Chapter Thirty- Final Chapter

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A/N: Hey y'all, this is it, this book is finished, I'm sorry for the long wait but I'm very busy with school and all but I found some time today and I finished it.

Also I think y'all should go check out my Tom Riddle fan-fiction as that is what I'm going to be working on as well as studying for school.

Hayley POV

Some time has past since the battle of Hogwarts. 19 years to be exact. It is September and there is somethings I need to tell you about them years and where we are now.

When I told Draco that I was pregnant after the battle, he wanted me to go to the hospital to check on how the baby was doing, but unfortunately there was no more baby. I think the baby died when my father, Lord Voldemort, used the killing curse on me.


Me and Draco were in the hospital. The doctor took a urine sample to make sure I was actually pregnant and the doctor in France wasn't lying. I'm so anxious waiting for the results. I'm biting my nails in nervousness. This doctor was also apart of the wizardry world so he knew everything.

"Are you nervous?" Draco asked.

"Is it obvious?" I questioned.

"Well yes it is." Draco stated which caused me to smile.

After that the doctor came back into the room with a worried look on her face. That is worrying.

"I've got some good news and bad news." The doctor stated.

"What's the good news?" I asked.

"You are fine. your heart beat is normal." The doctor replied.

"And the bad news?" Draco questioned.

"You are no longer pregnant." The doctor announced.

"What?" My face gains a distraught expression.

"I believe that when you were shot by the killing curse by the dark lord it killed your baby." The doctor stated with a sad look on his face.

"So the baby is dead." Draco asked in a sad tone.

"Yes unfortunately, I'm sorry for your loss." The doctor said.


That all doesn't matter now. I mean I was really sad at the time that I lost my child, but me an Draco have been busy, if you know what I mean. We have a girl and two boys. The two boys are twins and their names are Liam and Sev and they are 17 years old and the girl is called Lucia and she is 14 years old. I don't know why Draco wanted to name her after his father.

Some of the couples have changed as well. George and Blaise got together. I could always tell there was something going on with them. And India is married to Luna. After the battle the two of them really hit it off and a few years later they got married. Luna and India have a kid together, George donated some of his sperm so that they could have a baby. That was nice of him. So I kind of have a niece. Which is kind of cool.

Jade and Ted have gone searching the world for people who still support my father and they kill them. Jade has been killing them since the battle ended but Ted only started helping last year. To be honest Jade is turning out just like her mother, Bellatrix, I mean don't get me wrong I actually really liked Bellatrix, and Jade is just becoming more like her, but there is one difference. Jade isn't loyal to Lord Voldemort, Jade is loyal to me. She'd do anything for me. She sent me a letter a few days ago saying she was in Brazil and that she misses me and she also told me she was coming back in a few days so I can't wait to see her.

A while after we all finished Hogwarts Lucius tried to break me and Draco up. And Draco still visits him, I have no clue why. Narcissa on the other hand had been nothing but like a mother figure to me. She is the sweetest person in the world. I love her. She has helped me buildup the Malfoy Manor again to make it more friendly and lively and not all dark and gloomy.  Making it more family friendly. She has been a big help I don't know what I would do without her.

Anyway we have come far from when we left Hogwarts. Some of the memories we all have are good but some are bad. But that's my life. Crazy. Emotional. Fun. Interesting. And Epic. And I owe it all to my SECRETS.

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