Episode 5 Lose Control! Chapter 2: Control Yourself!

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Syrus and Derek were in the attic, looking through the Book of Shadows trying figure out what was going on! But Syrus was getting frustrated!

Syrus (sarcastically excited then furious): "Oh how about this phrase? 'I'M FIXING TO THROW THIS BOOK AT YOU!!!'"
Derek (confused while turning around): "What?"

Derek turns and sees the pissed off look on Syrus' face! Derek was not giving any GOOD information that would help them!

Derek: "OK! I'm sorry! I'm trying!"

Syrus flips a few more pages before getting frustrated!

Syrus (frustrated while slamming the book shut): "This is USELESS!!! There is nothing in this book that's about what could be causing this to happen to you! I mean, maybe it really is ju..."

Suddenly Syrus got a familiar feeling! The same feeling he felt the night that him and his brothers had their powers unbounded and became who they were born as! Witchlighters!!!

Syrus: "Derek!?!"
Derek: "What?"
Syrus (confused): "Do you feel that?"
Derek: "Feel what?"
Syrus: "I've had this feeling run through my body before!"
Derek: "What feeling? When?"
Syrus: The night that my brothers' powers and my powers were unbounded and we became the Charmed Ones! In fact, I had this feeling only the entire time I got to talk to..."

Syrus stopped and got nervous to admit this to Derek!

Syrus: "...no one!"
Derek: "Syrus!!!"
Syrus: "OK! That night when I ran out, my mom orbed in halfway and stayed in her orbing form! But I definitely, for some unknown reason, knew it was her voice! She's the one who helped me realize my mistake that night!"
Derek: "Wow! Wait! And now...?"
Syrus: "I somehow can feel like her presence like she's here!"

Suddenly the book slammed open! It made both Syrus and Derek jump a little!

Derek: "Syrus, did you do that?"
Syrus: "No!!! ...Mom?"

Syrus then walked over to the book and went to touch it when the pages started flipping by themselves! Well actually by Prue!

Syrus: "Woah!!!"

The pages stopped on the page about Andras, the spirit of rage and anger!

Syrus: "Ugh mom, if you can hear me, no offense but I think your confused a little!"

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Syrus: "Ugh mom, if you can hear me, no offense but I think your confused a little!"

Suddenly, words started writing on there own, Syrus remember seeing Prue's handwriting on a different page in the Book of Shadows and recognized it here immediately!

Prue wrote: "The spirit of rage and anger has manipulated it's power to where if any creature who's hit by his power will lose control of it's supernatural powers and abilities, along with their anger!"

Syrus: "Oh boy!"
Derek (sarcastically): "Great!!!"
Syrus: "Um mom, how do we reverse it?"

Prue wrote on Syrus' notepad: "You can't, not until it's too late!"

Syrus: "What do you mean 'you can't until it's too late!'"

Suddenly Derek was really losing control!

Derek: "Agh! Agh!!!"

Syrus (worried): "Derek??"

Derek: "Agh!!! Agh!!!"

Syrus: "Derek???"

Derek suddenly roared insanely loud then started to give Syrus a death glare!

Derek suddenly roared insanely loud then started to give Syrus a death glare!

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Syrus: "Derek?"

Then, Derek started charging straight at Syrus!


Meanwhile in the kitchen, Scott and Piper were trying to figure out what they were supposed to be making! However, they weren't having much luck!

Scott: "So...what are we supposed to be making again Piper?"
Piper: "Honestly, I don't know just something to help Derek! I just hope that Syrus or us figure out how to help Derek before its too late?"

A loud thud suddenly came from upstairs!

Syrus (from the attic): "SCOTT!!! STILES!!!"

Scott (annoyed): "You had to say something like that! Didn't you?"
Piper: "Just come on!!!"
Scott and Piper run out of the kitchen and run into Stiles and Lydia!

Stiles: "Come on hurry!"

Scott ran up the stairs first! Then Stiles, then Piper, then Lydia! When they made it into the attic they suddenly see Derek drop kick Syrus into the wall!

Syrus (while colliding with the wall): "OWW!!!"

Piper threw up her hands and got ready to blast Derek! Stiles noticed this!

Stiles (while redirecting Piper's aim): "NOO!!!"

Suddenly the glass to one of the attic windows blew up and shattered! Syrus ran to Scott's side!

Derek flinched at incident with the window and then went straight for them!

Stiles: "How do we help him?"
Syrus: "Well, from the help of a dead family member, turns out Andras, the spirit of rage and anger manipulated his power to not only fill his victims with suddenly random uncontrollable rage and anger, but now to also make any supernatural creature lose complete and total control over their supernatural abilities and powers!"
Scott (annoyed): "GREAT!!!"
Stiles: "How do we reverse it?"
Syrus (nervous to tell Stiles): "Um...well, you can't! Not until it's too late!"
Stiles: "WHAT???"

Derek was about to strike them again! Scott panicked and suddenly decided it was his turn to do something!

Scott (while pointing his palm towards himself and the rest of them): "My old house!"
Stiles: "What? NOO!!!"

Suddenly Stiles orbed out when Scott remotely orbed himself, Syrus, Piper, and Lydia to Scott's old house in Beacon Hills (and meant to do it to Stiles too)! Stiles then orbed back into the attic! He purposely made himself be left behind so he can be alone with Derek! He was determined to get his boyfriend free from this!

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