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A light knock came from the other side of the door.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Mori is here," Misaki said.

"Already right, tell him I will be down in a minute," I said.

"As you wish Miss Sakura," Misaki said. I heard her feet retreating down the hallway. I sighed and picked up my brush.

Today's the day. My first official date with Takashi. He never told me where we were going so it out took me forever to pick out an outfit, but I found one.

After threw my hair into a messy bun, I put my hood on and exited the room. I walked into my living room to see Takashi wearing a pair of shorts and a green shirt.

"Hey Takashi," I said. Takashi looked at me.

"Hey," Takashi said.

"Your ready to go?" I asked. Takashi nodded.

We made our way out to the car. Takashi sat behind the wheel and I sat in the front passenger seat. He started the car and off we went.


I watched the scenery change xlfrom the car window as we drove further from town. I played with the sleeve of my hoodie trying to contain my nerves.

That's when my phone started to go off.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello, Miss Nazo. It's Yoshi," the caller said.

"Hello, Yoshi. How are you?" I asked.

"I am well Miss Nazo. How are you?"

"I am fine."

"That is great to hear. I am calling to let you know the charges have been filed and the court date has been set for next week."

"So, soon I see... Well the sooner the better. Any word on her arrest?" I questioned.

"Yes, a warrant has been issued. I will notify you when she has been apprehended."

"Please do. Make sure you and Tsubasa get as much evidence as you can. She is going to try everything to turn this around."

"Will do," Yoshi said.

"Great. Notify me if anything happens."

"Of course. Have a good day Miss Nazo," Yoshi said.

"And to you," I said hanging up the phone. I looked out the window to see that we had come to a stop.

In front of us layed a nearly empty beach. Takashi and I climbed out of the car. He grabbed a bag from th he back seat before joining me at the front of the car. He held the bag out to me. I grabbed the bag.

"Change," Takashi said pointing to the girls restrooms.

As I walked over I saw Takashi getting something from the trunk of the car. I entered the restroom and locked my self in the furthest stall. I opened the bag to see a white bikini in it. I pulled it out.

I quickly changed and looked in the mirror.

How in the heck did he know my size?!

I rejoined Takashi outside still wondering how he knew my size. I saw  Takashi only wore blue swim trunks with 3 light blue stripes on the side.

He gave me a pointed look when he saw me wearing my hoodie. I scratched the back of my head giving him a smile.

Takashi grabbed my hand, leading me down the beach.

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