Episode 16: Dreams become Nightmares! Chapter 2: The Dream Sorcerer!

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Stiles had gone to work later that morning and was super antsy, for obvious reasons! When he was at his desk in his office facing the wall, he suddenly felt a hand grab and rub his shoulder! He flinched and turned around in his chair and saw that it was Joey!

Joey: "Hey, I just wanted see if you're ok!"
Stiles: "Sorry Joey!"

Joey went to to touch his shoulder again to have Stiles face him so he could see if Stiles was REALLY OK. But when he put his hand on Stiles' shoulder, Stiles tried to inch away which made Joey immediately let go!

Joey: "I thought you were ok if Derek, Scott, Syrus, and I touching you!"
Stiles: "Well my dreams got worse last night!" (starts whispering) "Ever since, the incident, Derek and I haven't been sexually active! I'm just not ready to start back up yet and Derek respects my decision one hundred percent. But in my dream last night, Derek got tired of waiting and tried to force me to have sex with him, kind of like raping! Then my brothers came down and instead of helping me, they held my arms and shoulders down for Derek! And even though it was just a dream, it felt so real and scared me so much that I'm sensitive to every single touch from a male! Including you, Derek, and my brothers!"
Joey: "I'm sorry Stiles! I wish that I could help you get a clear mind about this and not have to be so..."
Stiles: "Messed up! Unstable!"
Joey: "Tortured by this incident!"
Stiles: "Yeah well, what can we do!"
Joey: "Hey do you want to go to lunch with me across the street?"
Stiles: "Uh, sure!"


Stiles and Joey had gone to the cafe across the street for lunch and just talked about how other than the incident, what else have been on their minds! They talked about cases and assignments that they have individually. Just then, Stiles noticed a suspicious man walking pass them! He didn't know why, but he looked familiar to Stiles, like he had seen him somewhere before! Also, Stiles didn't trust him and got a bad feeling or 'vibe' from the man just by looking at him!


Later that day, at night, Stiles came home from work exhausted. He found Derek, Scott, Syrus, and Piper talking in the kitchen!

Syrus (relieved): "Oh good, you're home!"
Scott: "Are you ok?"
Stiles: "Yeah! I just ended up working late so I could catch up on what stuff I missed!"
Derek: "So, how was work? Was your first day back ok?"
Stiles: "Yeah just exhausting! And the only time I got to see sunlight is when I went to the cafe across the street from the station for lunch!"
Syrus (worried): "Oh! You went out to eat?!?"

Scott, Derek, and Piper were also worried!

Stiles: "Yes! But it was only across the street from the station! Besides Joey was with me! It was actually his idea for me to go to lunch with him to that cafe!"

Syrus, Scott, Derek, and Piper were all relieved when Stiles told them that Joey had been with him all day!

Stiles: "Anyways, I'm exhausted! So I'm going to take a bath then go to bed!"
Derek: "I'll be in bed already so, when you're ready I'll be there!"
Stiles: "Ok!"


Stiles was lying in the bath. He closes his eyes and falls asleep. We go into his dream. The Dream Sorcerer is there. He was wearing black combat boots, black jeans, a solid black shirt, black leather gloves, and a black trenchcoat!

Dream Sorcerer: "Hello Stiles!"

Stiles wakes up!

Stiles: "What the hell? Wait you're the..."
Dream Sorcerer: "Random guy from the cafe? Yeah, and your dream! Yeah, the one about your brothers holding you down while your boyfriend rapes you!"
Stiles: "Look just get..."
Dream Sorcerer: "Out of your house?"
Dream Sorcerer and Stiles (in unison): "Guys help!"
Dream Sorcerer: "Scream all you want, no one can help you."
Stiles: "How did you know..."
Dream Sorcerer: "About your dream, what you're thinking, and know what you're going to say?"
Stiles: "Yes!"
Dream Sorcerer: "I'm in your conscious! I know your every thought and desire!"
Stiles: "Who are you?"
Dream Sorcerer: "Let's just say I knew your mother during her first year of being a witch! Unfortunately, she had defeated me! But now I'm back and not only am I still a dream sorcerer, but I'm also an actual demon! When I came back and found out that she was already dead, but her sons had took on the charmed legacy, I realized that attacking one of you would be payback enough. And with you in the unstable condition caused from recently being raped, it just became so easy! Hey, did you know that if you die in your dreams, you die in real life!"
Stiles: "Shut up!"

He starts to climb into the tub, fully dressed, and starts to sexually touch Stiles.

Stiles: "Stop it! Get off of me!"
Dream Sorcerer: "You know I'm not gay or bi, but I'll do anything to get payback."

Stiles tried to fight him off!

Stiles: "I can't move! Why can't I move?"

Dream Sorcerer: "Ha ha ha! Because I'm going to rape you to death."

The dream sorcerer gets a sponge and rubs it on his back so hard it makes him bleed. He pushes his head under the water and got ready to rape him. Syrus knocks on the door and Stiles wakes up.

Syrus: "Stiles, are you okay?"

Stiles: "Uh, yeah!"

Syrus: "You were yelling!"

Stiles: "Yeah! I had a... I had a really bad thing."

Syrus: "A thing?"

Stiles: "Yeah! Uh, I'm okay now. I promise! Just go back to bed."

Syrus leaves! Stiles gets out of the bath.

Stiles: "Ow!"

He looks at his back and sees scratch marks from the sponge.

Stiles: "Oh my God!"

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