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I rolled over grumbling then slammed my hand on the stand next to me searching for me. I found it, looked at the caller ID, and answered it.

"Hello, Mr. Haninozuka ," I said.

"Hello MIss Nazo. Sorry to call you so early but I have good news, my house and the Morinozukas houses have been fully repaired. The boys can return home today at any time," Yorihisa said.

"Very well,. I will inform them," I said to him. "Goodbye."

"Goodbye," Yorihisa said. I hung up and groaned.

Might as well get up. Try to go asleep again someone will just wake me up again.

After I got dressed I walked down stairs to the dinning room. Honey and Takashi were already there.

"Good Morning Sa-chan!" Honey yelled cheerfully.

"There nothing good about mornings," I grumbled. "Morning Honey and Takashi."

Takashi looked up at me and nodded then went back to eating. Through out breakfast Honey and I made small talk while Takashi seemed to remained zoned out.

"How was you date with Takashi?" Honey suddenly asked. I looked at Honey and Takashi began to blush.

"It was not a date, Honey. Takashi and I merely went out as friends," I said with a small blush on my face. Takashi looked slightly disappointed.

"Ah," Honey sang. "Well I am happy you two had fun!"

I smiled softly at Honey and them went back to eating. From out of the sorner of my eye I could see Takashi looking at me. We all ate the rest of the meal in silence.

"Before I forget. I have been informed that your guys houses are finished and you are going home today," I said. Honey looked both sad and happy. Takashi was just lost in his thoughts once again.


"Well that everything," I said to Honeys and Takashis parents. THey smile at me.

"Thank you Miss Nazo for watching the boys," said Reiko. I smiled at her.

"Your welcome, they were no problem. It was actually fun having them around," I said. Reiko smiled at me.

"Do you want to stay lunch?" Reiko asked.

"That would be lovely," I said. She smiled.

Reiko lead me to the dinning room where every one else sat. Honey sat beside his brother and told him about staying at my house. Mori sat their silent lost in thought, again.

Takashi has been doing that since this morning. I hope he is all right.

Servants brought out food of a wide variety. Every ate and talked to themselves. Honey and I talked about the upcoming festival. Takashi sat silently beside Honey and just listened. At one point Yorihisa tread to talk business with me and Reiko scolded him. At the end of lunch Honey ran to the kitchen with a new cake recipe, everyone else went other places, and I sat in their gardens.

I should really get a garden at my house. I should talk to Lee and the others about it. They would love that... Reminds me I need to get new furniture for the servants quarters. May be...

A hand landed on my shoulder. I grabbed their arm then flipped them, making them land on the ground in front of me. I looked down to see Takashi staring up at me.

"Sorry Takashi," I said giving him a weak smile. Takashi nodded and sat up. Instead of sitting next to me on the bench, he leaned his back against my legs and the back of his head on my lap. A blush spread over my face. We sat in silence for awhile. Takashi closed his eyes, relaxing in to my lap.

His hair looks so soft.

I gently started to run my fingers through his hair. Takashis face formed a small smile, as did mine. Takashi slowly opened his eyes.

"Sakura," Takashi whispered breaking the silence.

"Takashi," I responded softly. His his right arm reached up and cupped my cheek. I looked into his eyes.

"Will you go out with me?" He asked. I stopped moving my hand threw his hair, completely frozen. I don't think it would hurt... He seen what I look like already and didn't even care. More important he was my first kiss. A blush spread across me face.

"Ah...Um..." I trailed off. Takeshita looked at me hopefully. "Yes, Takashi, I would love to go out with you."
Takashi gave me a smile full of happiness and in return I gave him a nervous smile.
Here you people go! Things are a rolling now!
Tell me what you think!
Thanks for reading!

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