything!

Syrus: "Oh, are you sure?"

Scott: "Yeah! I mean, we wouldn't want to intrude!"

Piper: "No, no, no! I insist, I guess!"

Stiles: "Well, OK!"

Stiles walked in first, then Syrus and Scott walked in going after him! Then Derek walked in! Then Piper followed them, while shutting the door!

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