Episode 17: P is for Powerless...and Powerful! Chapter 1: From Good to Evil!

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It was a gorgeous sunny morning! Once again, Piper and Stiles fixed a nice breakfast for Syrus, Scott, Derek, and themselves! When it was finished, Derek and Scott were like puppies begging for food. They couldn't ignore the smell that woke them up, due to their werewolf noses. Syrus didn't need a werewolf nose to smell breakfast though, the smell was so strong that it also woke him up too. He came downstairs, and they all started eating breakfast together. Lately, Stiles has been wondering why it's been so quiet, when it comes to magic. Finally, Stiles couldn't hold it in anymore.

Stiles: "Ok is it just me, or has it been quiet, like too quiet, when it comes to magic?"
Scott: "I mean, it has been really quiet, but isn't that a good thing."
Piper: "No! Unfortunately it's not!"
Syrus: "You know, now that I think about it, it really has been too quiet. What do you think their planning?"
Piper: "I don't know! We just have to watch each other's backs."
Derek: "And be careful!"


After breakfast, Piper went up into the attic after suddenly hearing the pages of the Book of Shadows magically flipping on their own. When she reached the book, she saw that it landed on a page about possessor demons. Not understanding why, she started to leave the attic, until the attic door orbed shut. Realizing it was her sisters trying to warn her of something, she went back to the book and studied up on possessor demons.


Back downstairs, the boys were talking about what they have to do for today. Derek is going back to Beacon Hills for the day to check up on  Peter, Malia, Liam, Mason, Corey, and Hayden. Syrus has to work, he has this big case on defending a child with both dyslexic and a heavy case of autism. Syrus knows that this child doesn't deserve to be treated rudely by teachers and staff, just because he really abnormally struggles in school. Scott has to work as well! He got a call that the owner's dog ate a flash drive that had their daughter's homework on it. Scott got a kick out of the fact that a dog actually ate a kid's homework. Stiles was off for the day so he thought that he might just hang out with Piper.


Nearly an hour later, Piper got tired of trying to figure out why her sisters sent her these signs from the great beyond, since she didn't understand what exactly were they warning her about. Suddenly a familiar man appeared in the attic with her.

Piper: "You!!!"
Familiar man: "Yep! Me!"
Piper: What are you doing here and how are you..."
Familiar man: "Back to being alive?"
Piper: "Yeah!"
Familiar man: "It's a long story. Short version, the elders brought me back fully for just today, to help you and those three boys down there."
Piper: "Help us with what?"
Familiar man: "They didn't tell me but they told me that you would know after receiving the signs from your sisters, then once you knew then I would know what you would need to do or how to stop it."
Piper: "Listen Cole, I don't need your help! The elders and my sisters must not know what they're talking and thinking about because, it doesn't look like anything's going to happen. Now leave or you won't be waiting to die again tonight like you're meant to".
Cole: "Look Piper, I'm just doing what I was told to do, so ju..."

Piper suddenly tried to blow Cole up but she only blasted him.

Piper: "Now please, GO!!!"
Cole: "Fine!!!"

Cole faded out of the house and two seconds later the brothers and Derek are coming through the attic door.

Syrus: "Aunt Piper, what happened? We heard a loud crash!"
Scott: Are you okay?"
Piper: "Oh yeah just, a simple low-level demon shimmered in here with me and tried to attack me but I vanquished him by blowing him up. No need to worry!"
Stiles: "Are you sure you're okay Aunt Piper?
Derek: "Yeah Piper I mean, that was really loud and hard crashing thump we heard."
Piper: "Yes, I'm fine!"
Syrus, Scott, and Stiles (in unison): "Okay!"

And with that, all four guys left the attic! After just standing in the attic for a few seconds, Piper was about to leave when all of a sudden a familiar female Possessor Demon shimmered into the attic. Piper remembered that this female Possessor Demon was the one that they vanquished after the female Possessor Demon possessed Mandi, the mother to one of toddler Wyatt's preschool classmates, and got toddler Wyatt to trust her and use his magic to resurrect the original Source. Now she's suddenly back! Before Piper could do anything, the female Possessor Demon went into Piper and possessed her.

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