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Host club hours just finished. Kyoya is calculating the Hosts budget for an upcoming planned dance. Tamaki is yelling at the Twins for being near Haruhi again, who is reading a book on laws. Honey is eating cake with Takashi and I sitting next to him.

Today is the day  have to go to me sisters party... This is such as drag, but at least, I am going with Takashi.

"Mitsukuni," Takashi said. Honey looked up at him.

"Yes, Takashi?" He asked.

"You will be at the house by yourself tonight," Takashi said.

"Why?" he asked.

"I asked Takashi to go to my Step-sisters party with me tonight," I said. Honey was silent.

"Okay, but if they have cake bring me some!" Honey cheered. I smiled.

"Of course," I said.

"WHAT?" Tamaki yelled. "You are going on a date with MORI! My daughter is to Young to date!" He began to cry going on and on about nonsense stuff.

"Tamaki! I am not your daughter!" I yelled.

"Yes, you are! Plus, your Haruhi's sister!" Tamaki yelled.

"I am older than you! It is impossible for you to be my father!" I yelled back. Tamaki froze.

"MOMMY! SISSY IS YELLING AT ME!" Tamaki wailed latching himself on Kyoya.  Kyoya sighed and pushed Tamaki off of him. The twins began calling Tamaki a baby. Haruhi slapped her forehead.

I don't know what's worse, Tamaki thinking he is related to me or the fact that Takashi is going to meet my so-called "Family."

I laughed at Tamaki's antics with the twins.

There is never a boring day in the Host Club.


I placed my white hoodie over my multi-aqua dress. The dress is floor length with one strap over my left shoulder. I placed my braided hair on my right shoulder and pulled the hood up over my face. I walked downstairs and greeted Takashi by the front door.

"You look nice Takashi," I said looking at his usual black suit, black tie, and white dress shirt. A small blush spread crossed his cheeks.

"You beautiful," Takashi said grabbing my hand and lacing our figures together.

"T-thank you," I stuttered. A blush rapidly bloomed onto my face. "W-we should go now."

Takashi nodded and we headed to my old home.

The ride was silent. Takashi never lets go of my hand.

His hand is so warm. When I hold it I feel so safe... I am glad I asked him to come with me.

The limo pulled up to a Japanese Styled Mansion. Lee opened the door. I climbed out as did Takashi.

"Have a great night," Lee said bowing at me.

"Thank you to Lee," I said. Lee nodded and climbed back into the limo driving off. I hesitated to go towards the house. Takashi squeezed my hand and I smiled.

I can do this... Nothing they do or say will change anything....

We walked into the house and were directed towards the ballroom.

This house has not changed... Just more pictures of my father and his new family. All of the pictures of mother, grandma, and I have been removed from the home it seems.

We walked into the ballroom. Part of it had tables and the other was for dancing. White roses in the center of each table were accompanied by a white table cloth and matching silver dishware. Takashi lead me to a table in the corner further from everyone else. Once we sat down the light were dimmed and a spotlight was shown a man.

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