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-Warning Several POV changes-

I clutched the papers in my arms as I stood frozen outside the court room doors.

You can do this. Deep breaths.

"Your honor, Miss Nazo will be here any moment,"  I heard Yasu say on the other side of the door.

That's my cue I guess.

I took a deep breath and opened the court room doors.

"I am sorry I am late your Honor, I had some things to grab somethings," I  said walking into the court room.

Everyone turned to look at me, many of the court attendees eyes widened. My eyes landed on the Host Club, who looked more shocked than the rest, right behind where I was to sit.

I made my way up the ailse, ignoring people's stares as they landed non my scars. I reached my chair, laying my hoodie on the back of my chair, and sat down.

"Thank you for joining us, Ms. Nazo," Judge Shota said. I stood up and bowed.

"Thank you your Honor, I apologize again for my lateness," I said bowing.

"Your are forgiven, now let us proceed."

I took my seat and the trial began.

*-*-*-* 3rd POV *-*-*-*

As the trial proceeded, both sides provided evidence. Sakuras Step-Mom, Michi, proved she had no clue how to hack computers and was going on an angle that Sakura was targeting her and Sakura was either faking the hackings or ignoring the real culprit to her back at her.

Sakura provided evidence that established Michi's motives for the hacking and backed traced the hacks to a person who was paid by Michi to hack into the corporation.

With every evidence Michi provided Sakura has evidence to contradict it. Michi started to sweat and she pulled out her secret weapon.

"Your honor, I have evidence showing what kind of girl Sakura truly is," Michi said. The bailiff hands some papers to the judge. Judge Shota quickly reads through it.

*-*-*-* Takashi POV *-*-*-*

I watched Judge Shift through the papers.

"As, you can see your Honor, Sakura has thousands of dollars in unpaid hospital bills and lives in a home that far exceeds her yearly income," Michi said. Her lawyers sat next to her with angered faces.

"Miss Nazo, is this true?" Judge Shota asked.

"No it isn't your Honor. My medical bills have been paid off for several years. As for the house, it's been in the Naomi Family for generations, I only pay the bills, property taxes, and my servants wages," Sakura said emotionless. The Judge nodded.

"Miss. Takakai, it's seems this evidence is irrelevant to this case."

"She hasn't proved what she said is true!" Michi protested.

"Miss Sakura, do you have proof?"

"Yes, your Honor I do," Sakura said handing the bailiff a stack of papers. Judge Shota looked them over.

"Miss Takakai and Miss Nazo please rise," Judge Shota said. Sakura and Michi rose out of there seats. "Have a few questions before the verdict. Now, Miss Nazo, where are you getting your extreme income?"

"From several extra jobs I work," Sakura said.

"I didn't know Sakura was more than a CEO," Tamaki mumbled.

"Miss Nazo is a very talented woman, it doesn't surprise me that she does," Kyoya said pushing up his glasses.

So, even Kyoya can't find everything on Sakura.

"Is you hair naturally pink?" Judge Shota asked.


"Your injuries are from running into a fire when you were 12, correct?"

"Yes, I believe so. I can't remember that day or half my for that matter." Judge Shota nodded.

"I see. Now, Miss Takakai, how did you get your hands on Miss Nazo personal files?" Judge Shota asked.

"I am Sakuras step-mother, I have the right to access her personal files," Michi explained.

"According to this document, you don't not does her father," Judge Shota said holding up a paper. "Now, I will ask again, how did get Miss Nazo's personal files?"

Michi stood there silent.

"They were open to the public, you have to look to find them," Michi said.

"So, your telling me, that you were able to access confidential medical files after Miss Nazo was disowned?"

The court room gasped. My eyes fell on a straight faced Sakura.

What's going on on her mind? She hasn't changed her expression since she arrived.

Sakura quickly glanced at me.

I see, Sakura is actually panicking. I can see it on her eyes.

"I-I..." Michi stumbled to answer, her lawyers started packing up.

"I can't hear you. Your not going to answer all? Alright then." Judge Shota said. "I hereby find Michi Takakai guilty on all charges, your sentence date will be held next week and I suggest Miss Takakai, you let your lawyers do the talking."

Judge Shota banged his gavel. We watched the bailiff drag a protesting Michi out of the room. Sakura let out a sigh of relief. She turned her head towards us and smile at me.

*-*-*-*Time Skip-Sakura POV *-*-*-*

I stood out in the hallway waiting for the Hosts. I watched my father and Miako leave the building, neither of them sparing me a glance.

"Sa-Chan!" Honey yelled. I looked to see the Hosts walking towards me. I smiled and waved at them. They all stopped in front of me.

"Hey," I said. They all stood silent in front of me. Takashi stood next to me and held my hand.

"Sa-chan?" Honey said. I looked down at him.

"Can we have cake now?" Honey asked.

"Yes, we can," I said. Honey cheered and climbed onto my back. "You all want to come?"

The Hosts nodded. Soon as we got in the car Tamaki went off.

"How could you not tell us you had no family?" Tamaki cried.

"I never said i didn't have a family," I stated laying my head on Takashi shoulder.

"But your family disowned you! Plus, Kyoya old us you didn't have any living family, besides your father."

"Your right, I have no blood living relatives besides my father, but that's not my true family."

"Who's your true family?" Honey asked.

"Well there's my servants, after all the practically raised me, and you guys," I said. Tamaki began to cry.

"That's so sweet! And your finally admitting I am your dad!" Tamaki cried.

"I am not admitting your my dad Tamaki, we have been over this a million times, I am older than you, so you being my dad, even hypothetically, can't happen. Your more of an over dramatic goofball younger brother," I said shrugging. Tamaki cried and clung onto Kyoya, who was conveniently sitting next to Tamaki.

"Mommy! Sakuras being mean to her daddy again!" Tamaki cried.

I laughed and shook my head. Takashi kissed the top of my head. I snuggled closer to him. Tamaki triggered the Hosts normal antics, and couldn't stop laughing.

The road was long and harsh, but my life is finally where it's meant to be, a place where I have people I can call family and a guy I can love for a long time. And I do want my life to change, well at least for awhile.

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