Episode 12: The Succubus Returns! Chapter 5: The Succubus' Finale!

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At the coroner's office, Smith was talking to a doctor!

Doctor: "Toxicology won't be back for a week but the preliminary blood panel did show something odd. This woman's endocrine system showed high level of testosterone."
Smith: "Testosterone? How's that even possible?"
Doctor: "Won't know for certain until the autopsy but if it turns out to be accurate, you've definitely got the killer you've been looking for."
Smith: "I'm telling you, there's something really weird about this. It's a real shame. She's a babe."

The Doctor leaves and Succubus kills Smith.


Back in the attic, Piper is looking through the Book of Shadows

Piper: "I don't understand! It says to attract and destroy the Succubus. She will come to us and burst into flames."
Syrus: "Well, it came all right but it certainly didn't burst. And worse, we're still attracted to her. What I don't understand is why weren't we able to use our powers?"
Piper: "I don't know!"

Stiles and Derek walk in!

Stiles: "Guys, the Succubus! She's still alive! I felt her kill again!"
Piper: "Oh, no!"
Syrus: "Why weren't we able to destroy her?"
Stiles: "We can still finish this!"
Scott: "How? I mean, she knocked us out, guys. I mean, really. It was like we were in a trance. We were weak in the knees and for a moment we felt her need not to be reject as though it would devastate her."
Stiles: "Great! We're dealing with a sensitive man-killing demon."
Syrus: "Well, we gotta be missing something! You two keep looking! I gotta go take a leak!"
Scott: "Same!"
Piper: "Don't forget to put the seats back down."
Syrus and Scott (in unison): "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!"

(Syrus and Scott walks out)

Piper: "Anything there?"
Stiles: "No! Nothing at all!"

(Stiles gets a new flash)

Piper: "Stiles!"
Stiles: "She's here. The Succubus... She's in the house."

(They hear a noise like something broking.)

Piper: "Syrus!!! Scott!!!"


Piper: "Syrus? Where'd he go?"

She sees the broken window! Stiles and Derek walk in!

Stiles: "Scott's gone, too! He's not in the other bathroom. The window's broken!"


At Darla's/Succubus' place, Darla is getting ready to seduce Syrus and Scott!

Darla/Succubus: "I watched your tape over and over again. The things you said, I..."

(Syrus and Scott are on the bed)

Darla/Succubus: "You can't resist me!"


Back at the manor in the attic, the Stiles, Derek, and Piper are worried about Syrus and Scott!

Piper: "We have to find Syrus and Scott, Stiles. Or they're dead!"
Stiles: "I'm connected again! I'm seeing Syrus and Scott! They're alive!"
Piper: "Where are they?"
Stiles: "The same place the others victims were but I don't know where that is. God! I'm gonna watch her kill Syrus and Scott end there's nothing I can do about it."

Piper: "Wait! Listen to me! I have an idea! If you're connected to the Succubus, then the Succubus is connected to you, right?"

Stiles: "What are you talking about?"

Piper: "You have to reverse the psychic connection. You have to use your power to project back to the Succubus to help Syrus and Scott resist her. What's the Succubus saying?"

Stiles' flash.

Darla/Succubus: "Tell me you want me!"

Syrus and Scott (in unison): "We want you!"

Stiles: "She wants Syrus and Scott to want her!"

Piper: "Ok, talk through the Succubus. Tell Syrus and Scott that they don't want her, and they'll never want her. Tell them!"

Stiles' flash.

Darla/Succubus: "Tell me you need me!"

Syrus and Scott (in unison): "We need you!"

Piper: "Talk to Syrus and Scott like they're right in front of you, Stiles. Um, tell them that their not just two straight men. They're also two powerful witches! They're two Charmed Ones!"

Stiles' flash.

Darla/Succubus: Tell me.

Stiles: "You're not just two straight men. You're Charmed Ones!"

Stiles' flash

Darla/Succubus: "You're Charmed Ones!"

Syrus and Scott (in unison): "We're Charmed Ones!"

Darla/Succubus: "What?"

Stiles: "You can resist, Syrus and Scott!"

Stiles' flash.

Darla/Succubus: "You can resist, Syrus and Scott! Sure straight men are powerless against me. But you two are not just straight men, you're Charmed Ones!"

Syrus: "We can resist you!"
Scott: "In fact, we're rejecting you!"

[Scene: Darla/Succubus' place.]

Darla/Succubus: "What? You can't resist me! I'm irresistible!"
Scott: "Not to us, you're not, you bitch!"

Scott freezes her and Syrus uses his telekinesis against Succubus and she flies into the wall and starts to burst into flame

Darla/Succubus: "Nooooooo!"


Back at the Manor!

Piper: "Are you ok?"
Stiles: "I'm fine! And so is Syrus and Scott!"
Derek: "What about the Succubus?"
Stiles: "She's dead!"


Back at Halliwell's, Syrus and Scott walk in and Stiles, Derek, and Piper see them and walk towards them!

Piper: "Welcome back! So how was the man-killing woman?"
Derek: "So are you two over her or did you two move onto the next woman from Hell?"
Scott: "Hahaha! very funny!"
Syrus: "We did it to save our brother who's your boyfriend. Remember?"
Stiles: "Well, at least it's over now! And we're all safe!"
Piper:: Amen to that!"
Syrus(to Stiles and Derek): "And now, you two go! Go have fun!"
Scott: "Yeah! Go kiss or something have a romantic night here! Just enjoy each other now that Stiles free from the Succubus and the heat wave is over!"

Stiles and Derek walk away and walk to an empty table and sit down! Syrus, Scott, and Piper walk to the bar! Piper gets behind it! Syrus looks at Stiles and Derek and suddenly gets a little depressed!

Scott: "You miss Cayla, don't you!"
Syrus: "Yeah! Just wish she'd call or text, or just come back!"
Scott: "Yeah I know bro! I'm sorry!"
Syrus: "Thanks man!"

Piper suddenly feels guilty for knowing why Cayla hasn't came back or called or texted back!

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