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"So, all of you are going to Kyoya water park?" I asked placing my head on the window.

"Yea," Takashi said.

"Well have fun and relax. Sorry that I can't be there, meeting with lawyers," I said in to the phone.

"Why?" Takashi said.

"I have no idea, it's probably my dad wanting to solve this custody problem with out involving the media," I said.

"Good luck with that Sak-"

"It's that my daughter on the phone?!" Tamaki screamed in the background.

"No," Takashi said.

"Oh, carry on then," Tamaki said. I laughed.

"Bye Takashi I will see when you get back."

"Bye Sakura."

"That is my daughter! Why-" Tamaki's voice was cut off. I placed my phone back in my bag and climbed out of the car. I walked into to the justice building and to conference room 7.

When I open the door I could see my father was already there with his two layers and my lawyers are there as well. My stepsister and stepmother have yet to make their appearance. I sat between my lawyers and waited.

My phone binged and I looked at the message, I looked at the message in surprise. My father sat there looking at my hooded figure intently. I let me eyes look at him.

"Sakura, I-" he began but was cut off by the banging of the conference room door. Michi strutted in followed by Miako. They took the seats next to my dad.

"Now, that we are all here let us begin," one of my dad's lawyers said. "First I am Tazuna Isamu. This is my assistant Etsuko Chiyo," Isamu said gesturing to the woman sitting next to him.

"Nice to meet you. I am Tsubasa Yasu," the man to my left said.

"I am Yoshi Makoto," the woman to my right said. Isamu nodded.

"Now, let us get straight to the point," Isamu said.


I sighed and sat back in my chair.

We were getting no where. It's been 3 hours since we began. Michi is putting on an innocent act. My dad hasn't said word and Miako is playing on her phone. For the last half an hour the lawyers were arguing and using technical words I didn't understand.

"I am telling you, Miss Nazo is perfectly fine on her own," Yasu said.

"Yes, you have explained that to me many times already, but Miss Nazo is to young to live on her own and she has no guardians. Plus, running big company like the Naomi Company at her age is to much," Isamu said.

"If Mr.Tatakai gets custody of Miss Nazo, what will happen to her company?" Makoto asked.

"Her father will take over until she comes of age," Chiyo said.

I snorted.

They don't know a thing about how the Naomi Company works! Shouldn't be a surprise.

"Do you have something to add, Miss Nazo?" Isamu said.

"Yes, I in fact do," I said leaning forward. "How much do you know about me and the Naomi Family?"

I looked at Isamu directly.

"I don't see how that question is relevant."

"My question is very relevant, I simply want to know if your information is right or not."

"Very well then," Isamu said. He picked up a paper. "You are 15 years of age, first year student, when you were 12 you disowned your family upon receiving word you were the heir of the Naomi Company."

I blinked at him, then began to laugh.

"Who told you that? Everything you just said is a lie."

"Pardon me all my information is accurate," Isamu said.

"I am afraid not."

"Then what is truth?"

"I am 17, soon turning 18. I am a third year attending Ouran Private Academy. When I was 12, my family disowned me, not the other way around."

"Where's your proof?" Chiyo asked. I pulled my student idea out of my bag and placed it on the table. Yasu placed a document on the table as well.

"There's you proof, my student idea and the document I received in the hospital telling me I had been disowned."

My father's lawyers looked over the documents. Their eyes widened.

"These documents are legit," Chiyo said. "With these documents I don't see any reason to proceed."

"Nonsense, these could have been forged," Michi interrupted. Isamu analyzed the papers even further.

"I must agree with Miss Chiyo, with these documents there is no way you will be able to gain custody of Miss Nazo," Isamu said.

"Agreed," my lawyers said.

"Well, it looks like this matter is solved," Isamu said. The lawyers began to pack up.

"Hold on a minute," I said. Everyone looked at me. "We are not done yet."

"How so?" Chiyo asked. I stood up.

"I am sueing Michi Takakai," I said.

"What?!" Michi yelled. "Why?"

I stood up and looked at her.

"For trying to hack in to the Naomi Company database for the past year."

What will happen now? You will have just wait to find out!

Thanks for reading!

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