Episode 3 Feeling Guilty! Chapter 5: Summoning the Dead!

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New cast members for chapter:

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New cast members for chapter:

Crystal Reed as "Allison"
Daniela Nieves as "Cayla"


Syrus, Scott, and Stiles (in unison): "Allison?!?"

Syrus, Scott, Stiles, and Derek were all amazed! They were actually standing in front of their friend again!

Allison: "Hey! I'm so proud of you guys! Finally figuring out that you're brothers, then finding Piper! Stiles, you finding enough courage to come out to your brothers! Derek and Stiles, you two realizing that you're both in love with each other! OK, so I've been with y'alls family since they died at the same time that I died! And your aunts are proud of you boys, and so are your uncles! Carrying on the family legacy! I've also talked to your parents! And they have things that they want me to tell you guys but first, I need to say what I want to say!"
Syrus: "Hold on, we need to know something first!"
Scott: "Are you OK?"
Stiles: "Are you safe?"

Allison walks out of the circle of lit candles and becomes comporeal! She then walks to Stiles!

Allison: "Stiles! I do NOT blame you for my death! Besides if me dying meant saving you and Lydia, then I would do it again in a heart beat you weren't just my first love's best friend! You were my friend too, and I do care about you and Syrus! So stop blaming yourself and know that Aiden and I died to save you and Lydia and are OK with that!"
Stiles: "It's just that, I guess I couldn't move on until I knew you weren't mad at me and didn't hate me and I knew that you were OK and were safe!"
Allison: "And hey! You always were powerful, but not because you now have supernatural powers! But because of who you are!"

Allison walks to Scott!

Allison: "Scott! You can't keep feeling guilty that you couldn't do anything to save me when I was dying in your arms! It was my time to die and Stiles getting free from the Nogitsuné spirit came out of my death!"
Scott: "I just...it's so weird now knowing what I can do and that I possibly could've done it back then kind of messes with me and my head!"
Allison: "Well, Syrus has been right this whole time! You can't keep dwelling on the past and you can't keep dwelling on 'What If'! You have to move on and now you can!"

Scott and Stiles nod their heads and Allison then walks to Syrus!

Allison: "Syrus! Yes you are the oldest and strongest brother but, you're not the strongest thing in the entire universe, you're the third strongest, Scott's the fourth strongest, and Stiles' the fifth strongest! The second strongest thing is you guys together and combined, the Power of Three! Then the actual strongest thing is love! Don't forget that, you three!
Syrus, Scott, and Stiles (in unison): " Thanks Allison!"
Allison: "No problem!"

Allison grabs Syrus' left wrist and Stiles' right wrist and looks at all three boys!

Allison: "Now your parents wanted me to tell you this too, don't rely too much on your active powers! You have to rely more on the Power of Three! So don't lose each other in this journey! Also, remember the strength and power that you three have lies in your bond as best friends and brothers! It lies in your friendship and brotherhood! Remember that!!!"
Syrus, Scott, and Stiles (in unison): "We will!!!"

Allison then walks to Derek and guides him to Stiles!

Allison: "Stiles! Don't forget that yes you and your brothers' bond is strong but so is your bond as boyfriends with Derek is too! Derek! Don't screw this up!!!"

Everyone kind of chuckles at that!

Stiles: "Don't worry!"
Derek: "We won't!"

Allison then looks at Piper!

Allison: "Piper! All three of your sisters wanted me to tell you that you are going to do great with these three! Just don't forget who you are! They said that these boys are going to need the Piper that you were during your charmed years with Phoebe and Paige! And your husband says that he loves you a lot and misses you a lot!"

Piper had tears running down her face and that was a signal for Syrus, Scott, and Stiles, and even Derek, to walk over to her and stand by her side! Syrus, Scott, and Stiles stand in a line right behind her, with Syrus' left hand on her right shoulder, Stiles' right hand on her left hand, and Scott's hands on top of Syrus and Stiles' hands! Derek stood right behind Stiles and put his arms around him!

Piper: "Don't worry! I'm going to be who I really am! Which is the Piper that they'll need me to be!"

Allison walks back into the circle of lit candles and becomes uncomporeal!

Allison: "None of you forget what I've told you today!"
Syrus, Scott, and Stiles (in unison): "Don't worry! We won't!"
Allison: "Be strong and safe guys!
Syrus, Scott, and Stiles (in unison): " We will!"
Allison: "I was told by your family that, when it's time for me to go, I need to say this! Blessed Be guys!"

Piper chuckled while the boys just smiled!

Syrus, Scott, and Stiles (in unison): "Blessed Be Allison!"

Suddenly Allison disappeared in white Wiccan orbs and then she was gone! Syrus, Scott, and Stiles each walked to a candle and they blew those three out at the same time!


The next day, Syrus, Scott, Stiles, and Derek hung out with Piper while she ran the restaurant! Syrus went to the bar to order some drinks! When he got there a beautiful new waitress was there! Syrus was speechless for a second!

Unknown waitress: "How can I help you?"
Syrus: "Oh sorry! Um four glasses of wine please!"
Unknown waitress: "Coming right up!"

A couple of minutes later, the waitress came back to the bar where Syrus waited for her and the drinks!

Unknown waitress: "Here you go!"
Syrus: "Thank you!"
Unknown waitress: "No problem!"

Before Syrus could leave the bar, Piper caught him!

Piper: "Syrus, this is "Halliwell's" new waitress, Cayla!"

Syrus takes a sip out of one the glasses of wine!

Syrus: "Well, I can tell you she's good at making drinks!"

Piper laughed a little and Cayla kind of blushed/chuckled!

Piper: "Cayla this is Syrus, he's the oldest of my three long lost nephews!"
Cayla: "It's very nice to meet you!"
Syrus: "Nice to meet you too!"

Cayla goes back to work while Piper follows Syrus back to the table!

Syrus: "Really Aunt Piper!"
Piper: "Oh shut up! You liked that I introduced you two to each other properly and you know it!"

Syrus and Piper made it back to the table and Syrus sat beside Scott, putting Scott in the middle of his brothers! Derek was sitting on the other side of Stiles while Piper sat on the other side of Syrus! Scott and Stiles noticed the smile on Syrus' face!

Scott: "What are you smiling about!"
Syrus: "Nothing!"

Scott and Stiles looked at each other and then at Syrus with faces that read denial on them!

Stiles: "Come on bro! You can't lie to us two!"
Scott: "You never could!"
Piper: "Well let's just say that Syrus may be getting some action soon!"
Syrus (furiously loud): AUnt PiPer!!!"
Scott and Stiles (in unison and smiling curiously): "What???"
Syrus: "Ignore her! Actually, I'm just smiling about how I'm glad that this is where we are in our lives!"
Scott and Stiles (in unison): "Same here!"
Derek (in honor of his boyfriend and his boyfriend's brothers and aunt): "To the Halliwell Family!"
All five of them in unison: "To the HALLIWELL FAMILY!!!"

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