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"Miss Sakura it is time to wake up," shouted a maid knocking on the door. I rolled over with a groan.

"Alright. Thanks," I shouted back climbing out of bed. My feet hit the wooden and I walked over to my closet. Pulling out my new uniform.

This thing is absolutely hideous. I sighed, putting it on and my hoodie. After brushing my hair I put the hood up and went down stairs.

"Good morning Miss Sakura," bowed a maid.

"Good morning Misaki," I said with a smile. She smiled and scurried off. I walked into the kitchen and helped myself to a bowl of cereal.


Afterwards I put the bowl into the sink and headed out side. Misaki and Lee met me at the car.

"Here Miss Sakura," Misaki said handing me my book bag.

"Thank you Misaki," I said getting in the car. Lee then started the car and headed to Ouran Academy.


I stepped out of the car after saying farewell to Lee. Turning around I was faced with the giant pink school.

Here goes nothing. I walked through the halls to my classroom. I knocked on the door and the door opened.

"Hello. You must be the new student. Please come in," the teacher said. I nodded and entered the room. We walked to the front of the class. "Everyone I would like to introduce you to our new student."

The class looked at me with curiosity.

"My name is Sakura Nazo," I stated. I heard several gasps and the whispering started. The teacher nodded.

"Please find a seat," the teacher said.

"Sa- chan! Sit over here!" Honey yelled waving his arms around. I walked towards Honey.

"Hello Honey," I said sitting on the seat next to him. Next to him sat a tall guy with a serious expression on his face.

"Sa-chan this is Takashi Morinozuka, but everyone calls him Mori!" Honey cheered. I nodded my head at Mori and he did the same in return. 

Mmm... He probably does not talk very much.

Class began. As it went on I looked around the room. The teacher was writing notes on the bored. Two boy were passing notes to each other and several girls were glancing at Honey and Mori ever now and then.

Just like a regular classroom. Its much more peaceful here than at the office. That place is always noise.

During the first brake Honey and I continued our discussion about cake from the other night. Mori sat there silently listening to us. Some of the other students were listening in on us and others talked amongst themselves.

Second brake was different. Girls crowded around Honey and Mori. They asked Questions about the Host club and several other things. I remained silent and looked out the window.

Finally it was lunch time. Honey climbed up on to Mori's shoulders and left class. I slowly made my way to the lunch room. Outside of it stood a group of students.

"Oh Nazo-sama!" A girl yelled. I stopped in front of her group. "I am Maka. My dad works in your engineering department."

"Nice to meet you Maka," I said. Her friends looked at me.

"Oh! How rude of me! Everyone this is Sakura Nazo, my dads boss. Nazo-sama these are my friends," Make gestured to all her friends.

"Hi!" they all cheerfully replied.

"Hello nice to meet you all," I said.

"Nazo-sama would you like to eat dinner with us?" Maka asked.

"Of course it would be my pleasure," I replied. Maka lead the way into the lunch room.

We all sat down at the a table near the windows.

"So, Maka are you going to the Host club after school today?" asked a girl.

"Yeah, I am Song! I wouldn't miss spending time with Haruhi!" Maka squealed. As did the others.

"Whats the Host club?" I asked. They all looked at me bewildered.

"The Host Club is club full of guys that make every girls fantasies come true," Maka said.

"There are different types," said Song.

"Types?" I asked confused.

"You are going to have to see for your self," Song said.

"Do you want to join us after school?" Maka asked.

"Sure. I would be nice to know what everyone is excited about," I with a smile.

After that school went on. After school Song and her friend meant me in the main hall. We made our way to Music room 3. They excitedly opened the doors. And I saw...


 Need you guys opinion. Who should Sakura fall for? What should happen in the book?

Let me know. \(^-^)/

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