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The days have gone by fast. Today is the day of the dance and the day I go back to school. I have been helping Honey's and Mori's families fix their homes. Not only that, I had to deal with a company from America that wanted to make a business deal. So that took a few days.

Though it has only been a few days since Honey and Mori moved in. Its already seems they have been here forever. We all eat together, sometimes Honey and I will eat cake, then Mori will make us brush out teeth. I heard of Honey's snack nights and I joined him. Every morning Takashi would be training in the dojo at my home. Honey would be in the Kitchen watching Nobu make cakes and other desserts. Not only that the staff have taken a liking to them quickly.

"Good Morning Sa-chan!" Honey happily said as I walked into the dinning room.

"Morning Mitsukuni," I said to him with a smile. I sat down at my seat. Takashi walked in.

"Morning Takashi!" Honey and I said together. We looked at each other and laughed. Honey placed Usa-chan on his lap.

"Good Morning Mitsukuni and Sakura," Takashi said sitting in the chair across from Honey.

Yeah, us three are all a first name basis. I call them by their nickname most of the time though. After breakfast we headed off to school.


After classes I made my way to music room 3. I walked in to see the Twins pestering Tamaki about something. Kyoya was writing in his blackbook. Honey was eating cake and Mori just sat beside him. Haruhi practicing dancing by herself. 

"Hello Everyone," I said closing the door.

"Oh, Hello Miss Nazo," Kyoya said. Haruhi mumbled Hi and went back to practicing. 

"Hello!" Tamaki yelled from the other side of the room THe twins were behind him and waved at me.

I see those 2 are still scared of me. I sighed

Suddenly I felt someone latch on to my back and then climb up my shoulders.

"Hiya Sa-chan!" Honey said from above me.

"Hello  Mitsukuni," I said gently grabbing onto his legs. 

"What your calling Honey by his name now?" Tamaki shouted running to me from the other side of the room.

"Yeah," I said. Tamaki mouth dropped. I rolled my eyes. "Haruhi?"

"Yeah," she said looking up from her feet.

"You want me to help you?" I asked. She smiled.

"That would be great, thanks," she said. I nodded taking Honey off my shoulders and setting him on the ground. I lead Haruhi to the middle of the room.

"Alright, place your hands here," I said guiding her hands. She nodded. I moved my hand under her chin and made her look at me. 'Keep you eyes on you partners' face. As the Guy you have to lead."

I went through the steps with her pretty quickly. As we danced I hummed the melody of the song. Haruhi lead me across the floor. We stopped and bowed.

"That was very good Haruhi," I said. Haruhi smiled at me.

"Thanks," Haruhi said. Then Honey climbed onto my shoulders again.

"Look Takashi!" Honey shouted from above me. Takashi looked at us and I saw a faint smile. 

Wow Takashi looks cute when he smiles... What I am I thinking?! Oh, I seriously hope I am not blushing.

 I walked towards Takashi, where hone leaped from my shoulders to his, and neither of us staggered.

"Miss Nazo, I need you to fill you on the current situation," Kyoya said pushing up his glasses. "Princess Kanako is unhappy about her betrothed, Toru Suzushima, leaving to study abroad. We are going to help them fix their problem tonight."

"Yeah, so here is the plan!" Tamaki said.


I stood with the host club, off to the sides and watched the guests arrive. Lights shone on Tamaki.

"Welcome my pretty little Lambs to the Dance," Tamaki said. Then one by one the chandeliers turned on and the Orchestra started. The girls clapped.

"At the end of the night the best dancer will be chosen and will recieve a passionate kiss on the cheek from the Host Club King himself," Kyoya said. Tamaki winked at the girls. They started to do the weird wiggling motion and pink hearts began to float in the air. 

"Do I have to dance?" Haruhi asked.

"Of course not, Haruhi. Enjoy yourself. We have a lovely spread, help yourself," Kyoya said. Haruhi perked up.

"Is there fancy Tuna?" She asked. I swear Everyone froze when she asked that.Tamaki flippen off the top of the stairs, landing in front of them.

"Get Fancy Tuna," Tamaki shouted pointing at Kyoya. Kyoya quickly dialed a numbed.

"We need Fancy Tuna here quickly and more Sushi," Kyoya said. The Twins started to rub their cheeks on Haruhi's face. They started to repeated "Poor thing." Haruhi's face went bright red. After a bit the Hosts descended the stairs and danced with the girls.

"Would you like to dance with me MIss Nazo?" Kyoya asked.

"I would be happy to," I said placing my hand in his outstreched hand. He lead me to the dance floor and the song began.

We stayed silent for the whole song. After the song I danced with Haruhi.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked her.

"Yes I am. Tonight has been more fun than I thought," she said smiling at me. I nodded. I was then passed to Honey. He had a bright smile on his face.

"Can we have cake tonight?" he asked looking up at me.

"Of course," I said.

"Yay!" Honey said. After that dance I walked out onto a balcony, placing my hand on the rails, and looking up at the stars.

"Sakura," said a deep voice. I turned around to see Takashi.

"Takashi," I said. He bowed and held out one of his hands out. I placed my hand in his. He swept me on to the dance floor just as the music as beginning. I looked up at Takashi.

"You look beautiful to night Sakura," he said looking at me. A blushed formed acrossed my face. For the first time in years, I felt like he truly meant it.

"Thank you Takashi. You look really Handsome," I said giving him a bright toothy smile. Takashi looked a little shocked and a blushed formed across his face. I inwardly giggled.

So he does have emotions.

We glided acrossed the dance floor. Not once looking away from each other. The song stopped, Takashi slowly let go of me. We bowed and parted. I saw several girls looking at the Hosts with sad eyes. I walked over to them and held out my hand to one.

"I may not be a host, but would you like to dance?" I asked. The girl blushed and accepted my hand. I lead her to the dance floor. For several more dances I danced with the girl. At times I felt someone looking at me. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Its time," Mori said. I followed him and Honey out of the hall.


Okay here is Part 1 of the dance. The second part will be in the Next chapter!

For Sakuras dress just Imagen a one she would wear, but remember she is still wearing her black hoodie!

Tell me what you guys think.

Thanks for reading! 

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