Chapter Twenty Two

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TW: There will be mentions of sexual scenes, torture and blood in this chapter so if you are uncomfortable you can skip it.

A/N: Hey, I know I said I was going to post this yesterday but I didn't get writing much yesterday so I wasn't able to post it. Anyway I hope you enjoy. Don't forget to vote and tell me what you think.

Hayley POV

It's Christmas day and everyone's in their rooms getting dressed. I put on a white turtleneck and a purple pencil skirt. I walked out of my room and seen my brother walking towards me. He didn't say anything he just put his arm around me and pulled me in for a hug. How cute.

We got down stairs and walked into the living room and seen piles of presents for everyone in the manor today. I walked over to my pile and started opening them. Everyone has opened their presents but Draco still has one present left and it's the one from me. I watch his face while he opens it. He takes it out of the box and it's a ring, obviously, with a green heart with a snake around the heart. He looks up at me for a moment with a small smile on his face then looks back down. For that moment I get a warm feeling in my heart. He places the ring on his finger.

It's been a few hours since we all opened our presents and I'm making my way to Draco's room making sure I'm not being followed. I reach his door and I'm about to knock but I start having second thoughts. All of a sudden the door opens before I knock it. He is standing at the door.

"Hey, Hayley." He gulped.

"Hi, Draco." I replied nervously.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I um... came to tell you that... I got you the ring." I smiled as I look at his lips while biting the inside of my lip.

"Thanks."He smiles. "But that's not all you came here for, right?"

"Nope that's all I came here for, and if you don't like the ring you can bring it back." I stated.

"No I love the ring thank you Hayley." He replied with a smile on his face.

"Anyway. I'm going to go help your mother with the dinner." I stated as I start to walk off.

"Wait Hayley," Draco said with a hesitating tone. "I still love you so much, you are all I ever think about and when I see you with Dolohov all I want to do is kill him since he doesn't deserve you, you are too perfect for him." As soon as he finished I turn around and run to him and kiss him and it was the best feeling in the world.

I break from the kiss. "I love you too, Draco Lucius Malfoy." We kiss again but I break from it again. "Now I actually have to help your mother with dinner."

"Fine go but I'll be waiting for you tonight." He said with a wink.

"I can't tonight I'm doing a task for my father but I'll explain everything tomorrow I promise." I say as I get on my tip toes and kiss his cheek. Then I walk away and head down to the kitchen to help Narcissa with dinner.

Everyone in the manor has finished their dinner and off doing something else. Me and Aidan are in the living room drinking some whiskey.

"Would you like me to get you another glass?" I asked him as I got up with a disgusted feeling in my chest.

"Yes please, and how about after we go up to my room?" He answered then my eyes widen, that's the last place I'd liked to be.

"Sure I'd love to." I said as I slip the sleeping powder into his drink and hand it to him. He drinks it all in one go, gets up, walks over to me, grabs my hand and rushes me upstairs to his room.

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