Chapter Fourteen

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TW: Mentions of sexual violence and normal violence.

A/N: Don't forget to vote, please.

Hayley POV:

It is two weeks until Christmas break and I couldn't be dreading it more. I'm going to have to spend the whole Christmas break at the Malfoy house and I'm going to be spending Christmas with my worst enemy, Draco. During the months leading up to Christmas I've gotten close to Aidan. Well we were close but now we are closer. We've made out a few times but it's nothing serious. Anyway, Jade found out that she is having a baby boy in March. And the baby daddy is Blaise. Blaise doesn't know that the baby is his and Jade wants to keep it that way.

Me and India are making our way into the great hall for breakfast. Even though it's been four months since everyone found out I'm lord Voldemort's daughter I'm still getting dirty looks and I'm still receiving angry letters. I make my way over to the Slytherin table and when I get there Draco and his gang all had eyes on me.

"Have you all got a staring problem?" I snapped at them.

"Oooo Little Riddle isn't being so friendly." Goyle replied and they all laughed. They are all jerks.

I rolled my eyes and sat down beside Jade who was stuffing her face with food which made me laugh a little.

After breakfast I went back up to my room as it was a Saturday and I was free. On the hallways people were giving me dirty looks and whenever I walked past them I heard mumbles. It was really annoying.

I walked into my room and I seen
someone sitting on my bed with their shirt unbuttoned showing their abs. It was him. Draco Malfoy. He has some nerve coming into my room alone.

"What the hell are you doing here Malfoy?" I asked while walking over to my bed.

"I wanted to see you Riddle." He replied while getting up and standing in front of me but I rolled my eyes.

"And why's that?" I questioned while looking up at him.

"Because I know that you miss me." He said while flicking a bit of my hair out of my face.

"Really I do? So you just happen to know what I'm feeling?" I asked while walking away from him.

Draco pushed me onto my bed then got on top of me. He put his legs either side of my so I couldn't get out. He just stared into my eyes. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss this because I did miss it. I missed everything about this boy.

"In matter of fact I do know what you feeling because darling," he stated while wrapping his hand around my throat, "you crave me." Those three words were true. I do crave him but I'll never let him know that.

"That's where you are wrong Malfoy." I said while smiling at him.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes, I don't crave you, I crave Aidan." I responded and that made him release his grip on me and get off the bed.

"You are such a liar Riddle." He said while running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm not lying." I stated while getting off the bed but before I knew what was happening Draco pushed me to a wall and wrapped his hand around my neck again.

"If you you aren't lying, tell me to stop." He said as he kissed my lips.

I pulled away for a second. "Stop Malfoy!" He moved away from me.

"You really don't want me?" He asked while looking me up and down. Of course I want him but he betrayed me and has been a complete ass to me and I still haven't forgiven him. But I know I won't be mad at him forever but I just need time to forgive him.

"No I don't want you Malfoy." I lied.

"You filthy half-blood." He screamed whiled walking out of the room.

Like I said he's an ass.

Draco POV:

I have this anger inside me. I know she is lying and I know why. I hurt her. It's my fault. It hurts not being close to her, I know I hurt her but she also hurt me.

I was walking through the corridor leading from the Slytherin common room when I see him. I don't know what he is doing in this school but I might just have to kill him if he goes never my property again.

I walk up to him and stand in his way so he can't get past me. "What's up Malfoy?" Aidan asked.

"I don't like you." I stated while looking him up and down.

"Really? Ouch. I thought you loved me." He joked. He gets on my nerves.

"Just stop fucking Hayley." I demanded.

"I can't mate I'm sorry." I said I was wondering why until he said, "she's the one who fucks me. And may I add daily." That's it if had enough of him.

I punched him in the face and he stumbled back a bit, but then he pulled himself together and punched me back. How dare he touch me. We continued to punch each other and after a while we got our wands out.

"I've had enough of you." I said. "Avada Ked-"All of a sudden I get cut off by her voice. Her soothing voice.

"Stop, both of you." Hayley screamed while running to us. "What on earth are you two doing?"

"He was about to kill me!" Aidan stated.

"Malfoy is that true." She asked.

"N-No." I lied.

"You were about to use the killing curse on me." Aidan said. He really is annoying.

"Shut the fuck up Dolohov." I demanded while pointing my wand at him.

"Malfoy stop." She said but I didn't listen.

"You should count yourself lucky Dolohov, because if Hayley wasn't here I'd kill you." I stated while raising my eyebrows for a second.

She stood in front me and looked into my eyes then to my lips then back up to my eyes which caused a little smirk to come onto my face. "Draco stop."

She hasn't call me Draco in months, is she finally ready for me to fuck her again. Probably not but there is hope and I'm going to cling onto that hope because I really want to fuck her.

"Aidan let's go." She said while walking over to Aidan but still looking at me then Aidan quickly pulled her by the arm pulling me away.

I could see something in her eyes as she was getting pulled away. I have no idea what it was. It was almost like she was begging me to save her. Maybe she is scared of Aidan and is afraid of what will happen if she doesn't stay with him. I'm probably reading to much into it but I'm going to keep an eye out. Just in case.

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