Chapter Twelve

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Hayley POV:

It's a new year at Hogwarts, my last year how exciting. A lot happened over the summer. I've had a few secret meetings with my father. Me India and Jade rented a beach house in Spain to have a little fun and let me tell you we had a lot of fun. Also I have been building an army that is completely loyal to me since I might need it in the future.

We are on the train going back to Hogwarts for our last year and I'm a bit nervous since everyone will be talking about Dumbledores death and I don't think I'm ready to hear about it. Also his murderer is now the head master, the one and only Severus Snape.

I'm sitting with India, her parents got a divorce over the summer and she decided to take her mothers name since her parents decided to go with her fathers last name, when they got married, so they wouldn't be tied to the Malfoy name as well known death eaters. We are talking about boys. And by boys I am talking about a certain boy.

"So H, do you think Draco will be back this year?" India asked while taking a bite out of a jelly.

"I honestly don't know. I mean most people know that he was there when Dumbledore was killed, so he probably won't." I replied with a sad tone of voice. Most people know that Draco was there when Dumbledore was knocked of the astronomy tower is because Harry Potter told them. I have grown to dislike Harry over the Summer and I don't really know why.

"Maybe he is planning some big surprise for you and doesn't want you to know he is coming back." She commented while drinking some water from her bottle.

That gets my hopes up, even though I know deep down in my heart he isn't coming back. "You really think so?" I questioned.

"I don't know he is a mystery even I have to admit that." She announced

"Yeah he probably won't be back anyway" I reply. The rest of the ride to Hogwarts was quiet. We just played a game of chess. I was thinking about Draco most of the ride. And also that Jade isn't here so I was also wondering where she was.

When the train stopped everyone got off, but as I look around to see if I can find Draco, I can't seem to find him. As i'm walking down the stairs to get off the train, some ignorant ass bumps into me and I fall down onto my knees.

"Do you mind? I was trying to walk." I said as I see a hand come down in front of me and I look up to see this boy reaching down to help me up. I realised that it was Aidan. I hadn't seen him since June and I wanted to ask how he was but I didn't know how to since he made me nervous.

"I am so sorry." He replied.

I take his hand, I step up and I pat down my skirt. "It's ok I over reacted" I stated with a smile.

"How are you Hayley?" He questioned.

"I'm pretty good a guess. What about you?" I fixed my cloak.

"Same, I was actually pretty busy over the Summer." He stated.

"Really? Um... Ah... What were you doing?" I asked trying to not sound nervous but I know that I sounded completely nervous.

"I'd rather not talk about it. Anyway I should go. We'll talk later." He blurted as he walked away before I got the chance to say anything back.

I was about to walk up to the castle but I realised I forgot one of my bags so I stepped back on the train and went to the booth I was sitting in, to get it. As I was leaving I ran into the group of three that solves everything in Hogwarts. I was friends with them in first year but then we fell out but I don't really know why. They just stood there blocking my way. What on earth do they want?

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked in a nervous tone.

"You were there that night right?" Harry asked without saying hi back. How rude?

"What night?" I questioned knowing exactly what night he is talking about.

"That night that Dumbledore died." Ron stated while eating a chocolate frog. I used to love it when he gave me chocolate frogs in first year, and I didn't even have to ask for one.

"Yes I was." I replied. "Why do you care?"

"Why didn't you say anything?" Harry asked while dodging my questions.

"I don't have to explain myself to you." I spat while trying to get past them.

"I asked you a question." Harry stated as he got his wand out and pointed it at me.

"Well I asked you one first!" I announced then I got my wand out and pointed it back to him.

"Answer my question!" Harry shouted while pointing his wand directly at me.

"NO!" I screamed.

"Fine. Cruc-" Harry was then cut off by him.

"Finish that spell Potter. I dare you." Draco said but Harry didn't do anything. "I said do it!"

"No. I'm sorry Hayley I don't know what came over me. Come on guys." Harry stated as he smile at me then walked away with Hermione and Ron which left me alone with Draco Malfoy.

Alone with Draco, for the first time since last December. I honestly don't know how to act around him. I mean I want to kiss him but I don't know if he wants to kiss me or not. He is just standing there not saying anything. Is he ok? Should I say something? I'm going to go for it.

"Umm... How was your Summer?" I asked while fiddling with my fingers.

"It was okay." He blurted. He is the most driest person ever. "Actually it was so bad not having you there." Scrap that he is the sweetest.

"Really? I mean what would I have done?" I asked then I got shoved to the wall rather quickly and I looked him in the eyes as he looked in mine.

"You would of fulfilled my cravings." He stated while gently dragging his fingers along my neck while shivers run up and down my spine.

"How would I have done that?" I gulped as he wrapped his hand around my neck.

He goes to my ear and whispered. "By being the slut you are." I gulped again. I missed him calling me that. You know what screw it. I crash my lips against his then he pulls away before he can stick his tongue in my mouth. "You know what? You just don't do it for me anymore." He walks off of the train leaving me in shock.

What the hell Draco? I mean he says he craved me but now I 'don't do it' for him anymore. He is such an ass. I get off the train and make my way to the carriages to go back to Hogwarts.

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