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I slammed the door behind me breathing out in relief. I pulled off my hoodie and threw it on the bed. Unzipping my gown and laid it on the back of the desk chair. I discarded the rest of my clothes and walked into the bathroom.

The shower steaming water rained down on to me.

That was awkward. Takashi is great and all but he might think of me differently if he sees my face.

My hand touched the left side of my face, my fingers ran over the bumps in my face.

Takashi, I have scars and burn marks covering my entire body. They change my appearance, when people see them their opinion changes about me too. I don't want that to happen to you or the Hosts. Your opinions matter to me. I just can't let you see my scars.

I would let you see me what I truly look like if I wasn't so terrified of your judgment. I know you care about me, you should it when you almost kissed me. I just can't be with someone with the risk of them leaving me again. Never again.

"Takashi... Why are you so different?" I mumbled under my breath.

Stepping out of the shower I wrapped a fluffy white towel around me. The towel stopped at my mid thigh. Walked out of the bathroom towards my closet and stopped. Looked up and saw Takashi by my desk.

I froze as did he.

"T-Takashi... Can you please get out?" I asked. Takashi walked towards me instead of the door. My face was beyond red now.

I don't know what is more embarrassing, the fact that he is in my room when I only have a towel or the fact that he can see all my scars.

I backed away from him and my back hit the wall. I ended up sliding down the wall and Takashi knelt in front of me. He placed his hand on the left side of my face. His eyes travelled my body, they stopped when they spotted another scar. He looked at me.

"So this is what you were hiding, scars," Takashi said. I started to cry.

"Yes," I said. Takashi wiped my tears away.

"Why?" he asked.

"Its along story," I mumbled. Takashi sat on the floor in front of me and looked at me as if saying "I got time." I sighed. "Fine."

"It happened when I was 12 years old. I did something that ended up with me in the hospital for 4 months and part of the time I was in a coma. When I woke up I was covered in bandages from head to teo.The nurse got my father and the doctor shortly after I woke up. My father was relieved I was alive and the Doctor was surprised I healed fast as I did. The Doctor said the injuries I received were going to leave scars. Both my father and I were fine with it."

I started to cry harder. Takashi placed both of his hands on either side of my face wiping the tears away.

"Then Michi came into the room. She saw what I looked like and flipped out. Screaming things like how I ruined her life, how ugly I was, I was a monster, and didn't deserve to live. She yelled at my father and threatened to leave him if he didn't get rid of me. My father already lost one women he loved and didn't want to lose another. So the last week I was in the hospital, I received court papers saying that I was disowned. The next day a man came to visits me and told me that I now owned to Naomi Company."

"So you started hiding what you looked like?" Takashi asked.

"Yea, I didn't want anyone to judge me like that against. So I started to hide what I look like. I just don't want the past to repeat itself. The worst part was I couldn't remember a thing when I woke up. I still have only vague memories of my past."

Takashi moved closer to me. His face became inches from mine.

"The past is the past. It doesn't define us or determine our future. It helps create who we are today. You may have forgotten your past, but it hasn't forgotten you. Or else you would have never became the magnificent kind woman you are to day. Sakura, your scars create you. They make you more beautiful, not ugly. Forget about what people say about you because as long as you know or believe different, you have no reason to hide."

 Takashi looked deep into my eyes as he said that.

Maybe one day Takashi, just not right now. It will take time for me to get enough confidence to remove my hood. But with people like you by my side I know I won't be scared one day.

To be continued...


Here you people go! Before you think "ITS THE END?!" No its not. Not even close. Its just means that the chapter is going to continue. 

Tell me what you think!

Thanks for reading!

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