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A yawn escaped me as I sat up in bed. I rubbed the sleepiness my eyes. I looked around to see i was in my room. Blankets shuffling and a groan came from beside me. I looked over to see Takashi sleeping on top of the blankets. he wore a white t-shirt and black sweat pants. I looked down to see I was still in my school clothes.

"Achoo!" I sneezed really loud. Takashi stirred next to me then finally stood sat up. He looked at me.

"Sakura," was all he said. He leaned towards me and placed his hand on my head. "Fever."

He crawled out of bed and gestured towards the closet as if telling me to get changed. I slowly got out of bed and headed to my closet. Meanwhile, Takashi left my room. I pulled out a black tank top, an over-sized long sleeved blue hoodie, and smokey gray sweat pants. I changed into them and pulled the hood over my head.

"Takashi!" I yelled. The door opened and Takashi poked his head inside. One of his hands covered his eyes. I giggled and walked to him. I grabbed his hand, pulling it from his eyes. He looked down at me just as my stomach rumbled. He softly smiled taking my hand and lead me from the room to the kitchen.

Takashi then preceded to make us chicken noodle soup from a can. He sat a bowl soup in front of me. He sat beside me with his own bowl. When we were done he grabbed my hand and lead me back to my room. I curled up in my blankets as Takashi picked out a movie. He turned on a some random movie. he crawled on the bed next to me. 

During the movie I cuddled up to Takashi, he never pushed me away. Instead he removed my hood and ran his figures through my hair. At one point in time I fell asleep.



I reached and yanked the alarms cord out of the wall. I yawned and went to set up, but was stopped by something around my waist. i looked under the blankets and saw a pair of arms. I looked behind me and saw a peaceful sleeping Takashi. My face went redder than ever.

He softly snored. I poked one of his arms. He shifted a little. I poked his face. It scrunched up. I poked him on the forhead several times. He opened his eyes and looked down at me. He blinked a couple of times before he quickly let go of me and fell out of the bed with a completely red face. I laughed. He looked at me completely startled.

"Good morning Takashi," I said waved at him.

"Morning," he said giving an awkward wave back. He sat there.

"Uh, Takashi. You mind leaving? I don't want to be late for school," I said. Takashi blinked a couple of times then nodded, leaving the room. I quickly changed and headed downstairs. Takashi waited for me by the door. We climbed into the car and headed to school. We walked into the classroom, only to be greeted with a loud voice.

"Sa-chan!" Honey yelled running to me. I caught him in a hug. "Are you feeling any better?"

"I am feeling much better," I said with a smile. 

"Yay!" Honey cheered. We let go of each other and he scaled uo Takashi. 

The day went on as usual, besides Takashi keeping a close eye on me incase I was stell sick. During Host club hours, I severed tea and snacks. Some of the costumers even talked to me. Maka and her friends found it really cool that I joined the Host club. After words I helped Kyoya with the clubs budget. Tamaki yelled at the twins for hanging out with Haruhi, while she study for an upcoming test. Mitsukuni ate cake while Takashi sat next to him quietly. My phone began to ring. 

"Hello, Sakura Nazo speaking," i said. I heard russling at the other end.

"Hello, Miss Nazo. I am Etsuko Chiyo. I am calling on the behalf of your father," she said. I froze.

"My father?" I said. All the Hosts looked at me. "Is he alright?"

"He is in perfect health Miss Nazo," Chiyo said.

"Thats a relief. Now, may I ask why you are calling?" I asked.

"I calling to tell you that you should expect court papers soon."

"Court papers?"

"Yes, Miss Nazo court papers. Your father, well to tell the truth, your step-mother is taking you to court."


"She is trying to gain custody of you," Chiyo said.


Takashi is a real sweetheart! But, whats is Sakuras "step-mother" planning? You will just have to wait and see!

Thanks for reading!

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