Episode 4 The Power of Three's Strength! Chapter 5: The Realization!

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White Wiccan orbs started to appear in the middle of the attic! Then Derek, Piper, and the brothers appeared in the mist of them! Then the white Wiccan orbs disappeared!

Syrus: "Well, that was a little too close!"
Stiles (sarcastically annoyed): "Gee! You think???"
Scott: "Are you OK?"
Stiles: "Yeah! Thanks for figuring out a way to find me!"
Derek: "So they hadn't hurt you yet?"
Stiles: "No Sourwolf! Luckily, I'm fine! Although, I am confused about the first time we tried to vanquish him!"
Piper: "Oh well, you see..."
Syrus: "When we told Aunt Piper what happened, she figured out that are 'no spell' vanquishing trick only works on all types of warlocks but will never work on any type of demon!"
Stiles: "OK! But what about the 'Power of Three' spell?"
Scott: "Well, turns out that another name for the 'Power of Three' spell is the 'Warlock Vanquishing' spell! As in, it only works against all types of warlocks, but not on any type of demon! However, there's is a special vanquishing spell that relates to each demon when we go up against one!"
Stiles: "Oh!!!"
Syrus and Scott (in unison): "Yeah!!!"
Syrus: "Guess we weren't as strong and as powerful as we thought, huh!?!"
Piper: " You guys are as strong and as powerful as you guys thought! Considering that my sisters and I still had to use spells against warlocks too, unlike you guys! You just aren't invincible, untouchable, or indestructible! Remember that! Got it?"
Syrus, Scott, and Stiles (in unison): "Got it!!!"


Later that evening, the gang went to Halliwell's to relax a little! Syrus couldn't stop looking over at the bar to watch Cayla! He was constantly looking back and forth between her and his brothers, smiling everytime he looked at her! Finally his brothers noticed!

Scott and Stiles (in unison): "SYRUS!!!"
Syrus: "What?"
Stiles: "Dude, you need to be a man about this! Not a teenage boy!"
Scott: "Yeah! Grow a pair and go ask her out!"
Syrus: "Says the guy who chickened out of a possible relationship with Malia! And that's easy for you to say Stiles, you don't have to hide your magical secret from your boyfriend! I will from her! What if we have a really great relationship, finally decide to tell her, and she rejects me as fast rejecting road kill for dinner?"
Scott: "Or maybe she'll be hesitant at first about it but will except you for who you are!"
Stiles: "The point is that you'll never know until you give it a shot!"
Syrus: "Alright! Fine I'll do it!"

Syrus then got up and left the table and went straight to the bar! When he reached it Cayla walked to him getting ready to take his order..., or so she thought!

Cayla: "Hey Syrus!"
Syrus: "Hey Cayla!"
Cayla: "What do you need?"
Syrus: "Actually, I-I was wondering if I-I could ask you something!"
Cayla: "Oh Uh, sure!"

Cayla got herself a drink!

Syrus: "So, I-I was just w-wondering if m-maybe you would l-like to go out on a d-date with me?"

Cayla suddenly accidentally spit her drink onto Syrus' shirt in shock!

Cayla: "I...am SO SORRY!!!"
Syrus: "It's OK! It's OK!"

Cayla hands Syrus a few napkins and paper towels while he took off his leather jacket!

Syrus: "So...is that a yes?"

Cayla looks up at Syrus into his beautiful and sparkling green eyes!

Cayla: "Yes! I would love to go on a date with you!"

Syrus face lit up with a big smile!

Syrus: "Great! I'll pick you up on Saturday!"
Cayla: "See ya!"
Syrus: "See ya!"

Syrus walked back to his table with the napkins and paper towels that Cayla gave him! His brothers were filled with curiosity!

Scott: "So...what happened?"
Stiles: "By your shirt, I'm guessing that you took her by surprise!"
Syrus: "Yeah...! She accidentally spit her drink at me in shock but it's fine because I have a date with her on Saturday!"
Scott and Stiles (in unison): "AWESOME!!!"
Syrus: "You know this year may just be a great year after all!"
Scott: "Took the words right out of my mouth!"
Stiles: "And I'll drink to that!"

Syrus, Scott, Stiles, Derek, and Piper all took their drinks, lifted them up, and cheers to what Syrus had just said! Then they all took a sip of their drinks and went back to talking!

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