Chapter Twenty

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A/N: Hey guys, I have no idea when the next chapter will be up but it definitely won't be up for a few days as I want to write a lot of chapters then post them one by one so I can stay on top of everything.

I do hope you are enjoying this story, please don't forget to vote and comment what you thought of it, please.

Hayley POV:

I am lying in bed beside Draco Malfoy and everything just seemed to stop. This feels right. The first thing that has felt right in months. I love him, but I don't know if he feels the same way as I do.

His eyes looked into mine. His grey orbs looking into my brown ones. It felt magical. When I was younger I used to not believe in magic but that was until I got my invitation to Hogwarts then that all changed. Thinking about that letter and the first time I stepped through the Hogwarts doors, I couldn't help but think of him and the first time we met.


I walked through the doors of Hogwarts along with the other first years. I met this girl, India, on the train and ever since I saw her I knew that we were going to be best friends. She was walking beside me while Professor McGonagall walked off somewhere leaving all the first years just standing out in the hallway. Everyone was huddled in a group. There was voices coming from people in the group.

"It's true then, what they were saying on the train." A voice said at the front of the group. Gladly I was standing near the boy he was talking to so I knew what was happening. "Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." Gasps came form all around. Was I the only one who didn't know who Harry Potter was?

The blonde boy looked at who I suspected was Harry Potter. "This is Crabbe and Goyle." He looked to the side of him where the two boys were standing. The boy then walks in front of where Harry Potter was standing. "And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

The ginger boy that was standing beside Harry snorted which cause Draco to look over at him. "Think my names do you? No need to ask for yours. Red hair and a hand me down robe. You must be a Weasley." The ginger boy looked down then Draco looked over to Harry. "You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others." Draco looks back over to the ginger. "You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sorts." He looks back to Harry. "I can help you there." Draco puts his hand out but Harry doesn't take it.

"I think I can tell the wrong sorts for myself thanks." Harry stated which caused Draco to look surprised.

Professor McGonagall comes up behind Draco. "We are ready for you." Everyone follows her into the Great Hall.

Draco and the other two boys he was with hanged back whispering to each other. "You didn't have to be so rude Draco." India shouted at him.

"He deserved it since he's a Weasley after all." Draco then looks over to me. "Who's that?"

"That's Hayley Johnson." India put her arm at me.

"Johnson? I've never heard the name." Draco raises an eyebrow.

"My parents are muggle." I look down and play with my fingers.

"Oh so you're a mud-blood?" Draco questioned.

"Draco, she was adopted so she could be a pure blood but her parents died, so just shut up." India went up to Draco and hit him across the face which caused me to laugh a little bit.


Thinking about our past made me realise that once I seen him I knew that we would have an exciting journey but I never expected that I would've slept with him lots of times.

My thoughts were interrupted by a maid knocking on the door. "Come in." I shouted.

"Miss Riddle you told me to tell you when I saw Mr Dolohov arriving back and I just saw their car coming into the grounds." The maid announced then bowed her head.

"Thank you Tabatha." I smiled at her then she smiled back then left the room. "You need to go."

"Why?" Draco questioned.

"Aidan will be here in a few minutes and I don't want him to kill you." I stated looking into his grey eyes.

"Fine I'll go." He rolled his eyes then got up and got changed then left. I decided to hop into the shower to clean the cum that was around my entrance.

When I got out of the shower, I walked into my room and there was Aidan Dolohov sitting on my bed staring and smiling at me. He got up and revealed a bag that he was hiding.

"What is it?" I asked in an excited tone.

"Open it when I leave." He announced then started walking out of the room. "Oh and be ready in an hour we are having dinner." He smiled then left the room.

As soon as he closed my door I ran over to the bag and opened it. It was a dress. I took it out of the bag. It was long, red and had a high neck. The type of dresses I wear. It was the perfect dress. But I couldn't help but wonder why he got me a perfect dress. I pushed that thought aside and started getting ready.

Aidan POV:

It was now Six O'Clock. The time for me and Hayley's dinner. I'm so excited for this. I put on a black tux with a white shirt. I grab the special thing that I need for tonight. I walked down the stairs as I had a few extra things to do. I walked to the kitchen and seen the chef making a roast chicken with mash potatoes, mushrooms, peas, Yorkshire puddings and gravy. That dinner was Hayley's favourite when we were kids.

"Make sure to include a bottle of Champagne with the dinner outside i'm planning something special." I stated then walked out of the kitchen and looked up the stairs and saw Hayley.

I can't help but think 'She looks so sexy in that dress'. While looking up at her I can't help but look at how the dress hugged all the right places. I couldn't help but bite my lip. She walked down the stairs and made her way to me.

"You look exquisite." I said and brought her hand up and kissed it.

"You don't look to bad yourself." I smiled. "So where are we going for our dinner."

"Oh we are going outside." I stated then grabbed her hand in line and started to walk out the back.

When we got out, there was candles all around. Some floating and some on the ground. A smile appears on her face.

"This is so romantic." She exclaimed.

"I'm glad you like it." We walk over to the table and I pull out a chair for her sit down and when she does I push it again. "We are having roast chicken with mash potatoes, mushrooms, peas, Yorkshire puddings and gravy." I walked round to my seat and sat down.

"That's my favourite." She smiled.

"I know that's why I told the chefs to make it." I grabbed the bottle of champagne and poured it into our glasses.

"Thank you Aidan." She said which caused me to smile.

While eating our dinner we just talked about the past and different other things. All that I was thinking about was the big surprise I have planned.

The servants came out with a plate. With three tiny covers on them.

"What's this?" Hayley asked.

"It's a surprise." I lifted the first cover. "This is for you some chocolate cake and vanilla ice-cream."

"My favourite desert." She stated.

I lifted the next cover. "This is mine, some éclaire balls."

"What's this one?" She pointed to the last cover.

"This one is for you." I lifted the last cover which revealed a ring.

I picked the ring up and went down on one knee. "Hayley Riddle, will you marry me?"

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