Episode 12: The Succubus Returns! Chapter 3: The Spell!

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Joey is watching some suspects in the car in front of the building of Fine Romance.


Meanwhile inside Fine Romance, The brothers are getting ready to scope out the place when a blonde woman comes there way to talk!

Blonde woman: "Hi, welcome to Fine Romance. I'm Darla. How can I help you?"
Stiles: My brothers Syrus and Scott would like to sign up."
Syrus and Scott (in unison): "We would?"
Stiles: "Yes you would while I look around."
Syrus and Scott (in unison): "Right!"

Stiles walks away from them!

Darla: "Well, Syrus, Scott, today is a lucky day for both of you. Because we are running a special. One year, unlimited access to our internet and video library, with a money-back guarantee, for only $3,500."
Syrus: "3,500 bucks? Okay, I could buy a woman for that."
Darla: "Oh, I can always tell the frustrated ones. You two have been having woman troubles lately, haven't you?"

[Cut to Stiles. He bumps into a guy.]

Stiles: Oh... oh!"
Guy: "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"
Stiles: "I'm sorry. I didn't see you."
Guy: "Oh.. it's not a problem... it's not a problem at all."
Stiles: "Uh... do you work here?"
Guy: No, actually I just, uh, I just signed up."

He laughs!

Stiles: "Really? Gay or straight!"
Guy: "Straight!"
Stiles: "Really?"
Guy: "Yeah!"
Stiles: "I mean, it's just that... you don't seem like the type that needs help finding a date."
Guy: "Ditto. Oh, um, I'm Arthur! Arthur Panning!"
Stiles: "Stiles!"

As he shakes his hand, he gets an orbed premonition of him being killed.

Stiles: "Uh, uh... I have to... I have to go. Okay, I'm sorry! Excuse me!"
Arthur: OK! Bye, Stiles!"

Stiles: "Bye!"

[Cut back to Syrus and Scott!]

Darla: "Congratulations, Syrus and Scott. Your days of having trouble with women are over. See you two at tonight's mixer?"
Syrus: "Okay, you know, for your information, we do not have woman troubles. Financial ones, now, yes. But definitely not woman troubles."

Stiles comes in!

Stiles: "We're out of here!"
Scott: "She... you!"
Stiles: "Okay.. it's okay... it's all right!"
Syrus: "We don't. Honestly!"
Syrus and Scott (in unison): "Tell her!"
Stiles: "They don't!"

Back at the manor, Piper could not stop stressing about Syrus and Scott when she found out who is really behind the killings of straight men!

Syrus: "Piper?"
Piper: "Good! You're back!"
Stiles: "Did you find anything in the Book?"
Piper: "I was looking. You should see what I found. Turns out your mother, your Aunt Phoebe, and I have dealt with this before!"
Piper (reading the Book of Shadows): "Here! Listen to this! 'When a witch renounces all human emotions and makes a pact with darkness to protect herself from heartbreak, she becomes a Succubus... a sexual predator.' Yep! Definitely went up against this before!"
Stiles: "Let me see that (reading the book) 'She seeks out powerful men who become helpless against her magic, then feeds on their testosterone with her razor-sharp tongue.' So, this monster is an evil sexually-charged witch?"
Syrus: "Yeah, but it's not you, Stiles. Because you didn't make a pact with Darkness, right?"
Piper: And as far as we know, you were never a female and you don't have a razor-sharp tongue."
Stiles: "OK! Well, maybe I'm still connected to her and I'm being forced to kill for her!"
Scott: "Here's a spell to attract the Succubus and destroy it with fire."
Stiles (reading the book): "'A flaming death for that woman and yours truly'? I don't think so."
Syrus: "Well, we have to catch this thing, right? So, what if Scott and I cast a spell to attract it and if it turns out to be that you are connected and being forced to kill for her and you are the one who's attracted to us, then Aunt Piper will freeze the room and we'll go from there. Fair enough?"

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