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"Look, that is the emergency back up plan," I said into the phone.

"I know, but Miss Nazo, if it fails it can result in many being unemployed," a board member said.

"I know, that why it's a last resort. Until I know for sure she's after the company, keep going like you have been. Just keep a closer eye on all the accounts, keep the security up to date on all our files, and run back ground checks on all employees that have been hired since I took over please," I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

"We will do that," said another board member.

"Has the hacker tried getting back in?" I asked.

"No, not successfully at least. There have been attempts though. Whatever you did keeps them from getting in," said the chairman.

"Good. Anything else?"

"No, that is all."

"Alright. Call me if you need anything. Goodbye."

"Goodbye Miss Nazo," the bored said in unison. I hung up the phone and headed to Music Room 3. As I opened the door to see Renge raising from the floor laughing.

Where did she come from?

I shook my head, ignoring what she was saying, and made my way over to the couch by the window. I pulled out my laptop and plugged in my flash drive. I began recording how much the Noami Company made in the last few years, as well as the Noami Dojos, then I recorded all the earnings of the Tatakai earning from last few years.

I don't have to to this, but I need to be prepared for everything. Drive her into a corner, make her wish that she never tried to get custody of me.

I looked up to see the twins fighting.

"Cut it out already! You're the one who's always crawling into my bed- talk about annoying!" Hikaru yelled at Kaoru.

"I only do that could you look lonely! I wouldn't choose to sleep in your bed, you idiot!" Kaoru retaliated.

"Who are you calling idiot? You're the one who sucks at math!"

"Oh yeah? Well, you're failing your foreign language class, you big dummy!"

"Mmgh, The way you grind your teeth is deafening!"

"At least I don't turn and fall out of bed!"

"Sex pixie!"


"Your momma wears too much makeup! That's it! We're over!"

The twins stormed away from each other frustrated.

Why do I get the feeling I missed something important?


The next day after the twins fight, I walked into the lunch room to see the twins still fighting. Hikaru hair was pink and Kaoru was blue. They were throwing things at each other. Haruhi grabbed her box lunch.

"I think I am just going to eat in the classroom," Haruhi said walking out of the dining hall. The twins kept fighting and throwing things.

"I am going to go eat with Haruhi," I said backing out of the lunch room. I walked down halls towards Haruhi's' class. As I was walking I passed a guy hiding in the shadows wearing a black cloak and a cat puppet on his hand.

"Hello there, I am Nekozawa and this is Beelzenef. What is your name stranger?"

"Sakura Nazo," I said.

"Are you interested in a Beelzenef curse doll? Just write a person's name on the back and they will be cursed," Nekozawa asked holding up a wooden doll version of his puppet.

"No thanks," I said holding up my hands.

"Very well, I am the leader of the black magic club, come find me if you change your mind," he said. I nodded and continued to walk down the hall.

Nekozawa is one weird guy.


I opened the doors to the Host Club after printing out my research from the other day. I walked in to see the twins standing in front of a huge pile with Honey sitting on top.

"Don't you think it's time for you guys to stop you're fighting? It's driving me insane," Tamaki said holding his head.

"What you say? It's driving you insane? You got to be kidding me! How do you think I feel right now? Every time I look in the mirror I see his face. I'm sick and tired of constantly being mistaken for you, Kaoru. This truth is: I hate your guts!"

"You took the words right out of my mouth. In fact, I hate you so much that I bought this," Hikaru pulled a doll out of his jacket. "Beelzenef the cursed doll!"

Tamari began to scream and freak out. Kaoru held up a marker.

"I am gonna complete the curse Hikaru. I am gonna write your name on its back. From this day forward you are gonna experience but misfortune and sorrow," Kaoru said while writing on the doll. Tamaki was freaking out and crying. Haruhi ran forward and hit the twins on top of the head.

"Will you guys knock it off!" Haruhi yelled. The Hosts all got surprised looks on their faces. "What think you're doing? You don't bring something like this into a petty fight. Both of you are at fault here, but what's really sad that you brought everyone else around you into your best. Now apologize each other, don't make up right now I'll never let you come over to my house! Have I made myself clear?"

Smiles formed over the twins faces.

"So what your saying Haruhi, is that if we make up we can come over to your place?" The twins said. The twins through the arms over each other shoulders and stood behind Haruhi. She turned over the doll and started to freak out.

The twins started to do their brotherly love thing again. The doll fell from Haruhi's' grasp and to the floor.

"You got to be kidding. You mean you guys are faking it this whole time?" Honey yelled at them.

"We didn't have any thing else to do. We were bored," the twins said hugging each other. Honey sweatdropped. Haruhi and Tamaki fell to the floor in disbelief. I couldn't help it. I started to laugh really hard.

"Haha!" I said bring my hand to muffle my laughter. Takashi turned to me and saw me holding in my laughter. He smiled.

The twins antics almost and forget about my step mother. Keyword almost.

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