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"Hey, sorry I am late..." I said walking into the music room. My voice trailed off when I saw a little boy locked up in a cage. He was yelling at the hosts.

"I made you my apprentice because I thought you were serious, but I guess I was wrong," Tamaki said sipping some tea.

"I am serious, totally serious," the kid shouted. "I want you to teach me how to make a woman happy." The boy knelt and looked to the floor. "I am gonna run out of time. Please, won't you teach me?"

Run out of time?

"You are a Host because you like girls. You like to bring a smile to girls face, that's why you do it right? Please, can you teach me to be like you?" Tamaki stopped sipping his tea and looked at the kid.

Sorry, kid but I am sure the world can't handle another Tamaki.

"You are a genius at it. You're the king!"

Tamaki started to blush.

"You may be a brat, but I admire your desire to be a host. So, I will teach you. You know, Shiro? You and I are so much alike," Tamaki said getting a creepy look on his face.

Alright, I am so confused. I was about to make my presence known when my phone started to ring. I shut the door and answered my phone.

"Hello?" I asked, not recognizing the number.

"Hello, is this s Sakura Nazo?" A guy asked.

"Yes, this is she. May I ask who is calling?" I asked.

"Tazuna Isamu, I am calling to schedule a date for a meeting been you and your parents," he said.


It's been a week since I walked in on a boy named Shiro trapped in a cage. And a week since Tamaki began teaching Shiro how to play the piano. All the hosts are dressed up in tuxes. I listen to Shiro and the girl he likes to play music on the piano. Takashi walks over to me and sits down. I intertwined my hand with his and gave him a smile.

How did I get such an awesome guy? He is so sweet, though most times I can't tell what he is even thinking. All I know is that whatever comes my way Takashi will be my side. He just that kind of guy.

"Sakura," Takashi said.

"Hmm..?" I said looking up at him.

"Will you go on a date with me this weekend?"

My eyes widened at the sudden question. I fell silent and just stared at him.

"Yeah... I would love too," I finally answered. Takashi smile at me. We looked back to the two young kids and just listened to them playing the piano.


Sorry about the shortness and the lateness! I was busy with graduation!

Tell me what you think!

Thanks for reading!

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