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I cannot believe it has been 10 years since she died.

"Mom," I whispered. Tears slowly fell down my face as I placed 16 red roses on her grave. "I miss you. I may have been really little and may have lost my memory. But is still have some memories with you and grandma. Though they may not be full ones I still have them and I treasure them."

Tears fell down my face. The wind blew, and carried Sakura leaves. They danced in the wind.

They are so free. They don't have to hide from the world. I wish that could be true for many people. 

I pulled down my sleeves.

"Mom, I still don't know what happened to me. All I know it had to do with a fire." I said sadly. 

"What happened was that you were really stupid and you deserved what happened to you," a voice came from behind me. I didn't have to turn to see who it was.


I ignored them. I put my hands together.

I love you mom. I will keep doing my best and loving the family that disowned me. Farewell until next time. 

I sent my prayer on filled with love. I stood up from the grave and turned around. 

I was greeted by my "family." 

"Hello Mr. Tatakai," I said bowing. I ignored Michi and Miako. 

I am suppose to hate them. My father married again, but I love him. I dislike Michi, for she is the reason why my father disowned me. Miako was just like her mother, only caring about her appearance.

I walked by them. My eyes locked with my fathers. Guilt flashed through his eyes. I gave him a soft smile.

It happened every year. I would see my father at my mothers grave. We would not speak to one another. Michi would insult me, if I was lucky she wouldn't speak.

"Oh, on wait a minute," Michi's voice rang out. I stopped and turned around. "We are having a party in a couple weeks at our estate," She gave me a sneer.

"Mother, I don't want this low life to be at my celebration party," Miako wined.

"Hush dear. Don't you want to show her on how successful you have been?" Michi asked. Maiko eyes grew wide. "You will come?"

"I will," I said. 

"Good. See you there!" Michi said cheerfully fake. I nodded and turned on my heel and continued to walk to the limo.


I sat in my room, staring out the window.

I do this every year. Visit my moms grave and then shut myself in my room the next 2 days. Maybe I will go back early. I sighed and stretched. I got up and going to the music room. I up a guitar and began to play. It was the lullaby of "My little sunshine."

The lullaby that my mom sang to me. One of the only memories I have of her. 

*-*-*-*Memory- 3 years old*-*-*-*

"Mommy, No Bed!" I cried. My mom sighed.

"My Hato, you need sleep. How about I sing you a lullaby?" she asked sweetly. 

"Yeah!" I cheered. I crawled into bed. My mother tucked me in. She picked up her guitar and began to play. 

"You are my sunshine

My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.

The other night, dear

As I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms.
When I awoke, dear
I was mistaken
And I hung my head and cried;

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.

Please don't take my sunshine away.                                                                                                       Please don't take my sunshine away."

She finished and I yawned. 

"Goodnight my Hato," mother said.

"Goodnight mommy. Love you," I said rolling over.

"I love you too," mother said kissing my head and leaving.

*-*-*-* End of Memory*-*-*-*

I put down the guitar and cried.

"Mom, Grandma. I miss you," said with tears faflling down my face.


2 chapters in one day! Yay! \(o^o)/

You people got a glimpse of Sakuras "family."

Tell me what you think. Thanks for reading!

The Pic. is Sakuras mom and the video is how her mom sang it, also sounded.

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