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HAPPY THANKSGIVING! (I know it was way Late) 

Please not that this chapter has been rewritten.


School went along as usual the only new thing was that I was Takashi girlfriend. Honey already figured it out and we have yet to tell the rest of the Hosts. We walk into the club room with Honey on my shoulders talking excitedly to Takashi.

“Positions!” Tamaki yelled.

All the Hosts took their positions as I went over to the dessert table. The doors banged open and girls swarmed in. I picked up a silver tray full of snacks and walked around the room. Tamaki was charming the girls. The twins were playing “Which one is Hikaru” game. Haruhi had casual conversations with the girls. Kyoya was selling them things again. Honey was being… well Honey. Takashi sat silently next to him. I walked towards them with a strawberry cake. I placed it on the table in front of them.

“You brought my favorite! Thank you Sa-chan!” Honey cheered getting a piece for himself. I smiled.

“Your welcome Mitsukuni,” I said standing up. Takashi and my eyes meant for a brief moment. I turned away and continued to work. The time flew by and before I knew it was the end of the day. I walked over to Takashi and sat next to him. He put his arm over my shoulders.

“Hey Sakura,” Haruhi said. I looked at her.

“Yes Haruhi?” I asked.

“Are you dating Mori-senpai?” This caught everyones attention.

“Yes, I am.”


“WHAT?!” Tamaki yelled. I winced at his loudness.

“No need to be so loud boss,” the twins said. Tamaki looked at them.


“Tamaki,” I said. He looked at me. “I am not your daughter.”

Tamaki froze with his mouth open. He began to move weirdly.

“MOMMY! SAKURA IS BEING MEAN TO  ME!” Tamaki yelled latching himself on to Kyoya. Kyoya sighed.

“She has a point Tamaki,” Kyoya said. Tamaki looked horrified.


“She is older than you,” Kyoya said. Tamaki began to cry and went to his emo corner. Kyoya sighed and pushed up his glasses. He turned to Takashi and I. “I wish you good luck in your relationship.”

“Thank you,” I told him. The twins came closer.

“Congrats. But I was wondering…” Hikaru began.

“If you and Mori are dating…” Kaoru continued. The stood in front of me.

“Does that mean Mori has seen you without your hood?” they finished in unison. My eyes grew wide.

“W-well…” I trailed off. What am I going to say?!

“Yes,” Takashi said. I looked at him.

“Really? What does she look like?” Tamaki said popping up behind the couch.

“She looks beautiful,” Takashi said.

“Anything else?” Kaoru pried.

“Like why she wears a hood?” Hikaru joined in. I tensed.

“No, she wears it for he reasons,” Takashi said. The twins looked defeated and decided to go bug Haruhi, which caused Tamaki to freak out.

I can’t believe Takashi is going to keep my secret. Maybe there is good people in this world after all.


Also I want to thank every reader and follower for reading this story, as well as others of mine and other writers. I never actually thought this book would get this far and be so popular. Thanks for all you positive comments and support. Also, Sweeter then Honey is being written because someone requested a HoneyxOc story. So if any of you would like a HostxOc story let me know, I will more than happy to write it.
Thanks again for everything! And Reading!

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