Chapter Twenty Four

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TW: Mentions of sexual scenes.

Hayley POV:

It's been five months since me and harry decided to join sides and not much has happened. Well the Golden Trio found most of the horcruxes, only three left to find. Jade had her baby. I wasn't there when the baby was born as I'm hiding from my father but she wrote me a letter to explain how her and the baby are doing. His name is Ted after her father, even though she hated him.

Me and Sam are training in the training room in the house my mother has lived in since I was born and she had to hide from my father as she was believed to be dead. I have spent a lot of time with my mother, but I still don't know if I can trust her.

Anyway back to me and Sam training. We are both wearing full face masks as, he said, 'I don't want you to mess up my pretty face.' He is so full of himself.

"Even though we will probably be fighting with our wands it is good that we are strong just incase we have to fight properly." Sam announced.

"I do know how to throw a punch, Sam, I'm not stupid." I stated while just standing there and not doing anything.

"That is where you are wrong Riddle." Sam ran over to me and was about to hit me but I get on the ground and dodge his hit.

"Nice try. But I'm smarter than you think." I replied while grabbing his hand and pulling him down and getting on top of him. "Who's the stupid one now?"

Before he answered me he grabbed my wrists and switched us around so now he was on top. "You are Riddle, so don't try that again."

"You know, maybe your the stupid one for thinking that I don't know who you are." I stated while raising an eyebrow underneath my full face mask.

"Really and who do you think I am?" He questioned.

"Why don't you remove your mask and then you'll find out." I suggested.

He pinned my wrists above my head. "Don't play with me Hayley, you know who I am."

"Take off your mask." I demanded while trying to move my wrists.

"Or what?" He shouted.

"Or you'll get punished!" I stated in a seductive tone.

"That's my line." He screamed while getting off me and removing his mask.

I smiled as I knew it was him. "Well hello Draco, long time no see." I then removed my mask.

"Oh shut up Hayley." Draco spat. "How did you know it was me?" He put out his hand to help me up and I took it.

"Sam never calls me Riddle, and you are the only one who does." I stated while hugging him.

"You haven't seen me in two months and all I get is a hug?" Draco questioned while raising an eyebrow.

"Prove to me you deserve more." I joked but I think he took it to heart.

"I don't have to prove anything, I can just take it." Draco crashed his lips onto mine. God, I missed him so damn much.

He pushes me against the wall and goes back to kissing my lips. Our tongues fought for dominance but I had to let his tongue control since if I didn't he would stop kissing me and I need to feel his lips on my body. I removed my top and then his lips crashed against my neck. I would be lying if I said I didn't let out a few moans.

"Jump!" Draco demanded and I did. I wrapped my legs around his waist and our lips met again and he carried me to my room.

He goes into my room and placed me down then goes to close his door and locks it. He came towards me, and pushed me on to the bed and got on top of me. Our lips combined with each other's again. There was so much love in the kiss. It felt amazing kissing him again. It's been two months and I needed him. His lips were cold but they felt nice against mine. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I didn't fight his tongue since I know what would happen if I didn't let Draco's tongue control. Not breaking our cold kiss, my hands traveled to the bottom of his top and I pulled it off him. Draco pulled away from our kiss and removed my leggings.

He placed cold kisses on my neck then to my shoulder, down to my chest to my breasts then
my stomach, and he lowered down to my waist. His cold kisses trailed down to my thighs, as a soft moan escaped from my mouth.

Draco was taking his time with me, which was driving me crazy since I craved him there. He kissed every inch of my body. He came back up to meet with my face. He stared into my eyes with love and lust.

He grabbed my underwear and started to take them off, I lifted my waist to make it easier for him to remove them. Draco pulled down his trousers and his boxers along with them. I tried not to look down, but I looked down anyway. Holy moly. It looks larger than before.

"Enjoying the view after so long." He joked as his eyes met with mine.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I mumbled.

He smirked at me then pushed it inside fast, as I let out a huge gasp. He quickly covered my mouth, stopping any noise that would soon come from my mouth. He grabbed his wand and put a silencing spell on the room then removed his hand. He entered it in then kept removing it so he didn't leave it in for long.

He then kept it in and went deeper. He thrusted slowly first, then sped up, then slowed back down. Then repeated the process. Our eyes met once more, as Draco took it out and very quickly put it back in. I threw my head back in pleasure. Holy moly. He feels good. 

It was still in me and I felt myself cuming. "I'm about to... cum." I stated.

"Don't cum until you are told. " Draco demanded but it was hard not to. He waited a few seconds. "Now!"

We released at the same time. He places his lips on mine then he placed his lips on my neck, leaving hickies. While he was leaving hickies I couldn't help but moan. I've seriously missed him these past couple months.

He took his dick out of me and plopped down beside me on the bed while breathing heavily. I turned my head to look at him while he was smirking. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer.

"I missed you." I said.

"I missed you too baby." Draco replied which caused me to smile.

"I need to know, how did you pull of being Sam for a while?" I question while resting my head on his chest.

"Well it's just that you are to stupid to realise." He joked.

"Hey!" I hit his chest.

"I'm just kidding baby I know you aren't stupid." He smiled at me.

"Hmmm." I rolled my eyes and as I did that I felt Draco's eyes on me. "I'm going to get a drink." I get up off the bed and put my clothes on really fast.

As I was walking out of the room, I felt a little light headed, but I didn't think anything of it. When I put my hand on the door handle, I felt myself collapse and faint.


A/N: Hey, the next chapter is going to be a bit long, as it's going to be the start of the war, so it mightn't be up for a while as I'm going to start working on it tomorrow but I'll try and be quick with it. Don't forget to vote and comment what you think.

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