Chapter Three

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TW; Sexual scenes. Skip if you are uncomfortable.


Hayley POV

It's been five minutes since I started to follow Draco and he isn't going anywhere but when he turn the corner to a bare wall he just vanished. I stood there for a minute looking up and down the hallways just in case I missed where he went. Suddenly, I hear a voice behind me.

"Who are you? And why are you following me?" He questioned, I don't say anything. "SPEAK!"

I turn around and I see him leaning against the wall looking all hot and gorgeous. As soon as I stare into his eyes I want to say something but nothing comes out.

"Stalking me Johnson?" He asked as he gets off the wall and walks closer to me.

"N-No." I answered as I gulp.

As he walks closer I walk backwards and I hit the wall but I can't move as he has closed the gap and has me pinned against the wall with his arms either side of me.

"That's a lie, Johnson" He murmured

"No it's not." I said nervously.

He looked at my lips after I said that while he bites his. He pushed me into the abandoned boys bathroom which was close to where we were. No one goes in there. And when I say no one. I mean no one

"You have been very naughty Johnson, and you know what I do with naughty girls. They must be punished." He said as I bite my bottom lip. He takes off his black blazer. When he wears his black blazer it makes me want him. Wait what? I what? Forget I thought that. He's an annoying piece of... Holy Moly... he is taking off his shirt and I can see his abs.

"What on earth are you doing?" I gasped as I look at his body then he puts his finger up to to my lips.

"Be quite Johnson." He complained and kisses my lips and I just can't help not to kiss him back.

I obey him. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him. Draco moves from my lips to my neck and goes down on the ground with me still around his waist. I let out a moan and he puts his finger on my lips telling me to be quiet but I ignore him and continue to moan. He takes off my jumper and throws it into an old sink. He then unbuttons my shirt leaving me in my bra then he goes back up to my lips. We continue to kiss each other's lips for five minutes, his tongue is exploring my mouth. He kisses down my body while running his fingers along the rim of my skirt. I get up slightly for him to take it off and he does. He then kissed around my lower body and the kissed the insides of my thighs sucking them and leaving hickeys. All of a sudden I hear a bang.

"Malfoy, someone is coming." I stated.

He gets up and goes out of the room to see who it is. I slip my skirt and shirt back on.

When Draco enters he walks over to me and he bends down to me, I think he is about to kiss me but he grabs his shirt and blazer.

"See you later Johnson." He said as he leaves.

"Malfoy you can't just leave after what happened!" I get up and run after him but when I get out of the room I can't see him anywhere. Where on earth did he go? I walk back into the room and grab my cloak and walk off to the great hall again.

Draco POV

I walk down the hall buttoning my shirt thinking about what I just did with a stupid mud-blood. Shes such a slut. I walk into the common room and I see George. Great.

"Where did you go, Malfoy?" George questioned as he got up from the sofa.

"None of your business, Grindelwald." I spat.

"Just tell me Malfoy." He Blurted.

"Fine I was at the abandoned boys bathroom on the east corridor." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I was with someone." I smirked thinking about what me and Hayley did.

"Who?" He looked at me confused.

"Why Grindelwald? Do you want some action?" I joked.

"Tell me Malfoy!" He demanded.

"Fine, it was Hayley." I said.

"Can you repeat that I thought you said Hayley?" He replied.

"That's because I did Grindelwald." I lean on a wall and fold my arms.

He rushes over and punches me in the face. "Seriously bro, you fucked my sister."

"Wait Johnson is your sister?" I asked.

"Yes same mother different father, but that's irrelevant, you fucked my sister." He looks at me in disgust.

"Well I didn't fuck her, I would've since I left her pretty much naked in the bathroom but we were interrupted by a bang in the corridor and then after I checked it out I left her." I said casually.

"You are such a man whore and don't ever go near my sister again." He demanded then punched me in the face again, knocking me out.

Hayley POV

I walk into the great hall and go over and sit beside India and Jade. They both raised their eyebrows when they saw me. Did I do something wrong? Do they know about what I just did?

"Where were you H?" India asked.

I looked around and seen everyone, except for a few Hufflepuffs, were gone, and I'm sure they couldn't hear. "I was with Malfoy." I said.

"Why were you with him?" Jade questioned.

"Umm... I was... Umm... Following him to see where he was going." I explained nervously.

"Oh my God. You two totally made out." Jade stated.

"No we did not." I lied. 

"Yes you did." Jade leans over the table. "Did you two... you know?"

"Know what?" I questioned.

"You know?" Jade indicated what she meant but I didn't understand.

"I don't know." I stated.

"Did you two fuck each other?" Jade whispered.

"Ew no! We didn't go that far. But I think if we weren't interrupted then we probably would've done it." I look down.

"Wow your such a bad girl." Jade exclaimed.

"Can we go up to our room I'm tired." India said in a tired tone and saying anything about what I just told them.

"Sure India we'll go up to our room.
Jade your sleeping in our room." I announced.

"Yay, sleep over time." Jade screamed and ran out of the great hall to the common room and me and India followed her while laughing.

Me and India made it into the room, Jade was already there and sitting on the spare bed. We talk until midnight, Jade knows about Voldemort being my father, since Bellatrix is her mother, but I don't know if I can fully trust her yet. Jade gets up and walks over to my jewellery box. Weird.

"What's this? It's pretty." Jade said as she takes out a snake bracelet.

"Oh that's nothing." I got up and took it from her and sat down on my bed.

"Who got you it?" Jade asked.

"No one special." I lied.

That bracelet. The bracelet that I hadn't thought about in a couple years. I smiled thinking about the story of how I got it.

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